Friday, January 23, 2015

Life in the Spirit by Smith Wigglesworth

Bible Reading, 2 Corinthians 3
We are told that we are to leave the first principles of the doctrine of Christ and go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and the doctrine of baptisms and other first principles (Hebrews 6). What would you think of a builder who was everlastingly pulling down his house and putting in fresh foundations? Never look back if you want the power o f God in your life. You will find out that in the measure you have allowed yourself to look back you have missed that which God has for you.
The Holy Ghost shows us that we must never look back to the law of sin and death from which we have been delivered. God has brought us into a new order of things, a life of love and liberty in Christ Jesus that is beyond all human comprehension. Many are brought into this new life through the power of the Spirit of God, and then, like the Galatians, who ran well at the beginning, they try to perfect themselves on the lines of legalism. They go back from the life in the Spirit to a life on natural lines. God is not pleased with this, for He has no place for the man who has lost the vision. The only thing to do is to repent. Don’t try to cover up anything. If you have been tripped tip on any line, confess it out, and then look to God to bring you to a place of stability of faith where your whole walk will be in the Spirit.
We all ought to have a clear conviction that salvation is of the Lord. It is more than a human order of things. If the enemy can move you from a place of faith, he can get you outside the plan of God. The moment a man falls into sin, divine life ceases to flow, and his life becomes one of helplessness. But this is not God’s thought for any of His children. Read the third chapter of John’s first epistle and take your place as a son of God. Take the place of knowing that you are a son of God, and remember that, as your hope is set in Christ, it should have a purifying effect on your life. The Holy Spirit says, “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for His seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.” There is life and power in the seed of the Word that is implanted within. God is in that “cannot,” and there is more power in that word of His than in any human objections. God’s thought for everyone of us is that we shall reign in life by Jesus Christ. You must come to see how wonderful you are in God and how helpless you are in yourself.
God declared Himself more mighty than every opposing power when He cast out the powers of darkness from heaven. I want you to know that the same power that cast Satan out of heaven dwells in every man that is born of God. If you would but realize this, you would reign in life. When you see people laid out under an evil power, when you see the powers of evil manifesting themselves, always put the question, “Did Jesus come in the flesh?” I have never seen an evil power answer in the affirmative. When you know you have an evil spirit to deal with you have power to cast it out. Believe it and act on it, for greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4). God means you to be in a place of overcoming, and has put a force within you whereby you may defeat the devil.
Temptations will come to all. If you are not worth tempting you are not worth powder and shot. Job said: “When He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” In every temptation that comes, the Lord lets you be tempted up to the very hilt, but will never allow you to be defeated if you walk in obedience; for right in the midst of the temptation He will always “make a way of escape.”
Tongues and Interpretation: “God comes forth and with His power sweeps away the refuge of lies and all the powers of darkness, and causes you always to triumph in Christ Jesus. The Lord loveth His saints and covereth them with His almighty wings.”
May God help us to see it. We cannot be to the praise of His glory until we are ready for trials, and are able to triumph in them. We cannot get away from the fact that sin came in by nature, but God comes into our nature and puts it into the place of death, that the Spirit of God may come into the temple in all His power and liberty, that right here in this present evil world Satan may be dethroned by the believer.
Satan is always endeavoring to bring the saints of God into disrepute, bringing against them railing accusations, but the Holy Ghost never comes with condemnation. He always reveals the blood of Christ. He always brings us help. The Lord Jesus referred to Him as the Comforter who would come. He is always on hand to help in the seasons of trial and test. The Holy Ghost is the lifting power of the church of Christ. And Paul tells us that we “are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ, . . . written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart.” The Holy Ghost begins in the heart, right in the depths of human affections. He brings into the heart the riches of the revelation of Christ, implanting purity and holiness there, so that, out of its depths, praises may well up continually.
The Holy Ghost will make us epistles of Christ, ever telling out that Jesus our Lord is our Redeemer and God has never put away that revelation. And because of the perfect atonement of that slain Lamb, there is salvation, healing and deliverance for all. Some people think that they have only to be cleansed once, but as we walk in the light the blood of Jesus Christ is ever cleansing.
The very life of Christ has been put within us, and is moving within us-a perfect life. May the Lord help us to see the power of this life. The years of a man’s life are threescore and ten, and so in the natural order of things, my life will be finished in seven years, but I have begun a new life that will never end. “From everlasting to everlasting Thou art God.” This is the life I have come into, and there is no end to this life. In me is working a power stronger than every other power; Christ, the power of God, formed within me. I can see why we need to be clothed upon from above, for the life that is in me is a thousand times bigger than I am outside. There must be a tremendous expansion. I see, and cannot help seeing, that this thing cannot be understood on natural lines; no natural reason can comprehend the divine plan.
“We are not sufficient to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God.” If you go back, you miss the plan. We leave the old order of things. We can never have confidence in the flesh; we cannot touch that. We are in a new order, a spiritual order. It is a new life of absolute faith in the sufficiency of our God in everything that pertains to life and godliness.
You could never come into this place and be a Seventh-day Adventist. The law has no place in you. You are set free from everything. At the same time, like Paul, you are “bound in the Spirit” so that you would not do anything to grieve the Lord.
Paul further tells us that He has made us “able ministers of the New Testament, not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” It is one thing to read this, and another to have the revelation of it and to see the spiritual force of it. Any man can live in the letter and become dry and wordy, limited in knowledge of spiritual verities, and spend his time everlastingly in splitting hairs; but as soon as he touches the realm of the Spirit, all the dryness goes, all the spirit of criticism leaves. There can be no divisions in a life in the Spirit. The Spirit of God brings such pliability and such love! There is no love like the love in the Spirit. It is a pure, a holy, a divine love that is shed in our hearts by the Spirit. It loves to serve and to honor the Lord.
I can never estimate what the Baptism of the Holy Ghost has been to me these past fifteen years. It seems that every year has had three years packed into it, so that I have had forty-five years of happy service since 1907. And it is getting better all the time. It is a luxury to be filled with the Spirit, and at the same time it is a divine command for us, not to be filled with wine wherein is excess, but to be filled with the Spirit. No Pentecostal person ought to get out of bed without being lost in the Spirit and speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. No one should come into the door of an assembly without speaking in tongues or having a psalm, or a note of praise. We emphasize that at the incoming of the Spirit He should so fill us that the last member in the body is yielded to Him, and that no one is baptized in the Spirit without speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance; and I maintain that, with a constant filling, you will speak in tongues morning, noon and night. As you live in the Spirit, when you walk down the steps of the house where you live, the devil will have to go before you. You will be more than a conqueror over the devil.
I see everything a failure except that which is done in the Spirit. But as you live in the Spirit, you move, act, eat, drink, and do everything to the glory of God. Our message is always this, “Be filled with the Spirit. This is God’s place for you, and it is as far above the natural life as the heavens are above the earth. Yield yourselves for God to fill.
Moses had a tremendous trial with the people. They were always in trouble. But as he went up into the mount, and God unfolded to him the ten commandments, the glory fell. He rejoiced to bring those two tables of stone down from the mount, and his very countenance shone with the glory. He was bringing to Israel that which, if obeyed, would bring life.
I think of my Lord coming from heaven. I think all heaven was moved by the sight. The law of the letter was brought by Moses and it was made glorious, but all its glory was dimmed before the excelling glory which Jesus brought to us in the Spirit of life. The glory of Sinai paled before the glory of Pentecost. Those tables of stone with their “Thou shalt not, thou shalt not,” are done away; for they never brought life to anyone, and the Lord has brought in a new covenant, putting His law in our minds and writing it in our hearts, this new law of the Spirit of life. As the Holy Ghost comes in, He fills us with such love and liberty that we shout for joy these words of this 11th verse, “Done away! Done away!” Henceforth there is a new cry in our hearts, “I delight to do Thy will, O God.” He taketh away the first, the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, that He might establish the second, this ministration of righteousness, this life in the Spirit.
You ask, “Does a man who is filled with the Spirit cease to keep the commandments?” I simply repeat what the Spirit of God has told us here, that this ministration of death, written and engraven in stones (and you know that the ten commandments were written on stones) is “DONE AWAY.” The man who becomes a living epistle of Christ, written with the Spirit of the living God, has ceased to be an adulterer, or a murderer or a covetous man; the will of God is his delight. I love to do the will of God; there is no irksomeness to it; it is no trial to pray; no trouble to read the Word of God; it is not a hard thing to go to the place of worship. With the psalmist you say, “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.”
How does this new life work out? The thing works out because God works in you to will and to do of His own good pleasure (Phil. 2:13). There is a great difference between a pump and a spring. The law is a pump, the Baptism is a spring. The old pump gets out of order, the parts perish, and the well runs dry. The letter killeth. But the spring is ever bubbling up and there is a ceaseless flow direct from the throne of God. There is life.
It is written of Christ, “Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness.” And in this new life in the Spirit, in this new covenant life, you love the things that are right and pure and holy, and shudder at all things that are wrong. Jesus was able to say, “The prince of this world cometh, and bath nothing in Me,” and the moment we are filled with the Spirit of God we are brought into like wonderful condition, and, as we continue to be filled with the Spirit, the enemy cannot have an inch of territory in us.
Do you not believe that you can be so filled with the Spirit that a man who is not living right can be judged and convicted by your presence? As we go on in the life of the Spirit, it will be said of us, “in whose eyes a vile person is contemned” (Psalm 15:4). Jesus lived there and moved in this realm, and His life was a constant reproof to the wickedness around. But He was the Son of God, you say. God, through Him has brought us into the place of sonship, and I believe that if He has a chance with the material, the Holy Ghost can make something of us, and bring us to the same place.
I don’t want to boast. If I glory in anything, it is only in the Lord who has been so gracious to me. But I remember one time stepping out of a railroad carriage to wash my hands. I had a season of prayer, and the Lord just filled me to overflowing with His love. I was going to a convention in Ireland, and I could not get there fast enough. As I returned, I believe that the Spirit of the Lord was so heavily upon me that my face must have shone. (No man can tell himself when the Spirit transforms his very countenance.) There were two clerical mere sitting together, and as I got into the carriage again, one of them cried out, “You convince me of sin.” Within three minutes every one in the carriage was crying to God for salvation. This thing has happened many times in my life. It is this ministration of the Spirit that Paul speaks of, this filling of the Spirit, that will make your life effective, so that even the people in the stores where you trade will want to leave your presence because they are brought under conviction.
We must move from everything of the letter. All that we do must be done under the anointing of the Spirit. The trouble has been that we as Pentecostal people have been living in the letter. Believe what the Holy Spirit says through Paul-that all this ministration of condemnation that has hindered your liberty in Christ is done away. The law is DONE AWAY! As far as you are concerned, all that old order of things is forever done away, and the Spirit of God has brought in a new life of purity and love. The Holy Ghost takes it for granted that you are finished with all the things of the old life when you become a new creation in Christ. In the life in the Spirit, the old allurements have lost their power. The devil will meet you at every turn, but the Spirit of God will always lift up a standard against him.
O, if God had His way, we should be like torches, purifying the very atmosphere wherever we go, moving back the forces of wickedness.
Tongues and Interpretation: “The Lord is that Spirit. He moves in your heart. He shows you that the power within you is mightier than all the powers of darkness.”
Done away! What do I mean? Will you be disloyal? You will be more than loyal. Will you grumble when you are treated badly? No, you will turn the other cheek. This is what you will always do when God lives in you. Leave yourselves in God’s hands. Enter into rest. “He that is entered into His rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His” (Hebrews 4). O this is a lovely rest! The whole life is a Sabbath. This is the only life that can glorify God. It is a life of joy, and every day is a day of heaven on earth.
There is a continued transformation in this life. Beholding the Lord and His glory we are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even by the Spirit of the Lord. There is a continued unveiling, a constant revelation, a repeated clothing upon from above. I want you to promise God never to look back, never to go back to that which the Spirit has said is “done away.” I made this promise to the Lord that I would never allow myself to doubt His Word.
There is one thing about a baby, it takes all that comes to it. A prudent man lets his reason cheat him out of God’s best. But a baby takes all that its mother brings, and tries to swallow the bottle and all. The baby can’t walk, but the mother carries it; the baby cannot dress itself, but the mother dresses it. The baby can’t even talk. So in the life of the Spirit, God undertakes to do what we cannot do. We are carried along by Him, He clothes us, and HC gives us utterance. Would that we all had the simplicity of the babes.


