Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Mr Harrison Ugboh
He and his wife were separated. He got a call from his mother that his wife was in The SCOAN. He laughed over it because he did not believe in The SCOAN. His wife called later saying she wanted to see him at the church. So he came. Wise Man Daniel touched him during the service and that was all he could remember of his deliverance. He used to go to a river to fetch water as a child. He went, caught a fish and went to eat it. That was the River Ethiope. He noticed a fair lady sitting at the riverbank that day. He noticed cowries on the riverbed where she was, bent and picked them up. A similar fair lady came in his dreams and demanded for her cowries back.MR. HARRISON UGBOH {DELIVERANCE TESTIMONY--SPIRITUAL WIFE} He was a teenager then and in fear, he awoke, ran out of the house and threw them away. The spirit of the River Ethiope appeared to him the next day in a dream and said that she owned him. Since then, she came in his dreams and he started having serious wet dreams. He would see her physically and if she wanted to come, she came with a cold presence and no matter what he was doing, he would have to look up and they would make love. His parents started suspecting him of being possessed and once found him on the floor crying and shouting where nobody else was.
This spiritual wife affected his life by addicting him to chatting with girls on the internet and giving him the spirit of lust to womanize. His career and business were also destroyed by the malicious spirit. One such instance occurred when a lady came to his travelling business and paid 300,000 towards travelling to the United Kingdom. As the money entered his account, his business folded up over the following weeks. Each time he was about to get somewhere in a business, the spiritual wife would come into his dreams and tell him that that business was dead. Every time the spiritual wife killed a business, she would give another idea for businesses which would immediately catch on until the evil spirit again would crush the business.
The spiritual wife was extremely jealous of him and any woman who came near to him, would face immediately attacks. There was a terrible case where a girl who stayed with him during his school times, started bleeding in her brain which stopped immediately she moved out from the same house as him. The spiritual wife then led to separation from his wife.
So, when he came to The SCOAN and was delivered through Wise Man Daniel, life changed entirely. The affection for his wife was fully restored and he had peace as the spiritual wife and wet dreams then became a thing of the past. While he was still at The SCOAN for a week, he got a call that he should come back to his state for an urgent parcel. The man of God said he should attend to it and when he did, he found that it was a document which he had not applied for but offering him a contract with AGIP oil company to the tune of $200,000 which was an equivalent of 38,000,000 naira. That was not the only breakthrough he received. He was also able to join partners to his company who landed a massive project for the three of them to supply over 100 million units of their oil product of which the proceeds would be shared between the three of them at the rate of 1 naira per unit! His advice was to encourage parents to be conscious of their little children and not to allow them to pick things up off the floor and that people should not wait for their case to get as bad as his, come to a living Church where the Holy Ghost was in control, Jesus Christ is waiting to receive them.

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