Thursday, January 8, 2015


The atmosphere was festive and hearts full of hope as those in the auditorium and the overflows of The SCOAN joined together to worship Jesus Christ – the centre of Christmas! The congregation comprised those from all over the world who had chosen to spend the Sunday before Christmas in God’s presence. Time with Jesus Christ is time well spent.
Prophet T.B. Joshua enlightened the congregation about the importance of worshipping God in Spirit and truth: “God is Spirit and His worshippers must do so in Spirit and in truth. I promise you that the best Christmas gift is to take you back to God because we have not been worshipping God in Spirit and if it is not in Spirit, it is not in truth and so it is all nothing.” He further explained the transformative power of the Word of God, saying, “If God’s Word is Spirit, it means it has ability to quicken us spiritually, animate us spiritually – to give new blood and take out the old one. Since God’s Word is Spirit, it has the ability to develop a spiritual force within our hearts called faith. In that Book of John 6:63, it says, ‘My Word is Spirit and life’. That thing called faith is developed within our heart.”
Encouraging his listeners that faith comes naturally when we focus on God, he said: “You will agree with me that if you pay attention to God’s Word, you will spontaneously have faith, naturally have faith. If it is natural, it means you don’t need greater faith but a greater God. You just need to know His faithfulness and trustworthiness. What we are lacking is not greater faith but a greater God.”
Earlier, the church had been blessed and strengthened by a message from Evangelist Bolaji, titled, “Keep Your Solid Front.”
She said, “Many change their perspective about their Creator when things around them tend to go contrary to their expectations. The believers in the first century church faced intense opposition, rejection and even violent persecution but they never allowed their situation to derail them from their focus on God. They kept up the profession of their faith even in the face of overwhelming odds against them.” Inspiring the congregation and viewers to stand firm in trials, she said, “Don’t give up – keep your solid front. In time of troubles, don’t give up; keep your solid front for it is written that trials cannot impair you but improve you.”
She concluded her message by emphasizing that we should never doubt our position as children of God: “Never doubt your salvation because of challenges, I mean your situation. Once you become a Christian, satan can never snatch you away from God. He will try but he will not succeed for the Lord has given an overcoming victory to every person who is born again.”

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