Source by thetbjoshuafanclub
The Sunday Service of January 18, 2015 at The SCOAN was remarkable in many ways. The atmosphere was divinely electric and as usual the congregation was lively and animated by the pervading expectation of receiving something from Heaven. The uplifting renditions of the choir prepared the minds of worshippers for the deep exhortation that was to follow.
DADDYThe man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, delivered a double-pronged encouragement. One had material but very significant undertones while the other was a scriptural injunction that will always benefit those who walk in the ways of God. Advising people about WATER THERAPY, the man of God highlighted the quintessential nature of water to the life of man. According to the man of God, water is the only drink that has no disadvantages. “There is nothing you drink apart from water that does not have disadvantages. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. There is no man’s natural gift – there is none that does not have disadvantage. It is only God that gives without disadvantage”. This noble quality of water emanated from its therapeutic nature and capacity to act as a cleanser. Water helps flush the system of unwanted waste and equally helps in the regulation of body temperature. Water plays many vital roles in safeguarding the human health and therefore becomes one of the most infallible gifts from God to mankind.
Speaking about GIVING, the man of God delved into the indestructible spiritual essence of giving. However, the man of God explained that in giving, the giver must do so with a pure heart. He/she must give from the heart. It is only on that basis that what is being given becomes useful and capable of attracting blessings from God: “If you give something from your heart, it will bless you that gave it and it will also bless the person you are giving to. If you give something that is not from your heart, you that gave it have nothing to gain and the person you gave it to will receive a curse. If you give something from your heart, you will receive a double portion of what you give. If you give your own time, strength from your heart, double portion of it you will receive. When you get back home and there are possessions that you are not using, sell those things and share them to the poor, see how the Lord will bless you. Sell those possessions and set up a charity and the finger of God will begin to fight for you”.
Concluding, the man of God frowned against money-mongering in its totality, stating that anyone who is looking for money should seek direction from God: “When you are looking for money, you should also look for direction, what sort of money am I looking for?”
On her own part, Evangelist Kemi, whose message preceded that of the man of God, EVANGELIST KEMIspoke on the topic BE A PROBLEM SOLVER. According to her, bearing in mind our roles as witnesses to the world, all Christians should make it a top priority to affect lives positively, especially now that we live in a troubled world where the magnitude of problems has since attained alarming ramifications: “Be a problem solver. We are witnessing to a troubled world. Life is full of challenges. Life is a struggle. Our Lord Jesus Christ wants us to be compassionate; I mean problem solvers. In the world that cares less, we should care more”.
Speaking on the essential nature of Christian life, Evangelist Kemi posited that love is the hallmark of our relationship with others, hence, the Christian must extend love to others just as God gave His only begotten Son to us for the redemption of our sins: “Our position in Christ Jesus is enhanced each time we help someone in trouble. We are called to build our lives around our contribution to one another, ultimately, we are called to respond to all human needs, for that is what love entails. How many lives have you improved? There is no love that does not express itself by giving”.
Echoing the lyrical undertones of the popular Emmanuel TV song YOU ARE A SOLUTION written by Prophet T.B. Joshua and performed by Emmanuel Singers, Evangelist Kemi admonished Christians to remain united in love and realise that we live our lives for one another, carrying one another’s burdens: “I am a solution to your problem, just as you are to mine, in other words, I am because you are and you are because I am. There are many people on the sickbed in the hospitals around you, go there, visit them and show them your love and compassion. Who knows – that may be that is all needed for their recovery. Pray with them and pray for them, by doing this, you are not only helping to solve someone else’s problem, you may discover who you are thereby.”
In a final coda, Evangelist Kemi made a clarion call on Christians to remain focused in the bid to make positive impact on the world around them: “Adopting a lifestyle that is on purpose provides an opportunity to enrich others by leaving your imprint in a positive way”.
During Mass Prayer, the man of God prayed along with the congregation as he led them to command the light of God into their lives. He commanded all immoral spirits out in Jesus’ name. He also enjoined viewers all over the world to act in faith by praying along with him for their salvation through Christ Jesus: “Let there be light in my health, eyes, ears, throat, tongue, nose, mouth, in Jesus’ name! Every spirit of addiction, immorality, fornication, lust, begin to command them out, in the name of Jesus Christ! Every spirit from your past that is hindering your present and your future, command them out, in Jesus Christ’s name! Viewers, whatever medium you are using to view us, right now, be connected in the name of Jesus.”


