Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Flowing in the Holy Spirit

Flowing in the Holy Spirit (Book)

Every believer can flow in the Holy Spirit.
Every beliver should flow in the Holy Spirit.
God is looking for people just like you – not perfect, but open, yielded, and eager to serve the Lord.
This is a simple, easy guide to how the Holy Spirit can and will flow through you every day. It will help you yield to the Holy Spirit and understand the uses of the gifts in your life.
Be prepared for a new dimension of Christian living as you learn the secrets to flowing in the Spriit.

Get your copy

The Touch of God (Book)

The Touch of God (Book)

"The great men and women of God I am using in the earth today: I am not using them because they are something special; I am using them for one reason and one reason alone: it is because they've touched me and I have touched them."
Word of prophecy given through
Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne

We tend to think that those who are used by God are His favorites. Yet many people don't realize that those God uses have pressed in to Him and received His touch. They have found the “secret place" of union and communion with their Heavenly Father. Anyone who desires God and His presence can press in and touch the hem of His garment.
In endeavoring to bring forth the genuine move of God and fruit that will remain, it is my desire that the reader has an understanding of the basics of the anointing and how he or she might be used of God.
Success is doing what God has called you to do.
...God anoints you for service in His kingdom. He equips you and blesses you so you can be a blessing to others.
...There are a lot of people who have a touch of God on their life, but they don't know how to cooperate with or yield to the Spirit of God and allow that anointing to flow forth from them to touch people around them.
To get a copy visit



What a glorious day it was! From the fully packed auditorium charged with electrifying force of the Holy Spirit to an equally awed overflow congregation, The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria was probably the most perfect venue any worshipper would have loved to be last Sunday. The mighty power of God manifested itself through wonders and miracles as the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, walked among the congregants, ministering prayer.

Thousands of worshippers from all over the world, including a large entourage from Spain, who gathered at the church to worship, witnessed the power of Christ in action right from the Prayer Line where the man of God has recently been ministering. Demons were commanded to their knees and cast out in the name of Jesus Christ, while many people were declared free, in the name of the Lord. While at the Prayer Line, Prophet T.B. Joshua took a brief moment to speak on faith, saying it should not be circumstantial but an all time attitude irrespective of one’s situation.

“Jesus did not say, if you encounter a situation you should pray; He said you should have faith. Today, we pray but lack the necessary faith that can release the belief in our heart. Prayer is not right if it does not spring from faith. One is rewarded, healed, delivered or blessed only if one talks in faith,” he said, referring to Mark 11:22 and Matthew 4:1-11.


Earlier on, Wise Man Racine mounted the pulpit and delivered a powerful message titled: ‘By His Grace.’ The topic centred on the need for unity in Christ’s work rather than divisions, saying ministers who cause division and offences contrary to the doctrine of Christ, ‘seek not the things of God but of the world.’
“The Bible says mark them and avoid them,” he said citing Romans 16:15.
Wise Man Racine, who anchored the message on 1 Chronicles 16:22, said everyone, irrespective of one’s stature and status, ‘is a part of the same body, by the same Spirit’. He further stated that ‘there is no division in the body; its different parts have the same concern for one another’, hence the Bible instructs all believers (Ephesians 4:3) to ‘keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace’.

“They went to Bible school through their desire but the Bible says in Romans 9:16 that ‘it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy’”.
According to him, whereas man looks at the outward appearance in choosing a pastor or a leader, God looks at the heart. “As a Christian or man of God, you are who you are, what you are by grace. When the Lord calls a man, He knows all his weaknesses. God knows our limitations. God knows our shortcomings; that is why He chooses grace rather than works.  When you receive something by grace, you will be content; you will not compare yourself to others, you will not measure yourself by yourself. Abuse, condemnation, criticism, name calling are products of non-contentment. When the Lord calls a man, He knows all his weaknesses,” said the wise man, citing the calling of Moses and the commissioning of the apostles of Jesus Christ as some illustrations.
Further in the words of the preacher, Wise Man Racine: “When God called Moses in the burning bush for the assignment of leading the people of Israel out of Egypt, Moses expressed his own inadequacies and unfitness for the service, saying, ‘Lord, I am not eloquent….’ (Exodus 4:10). He tried hard to excuse himself because he lacked the power of oratory and boldness (charisma) which is an essential character of great leaders. But the Lord then replied to him: ‘Go, I will be with your tongue and teach you what to say’ (Exodus 4:12); in other words, ‘I will make you fit for the assignment’.
He observed painfully that ‘people always fail to understand that God oftentimes uses His servants as signs to confound the wise’ as was the case with Job where his friends gave a wrong judgement about him over his circumstances. ‘They looked at the situations around him and attributed his misfortunes to sin but Job did not,’ he added.



Those that last saw Mr Paul Egu of Bayelsa State, Nigeria seven years ago, will surely have to pinch themselves if they met him today. The former motor-cycle rider popularly called ‘okada’ in Nigeria who could hardly change his clothes nor afford three meals a day, now wears an expensive suit that glitters, equally expensive leather shoes and walks with his head held high. This 34-year-old man is now a proud owner of a very flourishing sea transport and oil/gas business in his home state, courtesy of God’s favour through the use of the Anointing Water from The SCOAN which he got through a friend!
Mr Egu comes from a poor family that could not even support his education to the extent that he had to quit his Business Administration studies to do menial work to help his family. For 15 years, he lived in abject poverty, living in a one-bedroom hut whose 300 naira monthly house rent he could not honour due to his extreme poverty conditions. Not only that, he was also unable to feed his family.
“It is the kind of life you do not want to remember,” Mr Egu, now a multi-millionaire, said as he took a retrospective view of his agonising past.
Despite all his efforts as an ‘okada’ commercial rider, Mr Egu could not break the yoke of poverty that enslaved his family for years until one day, five years ago; a friend introduced him to Emmanuel TV. He watched people testify how they were delivered from the claws of poverty through the use of the Anointing Water and Anointing Stickers. The testimonies were so overwhelming that the urge to come to The SCOAN was so huge but one he could not achieve because of his poor financial situation until the grace of God landed on his path. A friend who had been to The SCOAN in Lagos gave him the Anointing Water. He ministered it on himself, in Jesus’ name and prayed for a turnaround in his suffocating life. Shortly after, he received a call from a friend asking if he could supply building materials in a multimillion naira contract which he quickly grabbed.
He was able to supply the materials and was paid in cash. He started receiving a steady income and later, entered into a marine business. Today, he is the owner of three engine boats which are used for transportation. He also owns two marine petrol stations and, from a one-bedroom flat, he now lives in a beautiful house of his own and has another one for his extended family. In fact, he has three houses and engages in massive charity for the needy. One who could not complete his education due to poverty; he now pays scholarships to many people in his community. His company employs 24 workers on a monthly bill of over 1.5 million naira apart from millions of naira which he spent regularly on casual workers.
“I have learned this [works of charity] from the Prophet. God has blessed me so much and this is the best way I can say thank You, Lord. I was Mr Nobody before but now I am Mr Somebody,” said Mr Egu who, among his people is now fondly referred to as ‘Director’ in his community.



Ten year-old little, Christopher Philip was evidently in pain when he came to The SCOAN in the company of his father last week. He could not walk and his body was all swollen due to a kidney problem. Even wearing a pair of trousers was a hazard to his fragile condition for even his private areas had not been spared. He was as desperate for healing just as his father was who had helplessly watched his son’s terrible affliction that had paralysed his life for three painful years. He had visited every hospital in search of solution to no avail. His doctors’ drug prescription for the boy costing 25,000 naira per injection never gave the family any joy after administering several doses to the little boy. Rather, the condition of the boy was hopelessly degenerating! Such was the predicament as the two –father and son –lined up at the Thursday Prayer Line.

“The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations was our last hope,” said the excited father, adding “as the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua ministered prayer that Thursday afternoon; the power of the Holy Ghost located my son.”
The healing of the boy was spectacular, amazing and full of grace and rekindled memories of the Biblical days.
Little one,” said the man of God that blessed Thursday; “Jesus is alive. Receive in the name of Jesus Christ. Stand up”. The boy, who could not walk, mastered a dozen steps and his affliction surrendered to the Word of faith with poisonous substances gushing out of his body. That was Thursday last week. Now, a week later on Sunday, the boy stood before the congregation to bear witness that Jesus Christ is indeed alive. He walked on his own, swinging in stride with his father in trail. He could at last wear a pair of trousers with no more traces of his affliction.

