Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Prophet T.B. Joshua enlightened the congregation and viewers on how they could ‘bring Jesus onto the scene’ in his message titled, ‘Faith Comes Through The Word’. Mark 16:17, “In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues.” This Scripture is useless, baseless, until we act on it. Acting on the Word, brings Jesus on the scene. If you do not act on the Word, God is impotent in you. It is acting on the Word that builds faith in the believer. Jesus Christ preached the Word, healed the sick and broke the power of demons over men. Apostles preached the Word, the sick were healed and multitudes were recreated. To preach the Word means to preach Christ because Christ is the Word. John 15:16 “Whatever you ask the father in my name, I will do.” It’s not every time we say, in the name of Jesus we bring Jesus on the scene. Only faith pleases Jesus. Only faith brings Jesus on the scene. On the scene, means here, now. In our gathering here, if Jesus is involved, healing, deliverance takes place. By looking into the Word and acting on it, we bring Jesus on the scene.

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