MRS ABELA BARONGA KAMARA [SICKLE CELL ANAEMIAMrs. Abela Baronga Kamara from Tanzania was diagnosed with sickle cell anaemia at 20 years of age. She had four children and all of them had the problem of sickle cell anaemia. Due to this problem, she spent all of her time in the hospital because it was either she fell sick or one of her children would fell sick.
Her son, Ericson was constantly visiting hospitals instead of attending school and as a result, he was coming last in his class. After ministering the Anointing Water in Jesus’ name, he was healed of sickle cell anaemia and went from last place to first in his class. They went to the hospital and conducted a test and to their surprise he was negative to sickle cell anaemia. Equally Mrs. Abela also had a test done after ministering the Anointing Water and she was declared free of sickle cell anaemia. They had used a lot of injections and medications every day and spent a lot of money but all that is now a thing of the past. Medical reports were shown as evidence of their healing. Ericson and his mother are now happy that they are healed and gave thanks to Jesus Christ with a song during The SCOAN live Sunday service.
They advised Christians to be problem solvers. “The more you share, the more God will bless you”.


Mr. Christopher Oliha, a Nigerian living in Belgium is a politician in Belgium. He MR CHRISTOPHER OLIHA DELIEVERD FROM SMOKING MARIJUANAwas elected in 2006 as a Councillor. He has contested for Senate and Parliament and other public offices in Belgium. He is well known in Belgian politics. Suddenly, everything started collapsing. He lost his job as a Councillor; his mum died and he suffered an addiction of smoking marijuana for 36 years. He thought he needed to smoke it to speak in public and give lectures. In addition to this, the addiction to smoking marijuana made him very aggressive and affected his relationship with people. He would drive long hours travelling to neighbouring countries just to get marijuana to smoke. His friends nicknamed him ‘marijuana’. He would buy it in cartons and store them in his house.
He came to The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water and ministered it on himself in Jesus’ name and received his deliverance. When he went to his country, his friend who was also addicted visited him and asked if he could bring some marijuana for him and to his surprise, he realized that he had not smoked it for many weeks and there was no craving for it. After the Anointing Water delivered him from the addiction to smoking marijuana, things began to go well in his life. 25 years ago, he had tried to stop, but he fell ill for 2 weeks and went back to the addiction and it became worse. A few weeks later, the chairman of his party called and said the person in the position of Councillor had resigned and the other two candidates who were supposed to fill the post declined and he was automatically re-elected as a Councillor. He advised Christians to seek God’s help because He is reachable anywhere, adding that, “God that did it for me will do it in your lives in Jesus’ name.”


Setback and hardship were the order of the day for Mr. Richard Robert from Tanzania. He had a sad story to tell anytime people asked him of his wellbeing. Firstly, his chemical business was almost on the rocks with no profit in sight. And as if that was not enough, he became afflicted with a debilitating sickness – lumbar spondylosis. Excruciating pain limited him to his bed for two years. He could not even stand up, let alone carry out his business activities efficiently. His two children were crying every day for their father. It was not only seeing him in pain that made them cry; their academic prospects also looked bleak as he was not in a position to provide for them. They wanted to go to university and pursue their education overseas. All this became a distant dream and faint hope. MR RICHARD ROBERT [A
When the road became roughest and he had almost run out of rope, he grabbed onto faith and made a trip to The SCOAN. Privileged to receive the Anointing Water and Sticker, he claimed by faith that he would be healed and be able to get two cars! On getting back to Tanzania, it was as if he was a different person living a different life entirely. His business began to boom and within a short period, he was not only able to purchase two cars but four! The pain in his back vanished and he was able to do everything with strength and vigour. Now, he has purchased three plots of land and is building a family house. His son is studying Petroleum Engineering in Canada and his daughter is doing a degree in World Trade in China. The victory in Christ Jesus he has received is victory indeed. The rest is history!


PRINCE AYODELE OJO DELIEVERED FROM EVIL ATTACKSPrince Ayodele Ojo Arimoro suffered from serious evil attacks for two years in which he would eat continuously in his dreams. It got to the extent that if he tried to resist, it was as if someone would force the food into his mouth. The problem worsened as time went on. During the day, he would doze off in his office and be fed in his dreams. Physically, the problem affected his health. He began experiencing severe pain in his body and his system systematically broke down. When he went to the toilet, he would defecate pure blood and even the doctors were worried because his blood count was reducing. Overwhelmed with pain and agony, he complained to people around him and was advised to visit native doctors and herbal homes.
He started moving from one herbalist to another and in no time, he had sampled almost all the herbalists in the country but his problem persisted; none could provide a solution to his problem. A ‘Good Samaritan’ then told him about Prophet T.B. Joshua and Emmanuel TV. He decided to give it a try and installed Emmanuel TV. He began watching Emmanuel TV and one day, he had a dream where Prophet T.B. Joshua came to him and laid hands on his head and he vomited three fresh leaves. Prophet T.B. Joshua then said, “It is over”. When he woke up from the dream, he was convinced that his healing laid in Jesus Christ, so he came to The SCOAN.
He came to The SCOAN with the problem of severe liver and kidney damage. When Prophet T.B. Joshua laid hands on him, he lost consciousness for a moment. The next second, he realized that his body felt lighter and he immediately went to the toilet. He passed out faeces with clots of blood and he knew within him that the sickness was over. Before the prayer, he could not stand or walk by himself because he was so PRINCE AYODELE OJO DELIEVERED FROM EVIL ATTACKS1.JPGweak. People had to assist him with everything, even with going to the toilet and bathing. But now, his strength has been totally restored and his health has been captured for the glory of God. The nightly food has become a thing of the past and his dreams are now of breakthrough, success and victory.
Advising Christians, he observed “Your solution lies in Christ only. I spent huge amounts of money in herbal and ritual homes without solution but freely, I received my complete healing and deliverance at The SCOAN”.