“I am fine,” he said when asked how he now feels. His body was no longer swollen and it was evident for all to see that his problem had become a thing of the past. When Jesus Christ heals, He heals completely; He heals effectually. The little boy and his father gave thanks to God Almighty for the healing in the life of Christopher Philip. Thank You, Jesus Christ!



What a wonderful God we serve! Chief Ako Atulomah, a politician from Abia State, Nigeria is a witness to this. He is a frequent visitor to The SCOAN and was privileged to receive the Anointing Sticker and the Anointing Water last time when he came. He placed the Anointing Sticker on his car by faith and every day, before he went out, he would minister the Anointing Water on himself, in Jesus’ name. One day, after ministering the Anointing Water, he got in his car and set out on his journey. As he was driving along the highway in heavy traffic, 14 armed robbers brandishing AK47 rifles charged from the bush and stopped a bus that was driving further ahead of him.
“From where I was, I thought they were state agents because they were in police uniform but not until I saw that they wore masks covering their faces and then they started shooting,” said Chief Atulomah when the danger of his situation clearly dawned on him! He was driving the most expensive of the cars at the scene and an obvious target for any armed robbers.
“I heard a voice within me that I should not worry, that my vehicle was anointed. The armed robbers were all wearing black masks but there was one man among them wearing a red mask who was like their leader. The one in the red mask moved toward me surprisingly and just directed me to move my vehicle out of the row and leave. That was how I left the scene in safety without any harm!” said Chief Atulomah. When he later narrated his narrow miraculous escape to his fellow politicians, everyone was awe-struck and marvelled at the Almighty God.
“This was purely the handwork of the Lord. We are blessed in this day to have this kind of protection from God. Anoint your cars with these Anointing Stickers!” He testified to the glory of God.



When the power of God is present, healing, deliverance and all of God’s blessings, are indeed like breathing. Such was the case with six-year-old, Master Samuel Ogunfuyi of Bayelsa in Nigeria. He had been suffering from sickle cell anaemia, blood genotype SS, from birth. For all those years, he lived on blood donations with no hope of any permanent cure. That is how, in search of divine solution, his mother, Mrs Mercy Ogunfuyi brought him to The SCOAN. They were placed at the Prayer Line two weeks ago. It did not require a touch from the man of God but, just like the shadows of the apostles falling on the sick and healing them, Prophet T.B. Joshua simply passed by the boy and declared everyone in the vicinity healed, in Jesus’ name. That was it! Master Samuel Ogunfuyi and mother went home and a few days later went to hospital for examinations and behold, he was healed of the deadly disease!
“The doctors said Samuel’s blood had reverted from genotype SS to AA,” said the mother in her testimony on Sunday, happy that her child had finally been given a second chance in life.



Viewers of Emmanuel TV will be familiar with the spectacular deliverance of a woman who many months ago manifested the evil spirit of the ‘giant man’ from the Indian Ocean –Mrs Shirley Obasi, a Nigerian residing in South Africa. The evil spirit in her confessed to have been over 200 years old and responsible for a lot of harm in the devil’s push to win souls to his kingdom. Well, she was in The SCOAN on Sunday to testify to the goodness of God in her life since her deliverance. She said that after her deliverance, she now experiences rest of mind and sleeps peacefully. Her daughter, who had also received deliverance, is now in school, preparing for university following financial support from the man of God. Everything about her and her family is now progressing. She further said she had come to The SCOAN to share an experience she had when the giant man re-appeared to her physically after her deliverance. She said the giant man told her that he no longer had any business with her but that all the demons had now joined together with satan to fight against the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua because he had destroyed a lot of demons and not many were remaining. One of the ways, the giant man told her, would be by using the young people who work in The SCOAN.
“The giant man said they have a lot of things to do, to fight the ministry.” It said that they intended to paint the name of The SCOAN black so that no one would see the name in a good light. She further said, “But in my mind, I knew that the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is strong to fight the demons.” The name of Jesus Christ is greater than all the combined forces of hell and earth. His victory gives us victory; it is victory assured.
Mrs Shirley Obasi concluded by urging all those listening to remain in an attitude of prayer at all times.



Mr Nicholas Ene, 50 years old from Enugu, Nigeria, came to The SCOAN suffering from the problem of difficulty in urinating due to an enlarged prostate gland and was using a catheter. Because of this problem, he was not able to urinate normally, sleep with air conditioning on or drink water in the evenings. He had suffered from the problem for four years. He went from hospital to hospital in search of a solution. The doctors told him that the only solution was for him to undergo an operation. He refused and told them he was going to The SCOAN. He came to The SCOAN Prayer Line and the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua prayed for him in the power of the Holy Spirit. During the prayer, he said, he felt heat in his body and an ‘electric shock’.

“I knew I was healed,” he said adding that immediately, the catheter started coming out by itself.
“I am now here to testify that I am completely healed from the enlarged prostate. I no longer have difficulty in urinating and I no longer use a catheter,” he said and proved his good health by urinating into a bowl to the glory of the living God!



Another amazing testimony was that of Mrs Precious Wisdom who came to The SCOAN in September 2012 and received a prophecy from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. The man of God then reached out to her and said, ‘This is the second time now you believe you are pregnant…’ According to the prophecy, the woman had twice convinced herself that she was pregnant although the doctors had said that there was no pregnancy. Confirming the prophecy then, Mrs Wisdom explained to the man of God that she had been having a series of miscarriages. Prophet T.B. Joshua also revealed to her that she was still menstruating and that she was not pregnant at that time. However, the man of God further said that God Almighty promised her a baby girl and that she would come back for her testimony.
After the prophecy, she was privileged to receive the Anointing Water. When she went back home, she went for a scan and the results showed that her belly was swollen due to a fatty liver; she was not pregnant. She then ministered the Anointing Water, in Jesus’ name.  After that, she started purging and the swelling in her belly went down. That was in 2012. She went back to the same hospital to do another scan. To God be the glory, the test results showed that Mrs Precious Wisdom was now free from a fatty liver; she had been completely healed, in Jesus’ name. She then went back and met with her husband and two weeks later, she was pregnant. In direct confirmation of the prophecy given by the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, she came on Sunday to show that she was now pregnant!
The Sunday service, broadcast live on Emmanuel TV, ended with Mass Payer ministered by the wise men during which many more people were set free, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. To God be the glory!

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Last Sunday will pass as a day of triumph for members of The SCOAN and viewers of Emmanuel TV; a day when light eclipsed darkness to manifest God’s victory over evil. Those who worshiped at The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria and viewers of the telecast around the world, did not only experience the movement of the Holy Spirit in wonders and miracles through healing, prophesies and deliverance, but also got a reality-check of man’s wickedness when they watched with shock and horror the confession of a man who had been duping people of huge sums of money in the name of the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua and the ministry.
Nevertheless, the atmosphere was afterwards charged with the power of the Holy Ghost as God expressed his mightiness through the faculties of the wise men and the man of God to set people free from afflictions and sicknesses. Prophet T.B. Joshua preached on the topic: ‘CAPACITY TO BELIEVE’ which was an extension of the previous teachings on faith. Referring to Mark 9:23, the man of God encouraged the congregants to always believe in God, saying ‘everything is possible for he who believes’ and that the greater the belief, the more able one is.
“What is possible for me depends on my capacity to believe. What is possible for you depends on your capacity to believe. This means the basis of our claim in Christ Jesus is our capacity to believe. Do you believe? I pray for your belief,” said the man of God, alluding to the father of the demon possessed boy in the Bible who cried to Jesus, ‘I believe; help my unbelief!’
Prophet T.B. Joshua stretched his hand and prayed with worshippers against ‘fleshly lusts, and ungodly thoughts and desires.’ He later on ministered prayer at The SCOAN Prayer Line where demons were cast out and healings declared in the mighty name of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ.
WISEMAN CHRISTOPHEREarlier on, Wise Man Christopher delivered a powerful and enlightening message titled, “LIFE IS A LEARNING EXPERIENCE” whose proof text was drawn from Genesis 37:5-11,19-20; Genesis 39-45.The message centred on the need for Christians to begin to look at challenges as life’s lessons – a thing he said is made possible when one relies on the strength of Jesus Christ. Wise Man Christopher drew people’s attention to the Scripture of one of the greatest personalities of the Bible – Joseph, saying the hard times he went through in the dry pit, Potiphar’s house and in the prison, were God’s own way of preserving him for the glory ahead.
He said it was during the dark periods of his life that Joseph gained the necessary experience and maturity to handle the responsibilities imposed by the exalted position in the royal court in Egypt.
“If he had become the prime minister earlier than he did in Egypt, he would have been too inexperienced to handle the position. Ask any successful person in Christ Jesus and he will tell you how much humiliation, hardship, disappointment, disagreement, persecution and rejection he had to endure in order to come to a new level in life,” said Wise Man Christopher quoting the wise words of Prophet T.B Joshua who once said, ‘Successful people don’t just drift to the top; it takes focused action, personal discipline and a lot of energy everyday to make things happen’.
He therefore encouraged Christians to feel strong in challenges if things are to happen, believing that one’s personal improvement and fulfillment in life, comes through the continual process of learning from both positive and negative experiences. He also referred to 2 Corinthians 12:7-12. He said Apostle Paul’s thorns were meant to keep him humble; to keep him from becoming conceited and proud.
“That was God’s own way of expressing His unfailing love towards Apostle Paul by hiding pride from him. Wherever you are, whoever you are and whatever you are going through in life, no matter your physical ability, ethnicity, nationality, race, gender or status stay with one thought in mind, ‘You are loved by God,’” he said


