Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Twenty one year old Mary-Jean Nleya from Botswana came to share her testimony with God’s people. She said that when she came to The SCOAN, she explained to the man of God that she did not have a father who could finance her education. Prophet T.B. Joshua told her that her father was Jesus Christ and that He would provide for her. She became a beneficiary of The SCOAN scholarship scheme sponsored by Prophet T.B. Joshua and the Emmanuel TV Partner.MARY-JEAN--A FIRST CLASS LAW DEGREE FROM SOUTH AFRICA Prophet T.B. Joshua counseled her to pray as if everything depends on God and work as if everything depends on her. She studied diligently and the messages of Prophet T.B. Joshua on Emmanuel TV inspired her to remain focused amidst distractions from the world. To the glory of God, she obtained a distinction in law, equal to a first class result, and was picked from millions of students worldwide to undertake an internship at the world-renowned International Criminal Court at The Hague, Netherlands. She has also applied for a master’s degree at the Oxford and Cambridge Universities and The London School of Economics.

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