“My joy knows no bounds” – this was the beaming confession of Inspector Osamede Egtharevba of the Lagos State Police Command as she proudly stood at The SCOAN INSPECTOR OSAMEDE EGTHAREVBA2 [Aauditorium to share her testimony. This had not always been the case though. Instead of joy, sadness and bitterness had plagued her days. The last five years seemed like a lifetime as each day she met frustration and setback in her career. She watched many who had joined the force after her and had less experience climb the ladder of promotion without any effort while she painstakingly remained on step one. Her husband was equally saddened at the stagnant state of his wife’s career. He discovered Emmanuel TV and introduced her to it in hope and faith for a new dawn in their lives. Although, unsure at first, Mrs. Egtharevba followed in her husband’s footsteps and one day, they came to The SCOAN.
As she received the Anointing Water, she felt a weight lifted from her shoulders. INSPECTOR OSAMEDE EGTHAREVBA1 [AWith faith rising, she ministered it on herself and believed in the faithfulness and trustworthiness of God. By faith, she put the new rank on her uniform believing her promotion was around the corner. True to her faith, she was called to the police station and received a promotion which was backdated. She is now an Inspector of Police! As she was considering the challenges of acquiring a new car to compliment the position, out of the blue, a friend invited her to a car dealer and told her to choose any car she liked as she would buy it for her! She chose a small car but the friend immediately replaced it with a big expensive car stating that she deserved the best. Unable to contain her tears of joy, Inspector Osamede proudly showed off her promotion photos and her brand new car!


JESSE GANUN BASKETBALLER HEALED FROM DIFFICULTY IN WALKING USING CRUTCHES1A boisterous basketball career nipped in the bud by a burdening injury. At the tender age of 17, Jesse faced an enormous setback in his sporting pursuits after a stress fracture in his left tibia left hopes practically in tatters. Specialist doctors in America frowned upon inspection, informing the young Sudanese-American that a surgical operation was required and further cautioning him that a full recovery was not guaranteed. Jesse Ganun could not place any weight whatsoever on his left leg and was forced to move around with a pair of crutches. For six months, his bed became both a daily and nocturnal companion.
As an avid Emmanuel TV viewer, he resolved with his mum to make the long journey from America to Nigeria to visit The SCOAN for prayer. Arriving on Sunday morning, Jesse was among the thousands of congregants who were privileged to receive the Anointing Water alongside the recently introduced ‘Good Morning’ Anointing Sticker. That night, in their hotel room, Jesse ministered the Anointing Water to his affected leg. In that miraculous instant, the pain disappeared! Deciding to sleep and test his leg the following day, Jesse placed the ‘Good Morning’ Anointing Sticker on his leg. JESSE GANUN BASKETBALLER HEALED FROM DIFFICULTY IN WALKING USING CRUTCHESAwakening the next day, he rose to his feet. Astoundingly, Jesse could walk! Gingerly stepping forward and placing weight on his left leg, he walked freely for the first time in six months! “Just believe,” Jesse passionately advised the congregation. “Just believe – that is your connection.”


Source by thetbjoshuafanclub
PTBJThe verve and cheerful aura radiated by worshippers depicted how precious they all hold The SCOAN Live Sunday Service in their hearts. The atmosphere was fresh as the ever-vibrant choir edified the congregants in the auditorium and overflow congregations with their edifying renditions, brimming with heavenly zest.
Evangelist Annette’s message was deep and incisive, like a precious EVANGELIST ANNETTEseed sown into fertile soil. Titled AT THE LORD’S FEET, the message highlighted the nature of man in relation with his or her ability to make the right choices, bearing in mind the fact that God even gave His only begotten Son for our salvation as Christians. Have we made the most of that divine privilege? She urged Christians to make the wisest decision of establishing an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ: “When God created man, He gave him the right to life. Within that right was discretion. In other words, Jesus Christ gave man a mind and the ability to choose between right and wrong. In life, man is given the freedom to choose from the many alternatives that surround him. What choice have you made concerning Jesus Christ? Have you chosen to make Him your Lord and personal Saviour or otherwise? Life’s biggest decision is what you do with Jesus Christ”.
Evangelist Annette further shed light on the vanity of human wishes, attractions and aspirations. She observed that the material fancies and attractions of the world are not worth living for, compared to the everlasting joy and glory inherent in a life dedicated to the service of God: “Today, many make the world their heart’s delight. Many embrace the world desperate to be satisfied by it. But what we need is in God’s Word. No matter how many years you work or strive trying to acquire wealth – the best car, beautiful house, children; you can never be satisfied by them. Satisfaction is not about having children, money or other worldly possessions; you have to experience God. Until you experience God, there will be dissatisfaction – a sense of hunger to know what life is all about, a desire to know what happens after life is over”.


Engineer Abijor Obukowho, who graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering, had applied for many jobs but was told that he lacked the necessary experience as an Engineer. Due to the high unemployment rate, he constantly met with disappointment and this gave him frustration. Having visited The SCOAN, he ministered the Anointing Water in Jesus’ name and soon after applied online for a government position as an Engineer. He travelled to Abuja and among 7,000 people, to his greatest surprise and joy, he was selected for the job! Standing before the congregation, he happily displayed the letter of employment.
Advising people about the Anointing Water, he said, “It will put you at an advantage. It will locate you at the place of your destiny”.


As if eight years of career stagnation was not bad enough, Sergeant Leonard Ekeh was also tormented with a never-ending addiction to alcohol, smoking and womanizing. While his colleagues received their due promotions as time went by, it was a different story for Sergeant Leonard Ekeh who drowned his frustration in ceaseless drinking, smoking and chasing different women. One day, his father introduced him to Emmanuel TV and gave him a bottle of Anointing Water. These changed his life forever.
He ministered the Anointing Water and prayed in Jesus’ name and truly, things took a turn for the better. He experienced deliverance and suddenly realized that he no longer felt the desire to smoke, drink or chase women.  He was also asked to go on a peacekeeping mission in Dafur, South Sudan and it was there that his promotion happened! Among all his colleagues, he was the only one promoted to the position of Staff Sergeant. Advising Christians, he said: “No matter the circumstances, believe in God. The best is yet to come”.


A Senior Inspector of Immigration in Nigeria faced shameful stagnation for seven years. Each term, after writing the normal exams for promotion, he would be greatly disappointed as his colleagues would receive promotion but he would remain at the same level year after year. On top of this crisis, he also found himself increasingly addicted to smoking cigarettes. He started smoking individual cigarettes then moved on to packs of cigarettes and then rolls of cigarettes each day. He was constantly discouraged.
Then one day his sister brought Anointing Water to him from The SCOAN. He prayed in the name of Jesus that God should break every chain holding him back from his divine life and destiny. He them ministered the Anointing Water on the answer sheets for his next exam. At night, after completing the exam, he had a dream in which Prophet T.B. Joshua called him and told him to go and collect his promotion letter. He woke up and shared the news with his family, who immediately gave thanks to God for the breakthrough. When he arrived at work, his boss called and told him he had been promoted from Senior Inspector of Immigration to Principle Inspector of Immigration.
Along with the promotion was his deliverance from the strong addiction to cigarette smoking. Today, he is promoted and free from cigarette to the glory of God!