ROSEMARY IMMAShe sat in a chair at the Thursday Prayer Line with her head tilted backwards in a futile attempt to slow the blood that gushed from both her nose and mouth. The blood, in clots and rivulets, drained into a plastic vessel on her lap – a chilling and sickening spectre for one to watch. Mrs Rosemary Imma was rushed to The SCOAN close to death’s door and the only hope she reserved was in God.
The constant flow of blood was a result of a ruptured nasal artery. The bleeding had persisted for eight terrible days – eight days of constant pain, not a moment of sleep and unable to eat any solid food; eight days of horror. Hospitals had applied various scientific treatments in an attempt to plug the steady flow bit the bleeding seemed only to worsen.
“I began crying but I knew that would not solve my problem. The doctors had already told us to leave. I told my husband that he must rush me to The SCOAN,” she recounted her ordeal. Apparently, the doctors had given up hope of her survival and did not want her to die in their hands.
The couple arrived at The SCOAN late in the night, eventually coming to The SCOAN Thursday Prayer Line bathed in her own blood. Thank God, the same Jesus who healed the woman with the issue of blood is the same and works through His ministers. Prophet T.B. Joshua stretched his hand towards Mrs Imma and declared her healed. Her mouth and noses clotted with blood, she muffled a hearty ‘Amen’ and the bleeding stopped!
“My throat became dry as the bleeding had instantaneously ceased!” she said. Mrs Imma returned home and slept soundly for the first time in eight days. She awoke to re-affirm the permanence of her healing – no more bleeding through her nose or mouth! During this eight-day period, she had lost hope of the baby in her womb surviving as it was no more responding or kicking as blood was seeping out of her system. After the prayer on Thursday, she said, she felt the clear signs of life in her womb. What an awesome testimony!


EVANGELIST KINGSLEYEvangelist Kingsley Ahijoma also doubles as a civil servant while his wife is a lawyer. Together, they drive from and to work. One day, he had just dropped his wife home after a long day and was driving elsewhere when evil hit. As he was driving, he realised that a car was tailing him. Every time he stopped, the car would stop. He became worried and started to panic. A little while later, he just found his way blocked by occupants of the other car. Four of them, brandishing heavy guns, leaped at him and ordered that he wound down his window. “I was shocked and confused. I did not know what to do,” he said.
Still under shock, he heard a voice tell him to just drive down the road but, on a second glance, he saw that his adversaries had planted nails on the road which, to the carnal mind, would only puncture his car and render it immobile. But, thanks to God, another voice reminded him of his Anointing Water from The SCOAN which he keeps in his pigeon hole.
He fetched the Anointing Water and started praying with it while he lowered the window. He was calling on God to turn the incident into a great miracle. This angered the gunmen who hit him and forced him to the floor of the car. He was still praying. Anxious to get over with it, the armed robbers forced the boot of the car open. They found some money but not up to the amount they had expected. The assailants decided to just snatch the car but, miraculously, it refused to start. Suddenly, one of them felt as if he had been slapped in the face. He jumped out of the car shouting that somebody was inside, whereas no one.
“I knew then that the Invisible Master had arrived!” Mr Ahijoma said. One of the armed robbers who wore a red charm on his arm came out of the vehicle with an injury. Angry at the sudden turn of events, they decided to just kill him. Mr Ahijoma started to pray and asked God to forgive his sins; that, in case he died, God should receive him. One of the gunmen pulled an AK 47 on him and un-cocked the gun ready to shoot. To their disbelief, the bullet refused to come out despite pulling the trigger. Yet, when they shot into the air, bullets would come out.
“I am a man with military background and could not understand what was going on that the guns could not function when pointed at me. It was God and He allowed it to happen to make possible this testimony. In fact, as a child of God, no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper!” He said.


CHIEF MRS. MARY TOWOBOLAChief Mrs Mary Towobola is a Nigerian national based in South Africa where she runs businesses and came to testify how God healed her from slipped discs through the mediums of the Anointing Water and Emmanuel TV.
She had been involved in an accident on her way to her office and this gave her excruciating pain. Up to 15 x-rays were carried out on her but no one could tell what was wrong until she was taken to one medical professor who discovered that three of her discs on her spinal cord had slipped. After visiting most of the hospitals in her country with no solution, she surrendered herself to a life in a corset and wheelchair.
Last year, her daughter visited her, introduced her to Emmanuel TV and installed the cable for her. While watching, Chief Towobola witnessed for the first time how people with similar disc problems were being prayed for and got healed. She also watched testimonies of people regaining their health back after ministering the Anointing Water.
One day, while in her shop watching Emmanuel TV, a young man sympathized with her condition and brought her the Anointing Water which he ministered on her in Jesus’ name. After that, she sprayed the Anointing Water into a bottle of water which she drank gradually. As she did so, she started shaking. She continued praying and watching Emmanuel TV.
“I would join the prayer whenever the man of God was praying for viewers,” she said. After her first bottle, she felt stronger and she removed her lumbar corset immediately. She then called the person who came to her house to spray more Anointing Water into a four-litre container of water. The next, morning her husband who is a Professor in Science, was so surprised to see her mop the floor!
“He never believed in issues to do with divine healing and prophets; but he has since changed his misconception regarding this particular Prophet [T.B. Joshua],” she said, adding that she was now completely free.
As if this miracle was not enough, she told of how God had healed her from asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure through the same medium of the Anointing Water. Indeed, there is never a sickness Jesus cannot heal. He heals all manners of sicknesses and diseases. Chief Towobola is witness to this!


MR. &MRS.  OKONKWOIf God says yes, no one can indeed say, no! Mrs Okonkwo and her husband came to The SCOAN to give a compelling testimony of how God wiped away tears of shame from their life and blessed them with a baby after 13 years of barrenness.
Mrs Okonkwo was having the problem of multiple fibroids while her husband, Mr Peter Okonkwo, was experiencing a low sperm count. This robbed them of any chance to conceive and have a baby. It made them feel incomplete and inferior because their age mates and those that had married at the same time with them, had more than one child and yet they could not have even one.
“I could not rejoice with my friends who were celebrating their new born babies,” she said of her frustrations. After watching Emmanuel TV, their faith lifted and they came to The SCOAN where they were privileged to receive the Anointing Water. They prayed with the Anointing Water, asking Jesus Christ to wash their shame away. After a short time, she miraculously conceived and her baby, named Praise, was born on June 12 this year, which coincided with the birthday of Prophet T.B. Joshua.
Mr Okonkwo testified that they had gone to numerous places in search of a solution for 13 long years, spending huge sums of money in an attempt to find remedy. He was surprised and shocked that just one month after the Anointing Water was ministered, his wife conceived. He encouraged people to install Emmanuel TV in their homes so they can pray with the man of God and receive God’s blessings through the anointing of the telecast.


