Thursday, March 28, 2013


 Mary Nanyangwe had been involved in an accident on her way from her home in Zambia to  Botswana and had experienced a terrible spinal cord injury and fracture in her knee. The doctors in Botswana gave her a large waist corset and a walker to protect her spinal cord. She was bedridden and could not turn her back or neck.  The doctors booked her for an operation, telling her that the operation may leave her paralysed for life. If not, she would spend 2 years in the hospital before she would be able to walk. A nurse found her crying one day and connected Emmanuel TV in the hospital room for her to watch. She began watching and saw the Anointing Water. The nurse then brought her the Anointing Water and she ministered it the day before she was to go for the operation. In the morning, the doctor called and told her that the operation had been rescheduled. She rejoiced and continued to minister the Anointing Water. Before the operation, they redid her x-rays. The doctors had wanted to take T11 bone and put in a plate. The result of the x-ray showed that the bone of T11 started coming out all by itself. They were amazed and cancelled the operation!
That night, she dreamt that Prophet T.B. Joshua, standing on the altar, was holding three plates. He showed her the one the doctors wanted to fix and said, “This is what the doctors want to operate on but God said I should do the operation myself”.  When she woke up, she was immediately able to stand up, bend and walk! Not only was her spinal cord healed but her knee was also restored! Everything that had been damaged was restored, in Jesus’ name through the medium of the Anointing Water and a woman, once paralysed on a hospital bed, walked and moved freely in front of the congregation, encouraging all in their faith for a miracle!

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