Fourteen days after they had their baby boy, 4 discovered that their bundle of joy had developed a swelling on his scrotum. They took him to the hospital where the doctor diagnosed the problem as a hernia. Mrs Okeke was able to get an empty bottle of Anointing Water, refilled it with pure water and prayed in Jesus’ name. After her prayer, she ministered the Anointing Water on him and saw that the swelling was moving from his scrotum to his stomach. He later excreted and went into a deep sleep.  She checked his excreta and discovered her baby had passed out a black stone. She noticed that the symptoms he was usually having stopped and that motivated her to take him to the hospital for a test where, to the amazement of the doctors, it was confirmed that the hernia was gone and the baby had a normal pelvic scan. Mr Okeke was elated and gave glory to God for delivering their baby. They advised to Christians to trust in God and believe that whatever the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua has blessed, is anointed for breakthrough.


Emmanuel Okoro Imagine a child who could not play with his friends; a student who could not attend school. Such was the case of Emmanuel Okoro who was born with Sickle Cell Anaemia. His life consisted of falling sick, being rushed to the hospital, receiving treatment and blood, only to return home with the same weakness and lifeless limbs. His case was so severe that he could not attend classes regularly due to the extreme fatigue. When at school, he found it difficult to concentrate and impossible to play with other children. One beautiful morning, his family brought him to The SCOAN and he received prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua.
Little did he imagine that just one prayer would bring a radical transformation to his life. When they returned to their home in Delta, Nigeria, the family immediately saw drastic changes in their son. His energy suddenly returned and did abate. He was able to bathe himself that night and started playing with friends outside. When it was time for school, he got up and got ready by himself. The days passed and he realized he had not missed any day of school and had not had to visit the hospital. Believing that their miracle had come, the family took their son back to the hospital for a test and was delighted to receive a result that showed negative to Sickle Cell Anaemia. Their son was finally free, in Jesus’ name. The Okoros advised all parents to rush their children to God whenever they face family challenges so that He will see them through.


Lance Corporal Adejumo Mutiu, a soldier in the Nigerian Army found himself in a terrible accident in Enugu, Nigeria in Lance Corporal Adejumo which he fractured his tibia and fibula. He was rushed to a hospital and from then on he could not walk. He was confined to a pair of crutches. His wife was practically doing everything for him. In the military hospital where he was being treated, he would watch Emmanuel TV and his faith grew. He decided to come to The SCOAN Prayer Line and he was prayed for by Prophet TB. Joshua. Since then, he is able to walk and has gone back to his job as a soldier in the Nigerian Army. Mrs Adejumo, wife to Corporal Mutiu Adejumo whose joy knew no bounds, shared her harrowing experience saying, “…It became a burden to me because I had to do everything for him but I thank Jesus for healing him and now things are back to normal”.


Mrs. Stella ObiahMrs. Stella Obiah, 68 years old suffered from severe sinusitis for many years. She was no longer able to breathe through her nose but was breathing through her mouth. She complained that dust and different particles carried through the air always entered her passages and caused her pain and irritation. This was the life she was living in her old age as a result of the sinusitis. After the man of God introduced the Water Therapy, she said that she and the other members of the Old Testament Group discussed and agreed that this was the way forward for their lives. As a grandmother, she realized she had a responsibility to be a good example and began taking the Water Therapy for herself and her family. As she began drinking the water, she realized her breathing passages became clear. She no longer had to breathe through her mouth but began breathing normally through her nose. She is now free from sinusitis and advised all to keep to the instruction in righteousness from God’s servant as it is truly the secret to good health.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Source by thetbjoshuafanclub
DADDYFrom the Candle Light Service of 31st December, 2014 to the Sunday Service of 4th January, 2015, the atmosphere at The SCOAN has been spiritually intense. While the entire congregation, just like the whole world, awaited the successful cross-over into a new year, it was a great suspense of sorts. Though, we all started the journey from the very first day of 2014, not all of us have been fortunate to see the end of the year or even witness the advent of a new year. Yet, all glory and honour must be given to the Most High God who in all His omniscience, knows best.
CROWD3CROWD2The anointed message and instruction coming from the mouth of God to those present in theCROWD1 church and the myriad of viewers worldwide for the New Year was the simple Word: Good Morning. The man of God explained, “You are a plant. You need dew because you are dry. Your business needs dew, your health needs dew and your career needs dew. Dew is in the morning. Joy comes in the morning. Say Good morning my health! Good morning my business! Good morning my career! Good morning to nations, continents, the whole world – Good Morning to you all. This year you shall continue to live in the morning. When people greet you ‘Good afternoon,’ greet them ‘Good morning’. When people greet you ‘Good evening’ or ‘Good night,’ greet them ‘Good morning’. This Word is anointed for you.”CROWD4
Being the last day of the year, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua talked about DISCOVERING YOUR REAL VALUE, a message that was very timely bearing in mind the imperative significance of living within the scope of our God-given destinies. Until a person discovers him or herself, he or she will continue to wallow in ignorance and failure, without achieving God’s purpose for his/her life. The man of God had earlier told the congregation that the purity of heart was a prerequisite for expecting a trouble-free new year: “If you are expecting a new year, you must be pure in heart if not 2014; I mean the troubled year 2014 will continue in 2015. To get rid of the trouble, for you to overcome the trouble, is not a thing of the flesh. You need deliverance to overcome the trouble”.
DADDYSpeaking further on the same message at the Sunday Service of 4th January, 2015, the man of God expatiated on the essence of discovering one’s real value. According to him, our real value resides in our spirit and our willingness to surrender it to the ways of God. We cannot operate within our real values of spiritual power and authority if we allow the distractions of life take the greater part of us: “The real thing about us is our spirit. If our real thing is our spirit, our attention should be more on the spirit. You can either yield yourself to God or the devil because you are a free moral agent. God has given us discretion. I cannot just force you to get healed; I need your faith to do so. There is so much distraction. That is why we have this for you and there is an anointed word for you: Take more of me, give me more of you. The more you think about what you read, the more your spirit acts on the Word. Meditation brings revelation”. Each and every person present was given the New Anointing Sticker inscribed with the New Year message: Brethren, Good morning as a point of contact to help them open the New Year with prayer.
In conclusion, the man of God enlightened the congregation on the therapeutic dimensions of water, stressing that the spiritual and the physical must work in tandem. He explained in details how early morning intake of water helps flush the system of unwanted waste and cleanses the human body. It was a very instructive moment and the gains remain innumerable.
He moved to the Prayer Line to minister healing, deliverance and restoration to the teeming crowd that have been waiting for God’s hand upon their lives.
EVANGELIST OLAMIDEEarlier, Evangelist Olamide had engaged the minds of the congregation with her deeply edifying message – YOUR SITUATION AS A CHRISTIAN. She vividly captured the Christian life in its most realistic nature, observing that living the Christian life was not a bed of roses but one full of trials and temptations. She urged the congregation to be of good cheer even in times of trials because they are the elements that make victory worth the while when it eventually comes: “In our spiritual walk with the Lord, we have good times and hard times; a time to enjoy and a time for restraint. A time to be born, a time to grow, a time to die, a time to face persecution, a time to overcome and a time to show the proceeds of victory. A man without a situation is a man without a future. The journey to the throne is not a bed of roses but of thorns, hardship, snakes which points us to trouble and problems”. Evangelist Olamide went further to cite numerous biblical examples of God’s servants like Joseph, Moses and Daniel who faced one tribulation and the other yet the glory of God was manifested and magnified in their situations. God would always allow us to face trials just as He allowed the devil to tempt Job. Our attitude to the trial is what pushes God into restoring us even unto greater levels than we envisage.
Concluding, she urged Christians to brace up in the midst of trials and seek God’s directions no matter how hard the situation may be, stressing that whatever God says is the ultimate: “No matter how hard your situation may seem, when God manifest His strength in your weakness, you will overcome. For when you are weak then you are strong. So whatever situation you may be in, find out what is God saying through that situation because what God says is the answer. To walk with the Lord in all situations is to ask Him for direction. To ask the Lord for direction is to open our eyes of faith so that we can see the higher hand that is leading us to salvation”.