CHIEF YOUNG OBAGAOne thing that catches the eye of anyone visiting Chief Young Obaga’s hotel in Nigeria, is the Anointing Sticker from The SCOAN which is displayed on the door of the main entrance to the building. He is a firm believer of Jesus Christ and the mediums that He is using to express Himself. He regularly attends The SCOAN and ministers the Anointing Water on himself and his surroundings.
He came to testify how God saved his business from a bomb blast and is convinced beyond doubt that the Lord worked through the Anointing Sticker to execute one of the greatest miracles in his life. One fateful day, one of his staff saw a man selling water melon in a wheel barrow and called him to come over so that he could buy some. The man refused even though he had called him three times. Instead, the staff decided to go and meet the hawker on the other side of the road in order to get the water melon. After he had bought the fruit, the vendor started to behave strangely and looked as if he wanted to leave in a hurry. The staff moved away from wheel barrow. The seller also walked away and, seconds later, a bomb which had been secretly hidden underneath the water melons exploded, causing destruction, right, left and centre.
Had it been that the man had responded to the first call to sell the water melon, the bomb would have exploded in the gates of Chief Young Obaga’s hotel, causing destruction and death. As God would have it, none of his workers were killed or injured, including the boy who bought the water melon. His hotel was safe and remained intact. He was exceedingly grateful to God, not even able to think about what might have happened on that fateful day.


EVANG. ELLAH YOUNG WITH PARENTSFleshly lusts see no boundaries and can hit even those that confess to be ministers of God, but shame to the devil! Evangelist Ellah Young had been engaged in a battle behind closed doors for more than 12 years. Aged 10, the innocent boy was introduced into sexual acts by some older cousins, opening the door for the spirit of lust to ensnare and entrap him. From that age onward, lustful thoughts whirled within his heart and clotted his mind. As he grew older, so did the lust. With both of his parents being pastors, he kept this strange behaviour hidden, feigning a good Christian life on the outside and even going into evangelism at a young age. Apart from engaging in fornication, the spirit also pushed him to watch pornography on the internet. He explained that once the lustful urge came, he was powerless and had to attempt to satisfy such urge through various ungodly means.
As the problem continued to increase in his life, his mother noticed his familiarity with females and she started fighting against it by answering his mobile phone and warning the girls calling him to stay away. However, at night and behind closed doors, the urge reigned, rendering him sluggish in prayer and Bible reading and under a constant weight of guilt and condemnation. Education-wise, the spirit of lust resulted in complete loss of concentration, leading his parents to enroll him in more than 12 schools, all in a futile attempt to provide him quality education.
Evangelist Young came to The SCOAN, realising that there was actually an evil spirit behind his lustful addictions, not just a bad characteristic as he had always assumed. Based on this revelation, he opened the door of his heart for deliverance and came to The SCOAN. Last week, Wise Man Daniel prayed for him in the power of the Holy Spirit and the evil spirit was both exposed and expelled! A week later, Evangelist Young testified that his heart was finally free from ungodly thoughts and lustful desires. He explained that although temptation still comes, he has the strength to resist the urge and can now concentrate on the Word of God. He advised people with similar struggles in their spiritual journey that they need to realise the source of their problems lies in demonic forces and deliverance in the power of the Holy Spirit is the way out.


HON. ELIZABETH AMOAH-TETTEHThe healing last week of Hon Elizabeth Amoah-Tetteh, the former Deputy Minister of Education in Ghana, was another glorious manifestation of Jesus Christ as the Healer and how He is the same today as He was yesterday!
Mrs Amoah-Tetteh came to The SCOAN last Thursday in a deplorable state. Her hearing had deteriorated for the past three years to the point where she couldn’t hear anything at all without wearing medically provided hearing aids. Additionally, she experienced terrible insomnia, unable to sleep at night, leaving hear appearance rugged and unbecoming of her ministerial status. It was in this condition that she was brought to The SCOAN and placed at the Prayer Line. She sat transfixed in her chair vividly relying more on her eyes than ears. She was privileged to receive prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua in Jesus’ name and she instantly got her hearing back.
“When Prophet T.B. Joshua touched me, I was still wearing the hearing aids because I knew I couldn’t hear him speak if I didn’t have them in,” Amoah-Tetteh explained, adding “When he prayed for me, he asked me to remove them. Immediately I removed them, I found that I could hear! I was able to hear noise and people around me talking!”
Taking her position in front of cameras and before the congregants, immaculately dressed and beaming with confidence, she said for the first time she slept like a rock, rejoicing in her new found hearing and freedom. In a mere space of three days, the transformation in Hon. Elizabeth’s life was evident for everyone to see! Advising viewers worldwide, she added, “Don’t take this place as a joke. The Lord is here and He is working.”


Utter shock is the best word to describe the mood on Sunday when worshippers and viewers of Emmanuel TV, watched footage of how Police in Ghana arrested a notorious criminal who devilishly went about defrauding unsuspecting individuals in the name of Prophet T.B. Joshua.
In the current case, the man – Mr Anthony, gave his shocking testimony to the world, explained how he had ventured on the devil’s mission to dupe people of almost $4,000,000 using the name of the man of God.
Mr Anthony, who is from both Togo and Ghana, explained while in handcuffs how he had begged a director of one of the large companies in Ghana to provide him money to visit The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria after he had been diagnosed with HIV/AIDs. Pitying his condition, the man gave him the required funds which he used to visit The SCOAN. He received prayer in Jesus’ name and returned to Ghana.
Incredibly, he returned to the doctors for a test which confirmed him negative to HIV/AIDs. However, rather than appreciating God for restoring his health, this gentleman saw it as an opportunity to enrich himself through dishonest means. He returned to the same gentleman who had assisted him to visit The SCOAN, claiming that he was sent by the Prophet and needed financial support for supposed building projects.
The man graciously complied, naively believing that Prophet T.B. Joshua was aware of the transactions. Altogether, he collected US$55,000 from that particular gentleman, alongside some money in other currencies also. However, this was just the beginning. Seeing the opportunity to use T.B. Joshua’s name to deceitfully enrich himself, he hatched a malicious plan with a man named ‘Igwe’ in Nigeria to dupe people of up to $4,000,000.
The plan involved forging documents claiming to be written by Prophet T.B. Joshua, even faking his own signature, requesting financial support for huge building projects. The deception even went to the extent that ‘Igwe’ would pretend to be Prophet T.B. Joshua on the phone, mimicking him and misleading people into believing that he was aware of all the money they were giving. Yet, the man of God who is General Overseer of The SCOAN, was never aware of such undertakings.
Mr Anthony used the first sum he collected from the Ghana entrepreneur to buy cars and send his child to school in Canada, among others. The congregation was left dumbfounded at how far man can go to scheme wicked ways and abuse God’s grace.
Prophet T.B. Joshua thanked people in Ghana for their love for the Ministry, saying they are the kind of people who do not want the name of the church abused. He also commended police in Ghana for making their country unsafe to criminals.
Emmanuel TV, which is the official broadcaster of the Ministry, has continuously warned people world over to beware of crooks who are masquerading as representatives of the church with the evil-conceived mind to defraud the unsuspecting. Thank God that this fraudster was caught. As we continue to stress on Emmanuel TV, please beware of fraudsters!
*We hope you are blessed. Please do not hesitate to send us your testimonies!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

TB Joshua UK Crusade – London 10th Nov,2013 & Birmingham 1st Dec, 2013 LIVE!

by TB Joshua Fans UK Blog
TB Joshua Church Nigeria |

Anointing Water Revival UK – London

Date – Sunday 10 November 2013
Doors Open – 10:00 am
Venue - Troxy, 490 Commercial Rd, London E1 0HX
Troxy can seat 2000 people and is a five minute walk from Limehouse Station (DLR from Bank or Tower Hill and Lewisham, Woolwich or Beckton; C2C train from Fenchurch St and Southend). Buses that pass Troxy are 15, 115 and 135, with the D3 also passing nearby. Troxy is primarily a public transport venue and there is no onsite parking.
For those needing overnight accommodation, some options are listed here
Prophet T.B. Joshua will be sending a team of evangelists with the Anointing Water. The service will also have praise & worship, live testimonies, faith-building video clips and mass prayer shown on large video screens. All are welcome but no children’s work provided.
If you live north or west of London, you may wish to consider attending the event or applying for the prayer line in Birmingham on December 1st. The Birmingham venue has a large capacity and over 300 free car parking spaces.
Call 07985 034222 or 020 7060 3939 or Email if you have questions.

