Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Fourteen year old Justin had led the life of a top pupil, always working hard to stay at the top of his class until the age of eleven when he was initiated into a secret cult in his school. He hungered for more evil powers which led him to many witch doctors who made several charms for him.
They also made incisions in his body where some of the diabolic powers were implanted. Justin Pius explained some of the charms inserted into him would allow him to slap a person and the person would not be able to get up, cause people to start eating grass until he used the charm in his foot to release them, allow him to hit someone and cause that area of their body to be torn open and become an open sore like cancer, to make demands for money or any other thing that would be granted and to be protected from bullets and blades. If he wore an occult ring, drew a gun on the floor and hit the drawing, a gun would physically appear and he would use it with his gang. He began robbing fellow students of their phones and valuables and then sold them in order to be able to buy cigarettes and alcohol. He was also fighting with his teachers and had begun to prepare charms for his fellow classmates and was looking forward to becoming a witch doctor.
When he came with his family to The SCOAN, Wise Man Harry was used by God to arrest and deliver the evil spirit out of the young man’s life in the name of Jesus Christ. The evil spirit confessed all its evil deeds and plans in Justin’s life and was then cast out in the name of Jesus Christ. Justin came out to testify with his family that the evil thoughts had left him since the deliverance and his desire now was not for charms or evil power but for a relationship with Jesus and a new pursuit of his educational career. Truly, Jesus Christ receives repentant souls. The worst of sins can be forgiven!

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