“Mr Maphoto, we need to talk” the voice on the phone was both grim and harsh. “We have no choice but to terminate your existing contracts.” It was a message every businessman feared most – bankruptcy.
Penniless and verging on hopeless, the young South African man was at a crossroads. Courageously deciding to turn his cares into prayers, he sought the face of God after his fledgling business inexplicably nosedived to the point of financial ruin. Resolving to visit The SCOAN in Nigeria for divine intervention, he was privileged to receive the Anointing Water during his stay within the church. Upon returning to South Africa, he ministered it on a prospective business proposal he had mustered a miniscule amount to begin. Favour flowed. Several months later, an eight million rand contract was in his pocket and his fortunes had completely reversed.
“The blood that Jesus shed on the Cross of Calvary 2000 years ago still works today,” Mr Maphoto told the congregation at The SCOAN. “God is working through the Anointing Water mightily!”


Frantic. Hectic. Manic. Johanna Matli’s work schedule in the radio and television industry left little time for her family, let alone her relationship with God. As her work levels rose, so did her stress and blood pressure. The result was her health dwindling dramatically, ending in two partial strokes and a medical diagnosis of hypertensive heart disease.JOHANNA MATLI [AW TESTIMONY]
Taking medicine daily and a familiar face at the local clinic for blood pressure checks, her entire life forcibly revolved around her health challenges which kept worsening. As a viewer of Emmanuel TV, when Johanna heard Prophet T.B. Joshua’s instruction to visit the families of the Martyrs Of Faith, she considered her schedule and reluctantly concluded she could not find the time to engage in such.
However, the repeated call from Prophet T.B. Joshua to care for them continually bombarded her heart to the point where the South African decided to make some sacrifices. She visited the family members of the Martyrs Of Faith, believing by faith that obedience to this Divine instruction would work wonders in her life. After her first visit, while engaging in her regular clinical check-up, Johanna got the shock of her life!
“Madam, your blood pressure has reduced from 220/ 170 to 130/90,” the surprised doctor informed her. “What did you do?” Holding up her medical reports confirming her miraculous healing before The SCOAN congregation, Mrs Matli testified that her health had transformed and her priorities shifted toward Heavenly things by her obedience to this instruction. “It is a wonderful thing to create time to help others,” she concluded. “Please, make sure you obey Prophet T.B. Joshua’s instructions in righteousness.”


“There is a lady here with the spirit of a dog,” the prophecy rang forth. Totanang’s heart skipped a beat. Prophet T.B. Joshua was talking to her. Taking a step forward from her seat towards the altar of The SCOAN, she suddenly lost all consciousness of the following sequence of events. It was only when a clip of her deliverance was replayed that she saw herself barking and gesticulating like a dog as the evil spirit within her was exposed by the prophecy and subsequent prayer.
Rising up after the deliverance,TOTANANG KEBOPELWANG Totanang’s life never remained the same! Upon returning to Botswana, the spirit of anger that had ruined her relationships and rendered her jobless stopped. Her journeys from sangomas to spiritualists ended and a renewed desire to serve God and pursue her education was born. To her greatest surprise, as she continued to minister the Anointing Water, after five years of joblessness, Mrs. Kebopelwang was offered a job in the Botswana Telecommunications Corporation, a position she never even applied for. The job enabled her to finish her studies abroad in Swaziland – something she had never dreamed was a possibility prior to her deliverance. Her word of advice was concise: “Whenever you receive the Anointing Water, minister it in faith – that is the only way it can work in your life!”


Fervency welled within her heart. As Prophet T.B. Joshua encouraged viewers around the world to reach out to the relatives of the martyrs of faith, Mrs Chidraas could barely sit still. The desire to respond in faith to his instruction MRS CHIDRAAS & DAUGHTERsuperseded the barriers posed by her geographical location as she determinedly drove over three hours to Johannesburg to meet with the Emmanuel TV team the following day.
Both her and her daughter Koketso joined the teams extending love and care to the affected family members, giving sacrificially in the process. God’s blessings soon manifested in the life of Koketso. As a student in Scotland, UK, her passport was inexplicably held when she was due to return to South Africa for the December holidays. At the same period, her mother had a dream where she saw Prophet T.B. Joshua asking her what she wanted from God.
“I knelt down and prayed that God would release the passport of my daughter. Four days later, her passport was released! To our surprise, it was not just a student visa that she got but a residence permit in the UK,” she joyfully testified! Aside from this unique blessing, Koketso was further given the opportunity to partake in an exchange program with a student in USA – a feat the school had previously termed impossible due to her mother’s stay in South Africa.
“Act upon the instructions of Prophet T.B. Joshua and definitely, your destiny will be reshaped,” were her final words of advice.


After 18 years of teaching in a small Zambian school with paltry pay and dingy, dirty classrooms, poverty and squalor still surrounded Elizabeth. Never in her wildest dreams did the middle-aged Zambian envisage the ladder of success she was about to dramatically and emphatically scale after being introduced to The SCOAN!MRS ELIZABETH KAMPAMBA [BREAKTHROUGH TESTIMONY]
Upon praying along with Prophet T.B. Joshua during a period of mass prayer, the first breakthrough miraculously manifested. Mrs. Kampamba was surprisingly chosen to be a Deputy Head Teacher in another Zambian school. This was rapidly followed by promotion to the position of School Inspector across the entire country! Receiving the Anointing Water at this point following a visit to The SCOAN, Elizabeth was content with the astounding breakthrough she had enjoyed and was preparing to retire since she neared the statutory age of 55. Before now she had trekked to work; she became financially secure enough to be able to purchase a brand new car! However, God was not finished yet!
An interview for the post of a senior lecturer in English at an international university in Zambia came forward and Elizabeth was one of 15 candidates considered. Several months later, Mrs. Kampamba received her retirement letter at 10am. Five hours later, another letter came through informing that she had been appointed to the post of senior lecturer! Truly, better is not good enough; the best is always yet to come!


“I was working like an elephant but eating like an ant.” Mrs. Zwane’s situation was dire and depressing. A single mother with three children to bring up, the revenue from her job disappeared as soon as it arrived as mounting responsibilities and burdens ate up her money at ease.MRS ZWANE BREAKTHROUGH TESTIMONY (AW)]
She was living in a small flat with her children when someone brought her the Anointing Water, encouraging her to minister it in faith. Being an ardent viewer of Emmanuel TV, Dikeledi took no time to use the Anointing Water, praying in faith that she would be positioned for God’s mercy and favour. Indeed, she was divinely positioned!
Several months later, blessing after blessing followed favour after favour. Mrs. Zwane is now the owner of a brand new car, lives in an exotic holiday house in an affluent area of Johannesburg and enjoys not only financial security but has more than enough for her and her children! What a God we have to worship; what a Son we have to praise; what a future lies before us!