Anointing Water Revival UK – Birmingham

New Bingley Hall Banner
Date – Sunday 1 December 2013
Doors Open – 10:00 am
Venue - New Bingley Hall, 1 Hockley Circus Birmingham B18 5PP
The New Bingley Hall can seat up to 2000 and has over 300 free parking spaces. It has good road access from the A41 and A4540 (Ring Road), connecting with the national Motorway network (M5 J1, M6 J6). It is a short bus or taxi ride from the city centre and main train stations. The buses that go to Hockley Circus are 16, 16A, 74 and 79. To plan your journey locally, you can use this online travel planner.
Prophet T.B. Joshua will be sending a team of evangelists with the Anointing Water. The service will also have praise & worship, live testimonies, faith-building video clips and mass prayer shown on large video screens. All are welcome but no children’s work provided.
To apply for the prayer line, complete and submit this online application form.
Call 07985 034222 or 020 7060 3939 or Email if you have questions.

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Emmanuel TV Team is coming to Kenya

ATTENTION: The Emmanuel TV Team is coming to southern Africa for SCOAN visits registration and will be in KENYA on SUNDAY 27th & MONDAY 28th October 2013 from 10am to 10pm at PRIDEINN HOTEL AND CONFERENCING, NAIROBI, WESTLAND AREA ON WESTLAND ROAD ( NEXT TO GRIFFINS COLLEGE)
Contact+254179547053 or +254735640055

PLEASE NOTE: Every person regardless of their health status is required to bring with them a RECENT, ORIGINAL MEDICAL REPORT and OFFICIAL TRAVELLING PASSPORT

Sunday, October 20, 2013

What is the secret to accessing the miraculous?

Written by Daniel Kolenda   
I was interviewed on a well known television show and was asked by the host “What is the secret to accessing the miraculous?” My first thought was, “I wish I had 30 minutes to talk about this instead of 30 seconds.” The reason is that I know that many people will dismiss my simple and un-convoluted answer as a corny spiritual cliché.
“The secret”, I told him, “is that there is no secret.” Or at least, it shouldn’t be a secret. The key to accessing the miraculous power of God is the simplest and most basic belief of Christianity. It is what brings us into the kingdom of God, justifies us before God and allows us to please God in the first place.
The key to accessing the miraculous is simply faith in the finished work of the cross. I know no other secret and I challenge anyone to point to anything in Scripture that gives us any other key to accessing the miraculous power of God besides faith.
Remember when the lame man at the Beautiful Gate was healed? Peter said to the crowd of amazed spectators that gathered, “Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk? By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see.” (Acts 3:12 and 16)
The greatest spiritual discoveries are really simple and basic truths. It is as if everyone were searching for a tip, a trick or a new revelation. The new books keep piling up. Training centres are springing up everywhere. Teachers are a two a penny. Yet it seems that the more we learn about the miraculous the less we experience it.
Perhaps what we really need is to unlearn most of what we have learned – to strip it all back to the utter simplicity of God’s word. I am talking about a simplicity that is so elementary that it is offensive, an insult to our intelligence.

The incalculably priceless original

In ancient times writing materials were often difficult to come by. For this reason parchments were often re-used for different purposes. A scribe or an author would simply scrape or scrub out the original text that was inscribed on the parchment and write something else over the top of it.
Believe it or not, incalculably priceless New Testament manuscripts were sometimes recycled in this way, much to the chagrin of anyone who recognised their real value. These came to be known as “palimpsest” manuscripts (from a Greek word meaning “scraped again”). Scholars have gone to a great deal of trouble to transcribe the underlying text of these palimpsest manuscripts using keen eyesight, chemical reagents and, more recently, computer technology.
Perhaps the most famous palimpsest manuscript is known as the Ephraim Codex. It is so called because at some point around AD 1,200 someone copied 38 sermons by the 4th century theologian, Ephraim of Syria, over the top of much of the biblical text! Thanks to the German Bible scholar Tischendorf, who first deciphered the manuscript, the Ephraim Codex is today among the most significant biblical manuscripts in existence.
I am sure the scribe who superimposed Ephraim of Syria’s sermons over the top of the biblical text thought he was doing something important. If he had only understood that the real treasure was the original text underneath! To reach the treasure, great pains were taken to peel back the layers of overlaid commentary to reveal the simplicity and the power of God’s word.
If there is a secret to accessing the miraculous power of God, it is a secret because it has been obscured by the commentaries of a thousand teachers, each one adding to the infinite list of prerequisites, regulations and procedures that are now being taught as necessary. If we can only forget all that and strip it all back to the basics, we would discover the secret has been there all along: “Only Believe”. My friend, if you are searching for the secret, I can tell you already – when you discover the secret, you will discover that the secret is really no secret at all.

A tough lesson in faith

Several years ago I ministered at a remarkable event. I had just finished preaching my heart out and it was time to pray for the sick. Little did I know, I was about to learn a new lesson in the subject I had just preached about – faith. Fired up by my own sermon and brimming with confidence, I stepped off the platform and began laying hands on the sick who were sitting right in the front. I approached a severely crippled man in a motorised wheelchair. His hands and legs were twisted, shrivelled and lame. I turned to the ushers who were flanking me and said, “Lift him out of the wheelchair!” and I continued down the prayer line.
I am not sure what caused the misunderstanding that took place next. Perhaps it was the language barrier – we were in Hong Kong. Perhaps it was the noise – it was a very noisy meeting at a huge venue. I am not sure. All I know is that after I had laid my hands on the last person in the front row, I turned back towards the stage and now that man in the wheelchair was sitting right in the centre of the stage in front of over 5,000 people! Apparently, when I told the ushers to lift him out of the wheelchair, they thought I had told them to lift the wheelchair onto the platform.
Now, it is one thing to pray for a person on the front row but it is another to pray for them while 5,000 people are watching every move. My legs felt a little wobbly, my palms began to sweat and my heart rate went up.

What if I pray and nothing happens?

All that faith that I thought I had was suddenly missing. I am sure you want to know what happened next. I have to warn you – this is not what you were hoping for. I prayed for the man and nothing happened. No healing. No miracle. No manifestation. Nothing.
I want to be very honest with you. Sometimes the most important lessons are not learned on the mountaintops but down in the valleys. I want you to understand something about faith that is very valuable and if you will receive what I am telling you now, it can set you free.
After I prayed for that crippled brother and he was not healed, I have to admit that I felt humiliated, embarrassed, ashamed and depressed. I think that I actually felt worse for myself than for the crippled man! In that moment, the Holy Spirit shone a light on my own heart and I saw something I had never been aware of before. I suddenly realised that I had hitched my reputation and ego to the train of God’s glory. If he did a miracle, I felt gratified. If he did not do a miracle, I felt humiliated – as though I had some stake in his wonders.
In my view, this is the most common mistake that people make when expecting miracles to happen. Miracles are not about us. Miracles are all about Jesus! People are amazed to see the miracles that happen at our campaigns but I truly believe that I could stand my seven-year-old son on the platform in my place and if he prayed in faith in the name of Jesus, he would also see mighty miracles. Miracles are the easiest part of my job because I do not perform them!
Most people reading this text will never have to pray for someone on a platform with 5,000 people looking on but many have the same fear and it has often kept you from stepping out in faith. “What if I pray for someone and nothing happens?” is the question.
Years ago I asked Evangelist Bonnke that same question, “What if I pray for someone and nothing happens?” This was his answer, “If you have to pray for 100 people in a prayer line and the first 99 don’t get healed, pray for the 100th one as if everyone before him had been healed!” My friend – that is faith! It is unmoved by what the eyes see. It rests on the promises and power of God.
Someone once said to me, “Faith is spelt R-I-S-K.” I know what they meant by that and there is certainly truth in it. But I would like to express it differently. I say faith is spelt R-E-S-T. Or perhaps to put it a better way, T-R-U-S-T.
If you are always afraid of what will happen if you pray for someone and they are not healed, you will soon stop praying for people. Faith and fear are at opposite ends of the spectrum and fear is bondage (Hebrews 2:15). Fear enters in where there is a feeling of personal risk. So if you are afraid of what will happen if you pray for someone and they are not healed, it is a good indication that you may have claimed personal ownership of something that does not belong to you in the first place – God’s glory.
Until you are able to rest in the finished work of the cross, you do not understand faith. Until you are able to be unmoved by what you see, you do not understand faith. Until you have unhitched your reputation from the train of God’s glory, you do not understand faith. Until you understand that it is not about you, you do not understand faith.
I do not claim to know all there is to know about faith. In fact, the longer I am enrolled in the School of the Holy Spirit, the less I know. But there is one thing I am sure of – once I had unhitched my ego from the train of God’s glory, I experienced a freedom that I had never known before. Now I could pray for the sick without feeling any pressure or anxiety. If they were healed it was not my doing and if they were not healed it still was not my doing. I relinquished both the credit and the blame. What was important for me to do was simply to obey and to believe and the rest was his responsibility. Do you know what I discovered? I discovered that faith is rest! What a liberating truth!
The more we try to make miracles happen the less we will see them. The more afraid we are of what might not happen, the less we will pray, obey and believe. The more we rest in faith and move forward in obedience, the more we will experience the miraculous. Our job is not to be the saviour, the healer, the wonder worker or the deliverer. Our job is to lay our hands on the sick, to pray for them in Jesus name and to believe God’s word no matter what. The rest is up to God.
So, in answer to the question “What if I pray and nothing happens?”, here is my advice:

