Thursday, January 8, 2015


“There is a lady here with the spirit of a dog,” the prophecy rang forth. Totanang’s heart skipped a beat. Prophet T.B. Joshua was talking to her. Taking a step forward from her seat towards the altar of The SCOAN, she suddenly lost all consciousness of the following sequence of events. It was only when a clip of her deliverance was replayed that she saw herself barking and gesticulating like a dog as the evil spirit within her was exposed by the prophecy and subsequent prayer.
Rising up after the deliverance,TOTANANG KEBOPELWANG Totanang’s life never remained the same! Upon returning to Botswana, the spirit of anger that had ruined her relationships and rendered her jobless stopped. Her journeys from sangomas to spiritualists ended and a renewed desire to serve God and pursue her education was born. To her greatest surprise, as she continued to minister the Anointing Water, after five years of joblessness, Mrs. Kebopelwang was offered a job in the Botswana Telecommunications Corporation, a position she never even applied for. The job enabled her to finish her studies abroad in Swaziland – something she had never dreamed was a possibility prior to her deliverance. Her word of advice was concise: “Whenever you receive the Anointing Water, minister it in faith – that is the only way it can work in your life!”

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