MR MEJANG PENECK [FREE FROM KIDNEY STONE (AW)]Mr. Mejang Reneck from Cameroon came to The SCOAN with the problem of kidney stones. He always experienced chronic pain in his side as a result of this affliction. He received the Anointing Water and after ministering it in the name of Jesus Christ, he was completely healed. Now, he can exercise, play football and has returned to normal life – pain free! He brought two documents, showing when he was diagnosed with the kidney stones and after the ministration of the Anointing Water, when he returned to the hospital. He no longer has any trace of the kidney stones. He advised the world to believe in the God they serve and that if they put their trust in God, He is able to manifest Himself in their lives again and again.


Siyabonga Mlewa was born into the bondage of asthma, which was a burden that weighed heavily on his life and that of his mother. When the attacks came, his chest would become tight and his lungs would start to close. The doctors said there was no cure and that he would have to use a breathing machine, known as a nebulizer for the rest of his life. The nebulizer became a part of his everyday routine, having to take it with him wherever he would go. At school he was limited and unable to participate in sporting activities. At home, his mother would take care of him keeping a watchful eye on her son’s bad health. His mother had to regularly leave her job when attacks came at any interval.
After eleven years of sickness and struggle, Mrs Mlewa managed to bring her son to The SCOAN believing God’s divine intervention. They came and Siyabonga received prayer from Wise Man Racine at The SCOAN Prayer Line, where he demonstrated how he would use the nebulizer. In moments of receiving prayer in Jesus’ name Siyabonga thanked God for being healed. Today, three years later and some feet taller, Siyabonga came back to thank God for his complete freedom from the asthma formerly deemed incurable. Life has improved for both him and his mother whose joy cannot be quantified.


“I bought a cutlass and told my wife to kill me…” It had got that serious. Nehemiah’s tumultuous marriage disintegrated to the point where death appeared more meaningful than life. The heated internal turmoil reached boiling point when Nehemiah’s wife decided to leave him, taking their four children along with her. Four years passed. Four years without any communication, let alone the thought of reconciliation.
Increasingly frustrated in life and business, Nehemiah one day decided to visit The SCOAN, hoping for a Word that would change the course of his life. In the midst of the service, Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied to him, revealing the root of his marital challenges lay in the amorous affairs he engaged in with a friend called Henry during his university days. Prophet T.B. Joshua ended his message to Nehemiah with a surprising, divinely inspired declaration – “Your wife will call you; you will come back with your testimony.” Wife? Testimony? The two words didn’t seem to compute within Nehemiah’s jaded reasoning.
Several weeks later, however, Nehemiah’s phone rang. It was his long-lost wife! Without any knowledge of the prophetic word, she was suddenly moved to call him and seek reconciliation, requesting forgiveness on her own part. The family were remarkably reconciled and returned to The SCOAN to testify that when God speaks, His Word will not return void of fulfillment.NEHEMIAH FAMILY BRECONCILIATION [PROPHECY]
All glory belongs to the Lord for He has ordered all so that the whole shall appear to be of grace. There is no room for any man’s boasting in their own ability or power for it is not our logic, philosophy or reasoning that brings these happenings to pass but the living Word of God. May God’s Word continue to abide in you and you in it in the coming year. Keep watching Emmanuel TV! Good Morning!


Prophet T.B. Joshua The Sunday Service of December 28, 2014 was superlative in every sense. The merry ambience of the Christmas celebrations coupled with the respectable presence of the families of the Martyrs of Faith, all the way from South Africa, gave the occasion all the trappings of Godly joy expressed in a sober reflection. Though they have lost their loved ones, the families of the Martyrs of Faith have keyed into the realisation that their loved ones did not die in vain but were transited to higher glory to enjoy the eternity of life in all its splendour and purity. Indeed, they have freed their spirits and hearts from the inconsequential attachments of this material world and have attuned themselves to that heavenly frequency that avails much to the spirit of man.
In consonance with the sobriety and depth of the atmosphere, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua pungently identified with them through his deep and incisive message centred on the nature of the human spirit and its connection with the Spirit of God: “When your spirit is free, it is sensitive to the Spirit of God. There are three spirits – the Spirit of God, your spirit and evil spirit. I am referring to your spirit. When it is free, it is sensitive; it is alive to the Spirit of God”.
Speaking further, Prophet T.B. Joshua delved into the instrumentality of the spirit of man in unleashing the power of God to every situation that Christians may encounter. He urged Christians to exercise the inestimable power within the spirit to tackle every situation: “Our spirit is our instrument. What kind of instrument is it? It is an instrument to loose and bind. It is an instrument to act upon the Word. When the Word becomes a part of you, it becomes an instrument to loose and bind. When your spirit is free, it acts upon the Word”. He went philosophical with his delivery on the imperative essence of trials and tribulations to the attainment of eventual glory. The congregation, especially the families of the Martyrs of Faith, were told that a hard time to the Christian was akin to the soil upon which faith flourishes.
Concluding, the man of God prepared the minds of the congregants for the approaching New Year with prophetic precision and gave an allegorical analogy of the beauty and priceless essence of their lives: “Preparation for the next year. I want to be the first person to greet you good morning. The best life for the seeds and plants is very early morning when you find the dew. That is your life”.
MASS PRAYER focused on our dire need of mercy and on the breaking of all hindrances and bad habits standing between us and God: “By grace, you deserve His mercy. Somebody in the person of Jesus is waiting to see you through whatever life brings. Whatever hindrance, between your heart and the Spirit of Father, I remove it in the name of Jesus. That weakness/ bad habit/ addiction – I remove them in the name of Jesus. Come out, in the name of Jesus!”
Earlier, Evangelist Fanny had delivered a didactic message titled WE ARE IN THE LAST DAYS. This EVANGELIST FANNYapocalyptic admonition came timely when the entire world was about crossing into a new year. She was full of counsels to Christians to explore the newness of the year in reconnecting and re-dedicating their lives to God rather than to the pursuit of pecuniary and worldly fancies: “What makes the year new is when you see that sober reflection in that transition as an opportunity to get back to God. I mean, you need to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. We are in perilous times, end times where as a Christian, what God’s Word says should be final. Jesus’ return should be uppermost in our minds”.
Dissecting the passion and energy with which Jesus attended to the needs of others, she counseled Christians to emulate the life and demeanours of Jesus through whom our salvation was made possible on the cross of Calvary: “Jesus was Water to the thirsty, Bread to the hungry and a Roadmap to the lost. Are you following the footstep of your Father? “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (Matthew 5:1-8).
In her concluding remarks, she advised Christians to embrace the principle of selflessness in their relations with others just as Christ did in order to stand a chance of being counted worthy to stand pure before the almighty God in these last days.


Mr. Frank Gogo from Ghana was reduced to a pauper as he lacked almost everything apart from his life which was hanging on the trenches of frustration and lack. He was homeless and resorted to drinking, smoking and “chilling out” with bad gangs, thinking that God had abandoned him. His pitiable fate continued until the day God led him to The SCOAN. When he came to The SCOAN, he had no dime with him but was fortunate to receive the Anointing Sticker with which he prayed in faith for breakthrough and soon returned to his native Ghana. By the time he got to Ghana, things began to take a dramatic turn. He was able to register his agro-allied company and witnessed a business boom. During this time, he was able to acquire two state-of-the-art cars and a big truck for his company. After some time, he was able to buy 22 acres of land and now has 2 branches of his company in Ghana where he sells agrochemical products. He has since abandoned his past life of heavy drinking and smoking, having discovered a new life in Christ Jesus. He has been uplifted from poverty to wealth through the power of God. His community has also named him as the next King. He advises Christians to draw nearer to God in order to have their testimonies restored.