Keep praying!

Daniel Kolenda

Parabel: Victorious living

Written by Reinhard Bonnke   
Today I would like to tell you a parable.
Let’s call him John. John had a two-storey house, with five rooms on the ground floor and five upstairs.
One day he heard someone knocking gently on the front door. When John opened it, it was the Lord Jesus. “Please come in,” John said, thrilled at the unexpected visit. “I’ll give you the best room in the house – it’s upstairs.” Well, Jesus is a gentleman, said “thank you” and gladly accepted the invitation.
The next morning someone hammered hard on the front door. When John opened it, who was there? The devil. “No!” shouted John, “I don’t want you here.” But the devil grinned, “I’m already in” – and pushed John aside. A huge fight started. Satan poured filthy temptations on John, negative, sinful thoughts; it was horrible. By the evening had John somehow gained the upper hand; he threw the devil out and closed the door. Still trying to catch his breath, he said to himself, “Just a minute. I gave Jesus the best room in the house. Why didn’t he come and help me?”
John took his question to Jesus, who said, “Look, you gave me just one of your ten rooms.” John saw the problem, fell to his knees and said, “Lord Jesus, I can see my mistake. Please forgive me. Let’s make it 50/50.” Jesus politely accepted his offer.
The next day was a repeat of the day before. Somehow the devil got in and the fight was on again. By the evening John was totally exhausted and again wondered, “Why didn’t Jesus come and help me today? I’ll have to go and ask him.”
The Lord said, “My child, why don’t you give me your whole house and then, instead of me staying with you as your guest, why don’t you stay with me?” John broke down. He pulled the key of the front door from his pocket and handed it to Jesus. Please be Lord over my entire life,” he said. Now he had given Jesus everything.
The next morning, while it was still dark, someone knocked at the front door so hard that the whole building shook. John jumped out of bed shaking with fright. “Oh no, it’s the devil again”, he whimpered. Then suddenly he heard footsteps in the house. It was Jesus, striding in majesty and power towards the front door. He was holding the key. Now it was his duty to answer the door to callers. John wondered what would happen and ran to the door. He was standing right behind Jesus when the Lord opened the door wide. Who was it? The devil, of course. Yet when the devil saw Jesus standing at the door, he bowed low, very low indeed, and said, “Sorry, Sir. I must have knocked on the wrong door!” And ran off as fast as he could.
Have you made Jesus Lord over every part of your life?
Or is he only Lord over some of the rooms in your house? Some people have given Jesus nine rooms in the houses of their life but there is a sign on the door to room number 10 which says “Private – No entry”. That room contains hidden sins, lies, deception, unclean things that they know Jesus does not like. In that room, they live a double life. Those are the very things that give the devil the right to keep knocking at our front door and forcing his way in.
Jesus cannot be deceived. He knows everything about us. He knows what is happening in every room in our life – even in those places that we studiously try keep from him.
Give him the entire house of your life. Everything. Every part of it. He wants to remove all the dirt, clean it up, make it tidy, put it to rights and, in a way, open all the windows to let light and fresh air in.
He wants every part of your life to be somewhere where he can stay and feel at ease.
Invite him wholeheartedly to be Lord over every single part of your life. In your own words, say something like this:
“Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
I give you every room, every nook and cranny in the house of my life.
I willingly give you, as my Lord and Saviour, EVERTHING!
You know all about my sins,
my situation and my addictions.
I place my trust fully in you, the Son of the living God.
Cleanse me and make my life a place
where you feel at ease and which honours you.
I open myself up to your Holy Spirit
and want to follow you
all the days of my life.
I trust you and your good guidance.
Please be Lord over my life!”

That is what I recommend if you want to live a life of victory!

But thanks be to God!
He gives us the victory through our Lord
Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57

Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow-citizens
with God’s people and members of God’s household.
Ephesians 2:19

Bible study: The Fire of the Lord - 3

Written by Reinhard Bonnke   
like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones.
Jeremiah 20:9

Fire is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, not just one of his characteristics. The Spirit is not merely exuberance. There are many other facets – the Holy Spirit is like a dove, like water from heaven, the guide, the one who was sent to us in the place of Jesus, to walk beside us. He is the wind of heaven and the oil of anointing. The many different forms of his working can be seen. This variety is in turn expressed by what we do when we are filled with the Holy Spirit and guided by him. Without question, everything that takes place in the Christian life depends on the Spirit. And behind everything that the Spirit does is fire.
If you want to save souls in a neat and proper style, without emotion, it is going to be difficult for the Holy Spirit to work with you. Some want Pentecost to be dignified but Pentecost can mean that people think you are drunk. The power of the Holy Spirit can be too great for our frail human bodies. When the fire fell long ago in the Temple, all those who were there fell on their faces.

Facing facts

What I am trying to say is that you cannot maintain your composure when the fire of God falls on you. You will never be the same again. After King Saul had been touched by the Spirit, he was a changed man. If you do not want to be changed, do not hope to receive the fire. If you have it when you are in church, you will also have it when you are not in church. You will be different, a colourful bird among grey-coloured sparrows. Yet that is exactly what the world needs more than anything else – people who are different, created by God, people who shine like the lights of heaven “in a crooked and depraved generation” (Philippians 2:15). Moses saw the burning bush and said, “I will go over and see this strange sight” (Exodus 3:3). It was an amazing sight! Every bit as amazing as God himself. However are we going to make an impression on people if we are just like them? We have to be people whose hearts are on fire – and that does not necessarily make for cosy living.
Paul once shaved his head to make it clear that he had taken a vow (Acts 18:18). People noticed – a bald-headed apostle. Yet he was not ashamed of what he had done and it was plain for all to see that he was a man of profound faith who had taken a vow for God. The Sikhs in the British Empire fought for the right to wear their turbans everywhere as a sign of their religion, even on the battlefield, on their motorcycles and indeed everywhere they went. They were proud to show off their faith, to place it on show. Why shouldn’t Christian believers who have been baptised in fire do the same?
The disciples emerged from the Upper Rome as changed men and Peter caught everyone’s attention when he said, “we are all witnesses of the fact [that Jesus had been raised to life]” (Acts 2:32). In other words, “We are proof that Jesus is alive – look at us!” What do people look like as they come out of our modern Sunday morning services? Just image the fire falling in Cologne Cathedral and everyone coming out as if they were drunk. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not something that you can keep to yourself; it is a public affair. Nor is it there for our own satisfaction or convenience. The fact of the matter is that it will cause you a lot of discomfort. The Holy Spirit is not given you to make life easy but to get you out of your cosy, little corner and into this world’s winds and storms. Your life’s purpose is to go fishing for men in rough waters.
We are not talking about feelings or power but about the person of the Holy Spirit. He can no more be distributed by a preacher or evangelist along the lines of “Here, have a bit of Holy Spirit!” than you can share out your wife, your son or your daughter. The Holy Spirit is a person. He has not been given so as to produce impressive stage effects as conjurers do. His sphere of operation is where Jesus is being preached. If you remove Jesus, the Holy Spirit will go, too.

