Thursday, January 8, 2015


Fervency welled within her heart. As Prophet T.B. Joshua encouraged viewers around the world to reach out to the relatives of the martyrs of faith, Mrs Chidraas could barely sit still. The desire to respond in faith to his instruction MRS CHIDRAAS & DAUGHTERsuperseded the barriers posed by her geographical location as she determinedly drove over three hours to Johannesburg to meet with the Emmanuel TV team the following day.
Both her and her daughter Koketso joined the teams extending love and care to the affected family members, giving sacrificially in the process. God’s blessings soon manifested in the life of Koketso. As a student in Scotland, UK, her passport was inexplicably held when she was due to return to South Africa for the December holidays. At the same period, her mother had a dream where she saw Prophet T.B. Joshua asking her what she wanted from God.
“I knelt down and prayed that God would release the passport of my daughter. Four days later, her passport was released! To our surprise, it was not just a student visa that she got but a residence permit in the UK,” she joyfully testified! Aside from this unique blessing, Koketso was further given the opportunity to partake in an exchange program with a student in USA – a feat the school had previously termed impossible due to her mother’s stay in South Africa.
“Act upon the instructions of Prophet T.B. Joshua and definitely, your destiny will be reshaped,” were her final words of advice.

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