Miss Astridah Lupupa from Zambia had applied for a scholarship to study Teaching in Malaysia but got disappointing news after two weeks. She then mustered the faith to give it another try. This time around being the second time, she had so much faith in the Anointing Water as a point of contact for God’s intervention. She ministered the Anointing Water on herself and all the documents involved prior to the interview. Within two hours after the interview, she was greeted with joyous news that she had been granted a scholarship worth $12,600. She is scheduled to fly to Malaysia on January 4th, 2015.


Mr. Frank Karikari was the victim of spiritual attacks which negatively affected his academic pursuits. He would find himself walking naked in his dreams, eating all sorts of things and being chased by animals. These attacks hampered his concentration and resulted in his inability to get the result he had envisaged in his HND studies in Mechanical Engineering. He ended up obtaining a Lower Credit and became very sad with himself. Even though he started working, he was not satisfied with the state of things. He started watching Emmanuel TV and began to pray along with Prophet T.B. Joshua. He received a scholarship from his company to study Mechanical Engineering but while in the university, precisely in the second semester, the attacks increased but he was not willing to give up. A friend ministered the Anointing Water into his bottle of water which he then ministered on himself with faith that all setbacks would go for good. True to his expectation, he regained himself and continued to study without distraction. He also got his own Anointing Water. The turning point came through a dream in which he saw himself at the Prayer Line at The SCOAN being prayed for by Prophet T.B. Joshua. He felt something like an electric shock and woke up and since then, that affliction through dreams has stopped. He started concentrating well and ended up with a First Class Honours from the University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana. He advises Christians to make God the centre of their lives so that they can become what He had destined them to be.


Mr. Eric Kwasi Danquah was addicted to alcohol for ten years. He graduated from a mild drinker to a heavy drinker who could not do without liquor. His condition became very sad when he made drinking his partner in life. He would drink in the morning, in the afternoon and at night. He spent so much on drinking that he hardly sent money to his mother. To show the extent of damage drinking can cause, the man who introduced him to alcohol died and yet, he was unperturbed. He kept on playing slave to his craving.
One day, at a party, he had asked for alcohol but the lady who was the celebrant told him she was a Christian and would not allow alcohol in her party. He got very disappointed and uneasy as he usually did whenever he was in a party that forbade drinking alcohol. Somehow, they exchanged their contacts and the lady invited him to church. He was initially reluctant thinking that it was his mother who was the family’s problem and really needed deliverance.
However, the lady was able to make arrangements for him to come to The SCOAN with his mother. At The SCOAN, the man of God, Prophet T.B Joshua walked straight to him and prayed for him. He found himself rolling on the ground. By the time he got up, he felt some relief. After his deliverance, he stopped drinking and no longer had the desire to do so. The ironic twist to the whole story is that the same lady who took him to church became his wife. She told the story of how she had organised a thanksgiving party after coming to The SCOAN for deliverance from years of marital disappointment. Unknown to her, her husband to be was the despondent alcoholic she had met and discussed the idea of coming to church with. According to her, she thanks God for the life of Eric, who is now transformed through her effort to help someone in need. Today, they are happily married to the glory of God. Eric advises the youth to stay away from alcohol.


Ten years after she had been called to the bar, Barrister Omolola Olaitan was jobless. It was a great embarrassment for someone of her educational standing. In May, 2014, she had visited The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water. Four weeks later, she received a car gift from a friend. While hoping on God for an employment, she would dress up as if she was going to work even though she knew she had nowhere to go. She continued acting her breakthrough and watching Emmanuel TV until it eventually came. In November, she dreamt that the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua came to her and told her to prepare her CV for a job that she would receive. By the time she woke up, she decided to obey the instruction given to her in the dream. She went to a business centre to photocopy her CV and while there, she received a call for an employment. Today, she works as the Legal Research Assistant at the Kwara State Judiciary. She presented her employment letter and advised Christians not to give up on God no matter the situation.


Mr. and Mrs. Nghixulifwa came all the way from Namibia in search of solution to their barrenness. While the man suffered from a very low sperm count, the wife had been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries. The problem took them to many places in search of solution; they spent so much money and found none to be of help. They came to the SCOAN in faith having been inspired by the fact that Mrs. Nghixulifwa’s cousin who had a similar problem received her healing there. After meeting with the man of God and explaining their situation, they received the Anointing Water which they ministered on their return to Namibia. To God be the glory, Mrs. Nghixulifwa became pregnant and is today blessed with a baby girl. They advise people to keep faith in God and wait for His own time.


Shakhile Naanyane from South Africa obeyed Prophet T.B. Joshua’s instruction to show love to the families of the martyrs of faith. Before now, she had been suffering business setbacks and decided to close her shop while waiting for God’s direction. Her husband had given her some capital for a new business and from that capital she took some money to buy groceries for the families of the martyrs of faith. Since she did that, she has witnessed an upward swing in her business fortunes such that she was able to make up to R150, 000 [$13,000] in a franchise deal with King’s Pie within one month. She was awarded the ‘Best Business Plan’ award at a convention on entrepreneurship. She advises people to obey the instructions of Prophet T.B. Joshua and they will be blessed in whatever they do.


Mrs. Maria Ogbu fractured her tibia and fibula bones in an accident and came to The SCOAN for healing. According to her husband, Mr. John Ogbu, her situation was really terrible as she could not do anything. She was privileged to be at the Prayer Line where the man of God laid hands on her. As the man of God laid hands on her, she felt the bones coming together and stood up to walk at the command of the man of God in the name of Jesus. Husband and wife glorified God for the healing


The atmosphere was festive and hearts full of hope as those in the auditorium and the overflows of The SCOAN joined together to worship Jesus Christ – the centre of Christmas! The congregation comprised those from all over the world who had chosen to spend the Sunday before Christmas in God’s presence. Time with Jesus Christ is time well spent.
Prophet T.B. Joshua enlightened the congregation about the importance of worshipping God in Spirit and truth: “God is Spirit and His worshippers must do so in Spirit and in truth. I promise you that the best Christmas gift is to take you back to God because we have not been worshipping God in Spirit and if it is not in Spirit, it is not in truth and so it is all nothing.” He further explained the transformative power of the Word of God, saying, “If God’s Word is Spirit, it means it has ability to quicken us spiritually, animate us spiritually – to give new blood and take out the old one. Since God’s Word is Spirit, it has the ability to develop a spiritual force within our hearts called faith. In that Book of John 6:63, it says, ‘My Word is Spirit and life’. That thing called faith is developed within our heart.”
Encouraging his listeners that faith comes naturally when we focus on God, he said: “You will agree with me that if you pay attention to God’s Word, you will spontaneously have faith, naturally have faith. If it is natural, it means you don’t need greater faith but a greater God. You just need to know His faithfulness and trustworthiness. What we are lacking is not greater faith but a greater God.”
Earlier, the church had been blessed and strengthened by a message from Evangelist Bolaji, titled, “Keep Your Solid Front.”
She said, “Many change their perspective about their Creator when things around them tend to go contrary to their expectations. The believers in the first century church faced intense opposition, rejection and even violent persecution but they never allowed their situation to derail them from their focus on God. They kept up the profession of their faith even in the face of overwhelming odds against them.” Inspiring the congregation and viewers to stand firm in trials, she said, “Don’t give up – keep your solid front. In time of troubles, don’t give up; keep your solid front for it is written that trials cannot impair you but improve you.”
She concluded her message by emphasizing that we should never doubt our position as children of God: “Never doubt your salvation because of challenges, I mean your situation. Once you become a Christian, satan can never snatch you away from God. He will try but he will not succeed for the Lord has given an overcoming victory to every person who is born again.”