Fire for a world that has been set alight

The apostles lived in an age when the world was a violent place. Most of them died a violent death but that was also true of the Roman emperors. Christians suffered inconceivably merciless persecution for more than 200 years. At the end of the 19th century, leading humanists said that the world was about to enter the golden age. Evolution, or so they said, had taken humankind to the pinnacle of its achievements; we had knowledge, enlightenment, technology and peace. In fact, the past century was the most destructive since men and women first walked this planet. Two world wars, numerous smaller wars, terror and famine in Africa, China and India, violence and barbaric perversion – right on our doorstep. We apply our greatest academic powers to developing weapons with ever greater powers of destruction and with an increasingly extensive potential impact.
Jesus knew that this violent world needed a powerful antidote – his cross and fire from heaven. Fire has to be fought with fire. These days, evil parades openly, boldly and provocatively. Millions boast of their wicked deeds and shame. How are we as Christians to respond to this age? With a glass of milk and water? With a monologue from the pulpit?
We want a church that has been baptised in fire! It is time for us to rise up, raise our voices and be silent no longer. Let our tongues be set alight by the fire of the Holy Spirit. The early Christians were burned like torches in the gardens of Nero, the Roman Emperor. We, too, need to burn like torches for our Lord in the pitch darkness of this world that acts as if God does not exist. A man of fire is not afraid of what people can do to him. We know him who is the truth; let’s tell people about him.
We need to set our countries on fire spiritually. Yes, we will be controversial people but we will make sure that godlessness is also controversial. We will show it for what it is, worthless and wretched. Unbelief and the rejection of Christ engender every kind of sin and evil. The world is mad. It is insane to doubt the existence of God, the resurrection and the word of the Lord.
We need people who are on fire spiritually and church fellowships that are ablaze with enthusiasm and can start a nationwide forest fire. Revival means fire, people with true fire – that burns for all to see. Revival does not come if you remain comfortably within your four walls and ask God to do something.
The prophet Jeremiah was the kind of person we need – millions of them. Although he was discouraged, he could not keep silent. He said that the word of God was “like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones” (Jeremiah 20:9).
Let’s go back to where we started. Our God is a “consuming fire”. Can you cope with that, with the “eternal blaze”? Think about it.
Reinhard Bonnke

Bible study: The Fire of the Lord - 2

Written by Reinhard Bonnke   
... fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices ...
2 Chronicles 7:1

The fire of God will never go out. That was the first thing that struck Moses as he observed the burning bush – the bush did not burn up but neither did the flames die down. The temple fires on the altar of burnt offerings and the altar of incense never went out; it was holy fire.
The Day of Pentecost was not something the disciples looked back on with nostalgia and longing. What happened on that day lasted throughout their lives. We read a little about how they felt on the Day of Pentecost but it takes the whole book of Acts to tell the story of the impact of that day – and even today that is not the end of it! The fire of God does not blaze less brightly as time goes by. The source of that fire is eternal, inexhaustible. As we read in Zechariah, the seven lights on the golden lampstand received an endless supply of oil straight from the olive trees (Zechariah 4).
At the time of the biblical Pentecost in Jerusalem, magnificent aqueducts channelled water from the hills to the city of Rome. Now all that remains of that remarkable piece of engineering are ruins. The arches are broken and the aqueducts are dry. Is that also true of the Pentecost experience? Does it belong to a long-ago age, 20 centuries before modern times? Is there no longer an Upper Room, no more wind or fire? Is an idealised, stiff representation in stained glass all that the church now has of what was once its vitality?

Inextinguishable fire

Notice what Jesus himself said: “Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? How much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?” (Matthew 7:9; Luke 11:11-13).
It is interesting to note how Jesus puts it. A son asks for bread, fish and an egg – the basic necessities of everyday life. Jesus did not talk about caviar, rich wines, silk robes, gold, diamonds or other luxuries but about things that are part of daily living. He makes it clear that the gift of the Holy Spirit is on a par with other life-giving necessities. God gives us bread, fish and eggs all the time and has done so for thousands of years. But he also gives us the Holy Spirit. Essentially, we can live without fish, bread or eggs. But why should we? I would not like to try it! So why should we live without the Holy Spirit?
Our personal Pentecost is not just a wonderful experience to look back on, something that happened once and lives on in the memory. It is not the memory of it that keeps us going but its ongoing and inextinguishable duration. We do not have to remember that we are alive. We do not have to remember to breathe. We do not start each day by trying to live or wake up and resolve to breathe all day long. Such thoughts never enter our heads. We just go on being alive and go on breathing! Similarly, we go on living in the perpetual renewal of the Holy Spirit. Our physical bodies are “renewed” as we use our strength and muscles and our body temperature is kept at the same level even if we feel hot or cold. A change in body temperature is an indication of illness. In Christ there is no variation in temperature. His fire is still burning!

Missing Pentecost

Paul said that Jesus appeared to “more than 500 of the brothers at the same time” (1 Corinthians 15:6). That was before the Day of Pentecost. I wonder where they all were at Pentecost. They missed it. Pentecost – the Festival of Weeks – was a pilgrimage festival that all Jews were obliged to attend. So they could have been there. Today, people still miss their own personal Pentecost – perhaps because they are too busy with other things. Some people do not like hearing or speaking in tongues any more than they like cod-liver oil. I do not think that anyone has the right not to like a gift of the Holy Spirit. His gifts are imparted by his will not in accordance with our preferences. Maybe those early brothers had a sneaking suspicion that the Upper Room was going to be a place of fiery tongues and chose to stay in the Temple with its familiar ritual. Perhaps the God of fire does not suit everybody. But whether people like it or not, there is no other kind of God.
Some years ago, an English friend of mine was on a visit to New York. His companion asked him if he would like a drink and took him to a refreshment stall where he ordered tea. At that time iced tea was unknown in England and even now “true Englishmen” regard it as sacrilege! My friend George was given a cup of iced tea. He took one sip and, with a wild look of absolute disbelief, put the cup straight back down on the counter. “That stuff is stone cold!” he said. His companion could hardly stop laughing at the incredulity with which an Englishman had discovered iced tea. That is how I react to Christianity without fire. A perpetually cold religion is as unattractive to me as a perpetually cold planet. A cold church service is as unappetising to me as yesterday’s cold potatoes.
Nevertheless, true fire is lit by the Lord, just as he lit the fires on Israel’s altars. Leviticus 9:24 describes the original altar of Moses. The fire was not lit by wood drilling on wood, as was customary in those days. We read, “Fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed the burnt offering and the fat portions on the altar. And when all the people saw it, they shouted for joy and fell face down.”
When, many centuries later, Solomon dedicated the first temple in Jerusalem, he prayed that fire would fall. “When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple. The priests could not enter the temple of the Lord because the glory of the Lord filled it. When all the Israelites saw the fire coming down and the glory of the Lord above the temple, they knelt on the pavement with their faces to the ground, and they worshipped and gave thanks to the Lord” (2 Chronicles 7:1-3).
Israel’s religion had fire and glory. The priests had to keep that original fire going. Fire was at the heart of temple worship. When Solomon prayed and the fire of God fell, no one objected. The gathered multitudes responded with a vast roar of wonder and praise to God. No one said, “There’s too much excitement in those meetings; I’d rather go where it’s quiet and sedate.” In that case the ideal place for them would have been the cemetery.
The fact is that a fireless faith is a false faith. It is not true to the nature of God. He is a consuming fire and I cannot contemplate a faith without God as he actually is. I cannot visualise God at 0° C. He is always a midday sun, always at its zenith. If our religious attitude is devoid of feelings, passion, inward burning and driving energy, then it is like the dank darkness of the tomb. The very thought gives me the shivers! When you dampen down the fire, you dampen down God and you quench the Spirit.
Some say God has compassion but no passion. I disagree. He is an eternal fountain of passion. True, he does not display passions as we sometimes do. He is changeless. As Malachi pointed out, the fire of his passion would consume us:
“‘See, I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple, the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap.’” (Malachi 3:1-2)

