Thursday, January 8, 2015


Prophet T.B. Joshua The Sunday Service of December 28, 2014 was superlative in every sense. The merry ambience of the Christmas celebrations coupled with the respectable presence of the families of the Martyrs of Faith, all the way from South Africa, gave the occasion all the trappings of Godly joy expressed in a sober reflection. Though they have lost their loved ones, the families of the Martyrs of Faith have keyed into the realisation that their loved ones did not die in vain but were transited to higher glory to enjoy the eternity of life in all its splendour and purity. Indeed, they have freed their spirits and hearts from the inconsequential attachments of this material world and have attuned themselves to that heavenly frequency that avails much to the spirit of man.
In consonance with the sobriety and depth of the atmosphere, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua pungently identified with them through his deep and incisive message centred on the nature of the human spirit and its connection with the Spirit of God: “When your spirit is free, it is sensitive to the Spirit of God. There are three spirits – the Spirit of God, your spirit and evil spirit. I am referring to your spirit. When it is free, it is sensitive; it is alive to the Spirit of God”.
Speaking further, Prophet T.B. Joshua delved into the instrumentality of the spirit of man in unleashing the power of God to every situation that Christians may encounter. He urged Christians to exercise the inestimable power within the spirit to tackle every situation: “Our spirit is our instrument. What kind of instrument is it? It is an instrument to loose and bind. It is an instrument to act upon the Word. When the Word becomes a part of you, it becomes an instrument to loose and bind. When your spirit is free, it acts upon the Word”. He went philosophical with his delivery on the imperative essence of trials and tribulations to the attainment of eventual glory. The congregation, especially the families of the Martyrs of Faith, were told that a hard time to the Christian was akin to the soil upon which faith flourishes.
Concluding, the man of God prepared the minds of the congregants for the approaching New Year with prophetic precision and gave an allegorical analogy of the beauty and priceless essence of their lives: “Preparation for the next year. I want to be the first person to greet you good morning. The best life for the seeds and plants is very early morning when you find the dew. That is your life”.
MASS PRAYER focused on our dire need of mercy and on the breaking of all hindrances and bad habits standing between us and God: “By grace, you deserve His mercy. Somebody in the person of Jesus is waiting to see you through whatever life brings. Whatever hindrance, between your heart and the Spirit of Father, I remove it in the name of Jesus. That weakness/ bad habit/ addiction – I remove them in the name of Jesus. Come out, in the name of Jesus!”
Earlier, Evangelist Fanny had delivered a didactic message titled WE ARE IN THE LAST DAYS. This EVANGELIST FANNYapocalyptic admonition came timely when the entire world was about crossing into a new year. She was full of counsels to Christians to explore the newness of the year in reconnecting and re-dedicating their lives to God rather than to the pursuit of pecuniary and worldly fancies: “What makes the year new is when you see that sober reflection in that transition as an opportunity to get back to God. I mean, you need to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. We are in perilous times, end times where as a Christian, what God’s Word says should be final. Jesus’ return should be uppermost in our minds”.
Dissecting the passion and energy with which Jesus attended to the needs of others, she counseled Christians to emulate the life and demeanours of Jesus through whom our salvation was made possible on the cross of Calvary: “Jesus was Water to the thirsty, Bread to the hungry and a Roadmap to the lost. Are you following the footstep of your Father? “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (Matthew 5:1-8).
In her concluding remarks, she advised Christians to embrace the principle of selflessness in their relations with others just as Christ did in order to stand a chance of being counted worthy to stand pure before the almighty God in these last days.

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