Reinhard Bonnke

Bible study: The Fire of the Lord - 1

Written by Reinhard Bonnke   
The Bible contains over 500 references to fire, 90 of them linking it directly with God. We are told that God in action is like a blazing fire. Fire is God’s essential characteristic: “The Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God” (Deuteronomy 4:24).
Ezekiel, for example, often uses the language of fire to talk about God, e.g. “I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord” (Ezekiel 22:31).
Isaiah prophesied, “The people will be burned as if to lime; like cut thornbushes they will be set ablaze” (Isaiah 33:12). Lime burns slowly but thorns quickly.
Do you picture God like that? A God of fire is the only one there is. Our God is not like an iceberg but like a forest fire. He is never compared to the moon with its cool glow but rather to the sun, radiating warmth. He dwells in the light of the rising sun. Whatever he does shines brightly and is carried out with burning desire and a blazing purpose. He cannot abide anything tepid.
That is what God is like. Can you grasp that idea? Isaiah asks, “Who of us can dwell with the consuming fire? Who of us can dwell with everlasting burning?” (Isaiah 33:14). Who indeed?
Elijah presents us with a real challenge: “The god who answers by fire – he is God” (1 Kings 18:24). If you want to be like Elijah, you have to have the God who answers by fire. Can you cope with that – incandescent Christianity, hot gospel, the “fire in your bones” type of faith? Or do you want a casual, non-committal, easy-going God? The God of Elijah and of Isaiah is never half-hearted but a God of tireless vigour and total commitment. He is an enthusiast! What he does, he does with enthusiasm and fervour: “The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this” (2 Kings 19:31).
Isaiah 33 speaks of God’s consuming anger against wickedness. God is like a consuming fire for Israel’s enemies. Yet at the same time, this fire will spread like a forest fire, reaching Zion, the people of God: “The sinners in Zion are terrified; trembling grips the godless: ‘Who of us can dwell with the consuming fire? Who of us can dwell with everlasting burning?’” (Isaiah 33:14). Either in or out of Zion, our God is a consuming fire.

God does not change

God is the same God for everybody, those in the church and those in the world. The God who is angry with sinners is the God we deal with. He does not change. True partnership with the Lord means being on fire; the God of fire has no fellowship with icicles. He does not get far with mild, cool, flabby folk who are undisciplined and haphazard and who work in fits and starts, blowing neither hot nor cold. No matter who we are, God does not adapt to please us; we always have to adapt to him. Is that kind of God too much for you? Too zealous, too challenging in what he does?
Church leaders and pastors are supposed to represent the God of fire. Our duty is to bring the fire of God into people’s hearts and lives – and they need it badly.
Jesus baptises with fire. John the Baptist said, “I baptise you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing-floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire” (Matthew 3:11-12; see also Luke 3:16-17).
Some theologians question whether John the Baptist ever said such words; if he did, what did he mean? Some say that his words about Jesus baptising in the Holy Spirit and in fire refer to judgement and the cleansing of Israel. I am sure that they are wrong. When John spoke about baptism in the Spirit and in fire, it was a promise, not a threat, although it was also a kind of forewarning of things to come. Throughout Scripture the fire of God comes both to purge and to bless.
The fire of God is not given to make us cosy but holy and to stir us up. When Moses saw the burning bush, God first warned him that he was standing on holy ground and then told him of the great thing that he was about to do, to release Israel from captivity (Exodus 3). When Isaiah had a vision of the temple being filled with smoke and the burning holiness of God, his awareness of being unclean preceded God’s equipping him to be his messenger.
If the God of fire takes over, it will not be a comfortable experience for those who sit around in Zion. The idea of being filled with the Spirit is not to give us nice emotions and lovely church meetings but to set us going for God. In giving power, Jesus makes his purpose clear: “You shall be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8). It is glorious to be anointed but it is for service, not for nice church services.

Life without fire

Can we live without fire? Not on this earth. Primitive people believed that fire was a gift from the gods, and we can certainly appreciate that. God prepared this world as a place where people could live, and fire is as essential as water or air. Without essential warmth half the population would freeze to death. Without fire there would be no sunlight, no cooking, no metals, indeed no manufacturing; we would never have seen a steam train or steam ship. We could not imagine a more terrible world. No one would want to live on a planet like that – and, in fact, no one could.
The universe is full of fire. The sun is a great globe of incandescence, every star shines by its own fire, and even the centre of our planet is fire – a molten core of metal. Every volcano is a powerful illustration of God’s character. He is a Vesuvius of goodness, life and energy.
If we can no longer see the light of the stars, it is because of modern pollution in the atmosphere. That is the price we pay in our great cities – lots of lamps but no stars. These days the wise men would be hard put to find a star to guide them to Bethlehem. Yet that is a modern-day parable. People are not finding their way to Jesus because of pollution. We are too clever by half. No one can see God through a polluting cloud of doubt and sin. Nonetheless, he is still there, shining forever.
On the day of Pentecost there was not only fire but also wind. Wind disperses fog and mist. It clears the atmosphere. The disciples had doubts galore even after Jesus had risen from the dead and spoken to them. We read that Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples as they sat eating a meal together. Some had believed reports of his appearance but others had doubted; Jesus rebuked them for their hardness of heart. However, when the winds of God tore the heavens open and swept into the Upper Room, no doubts were left. God’s tornado and the tongues of fire on every head were no hallucination. Jesus had reached the power centre of the universe, just as he had said. He had kept his promise and sent the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.
Reinhard Bonnke

Prayer - the power to change things

Written by Reinhard Bonnke   
Let me encourage you to read the New Testament and mark every place where prayer in mentioned. You will soon see the importance given to prayer. In Matthew’s Gospel alone there are more than 40 references to prayer; there are 230 in the New Testament as a whole, although as many as ten different terms are used for prayer. There are various methods, forms and types of prayer – and they exist so that we can use them against the enemy.
Today I would like to write to you about intercession. Intercession is a particular form of prayer for believers. What exactly is it?

Intercession is a special commission for Jesus’ disciples

Believers are called to do a particular kind of “work” through their prayers. They should not only ask for things for themselves but stand before God on behalf of other people. That is a key aspect of the fulfilment of Jesus’ commission on earth. It is prayer that first sets things moving in the spiritual world. Jesus Himself is our great intercessor and we are called to follow Him determinedly in that respect, too.
However, “the work of prayer” is not enough on its own; we need more if we are truly to enter into intercession. From Jesus, our role model, flowed a great stream of compassion. It was the power motivating Him. The active power inherent in intercession grows out of a spontaneously overflowing sense of mercy and love. These are usually quite natural feelings when it comes to our own family and friends, but it is good to allow the Lord to lay other things on our hearts, too. If we sense the burden of intercession, it means that God would like to entrust something important to us.
This is the confidence we have in approaching God; that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us – whatever we ask – we know that we have what we asked of him. (1 John 5:14-15)
The Old Testament gives us impressive examples of intercessory prayer. Abraham prayed to God for Abimelech and for the cities of Sodom and Gomorra, which were destined for destruction. Moses, Solomon, Elijah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Ezra, Esther, Jeremiah and many other prophets prayed for the people of Israel. There are even intercessory Psalms.

Intercession has the power to change things

As an evangelist, I am called to stand in front of vast crowds, but I do not dare to preach to them before I am sure that intercession has been made to God for all those people.
During our major campaigns my soul is filled with a spirit of prayer and intercession; it often gets me out of bed at three in the morning. Hundreds, and sometimes even thousands, of intercessors support me in prayer when I am then at work on the platform. For my spirit, that is like a mighty upcurrent that allows an eagle to soar high. I look out over a sea of people and know that Satan is going to have to let his prey go.
In the Western world only comparatively few non-Christians venture to attend an evangelistic meeting. If they do go to that kind of meeting, it is often because they have been invited by someone who has been interceding to God for them for some time and has prepared the ground.
But what about the people in the overpopulated countries of Africa and Asia, in China, India and Indonesia? How many of them have their names brought before the Lord? Who intercedes for them and stands in the gap for them, as we read in Ezekiel? These huge crowds are made up of many valuable, unique individuals. They are human beings like us. If we do not pray for them, who will?
Our prayers pierce the darkness of a tortured world like laser guns; they are like shafts of light releasing God’s blessing on the earth, transmitting the power of Calvary and Jesus’ resurrection. Intercession has the power to change things that seem unchangeable and blocks the devil’s wavelengths.
I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so that I would not have to destroy it, but I found none. (Ezekiel 22:30)
If God had found a man like that when Ezekiel was writing those lines, it would inevitably have been mentioned in the prophet’s book and his name would have been immortalised. When we make intercession, we join God’s elite troops, a committed army of warriors who are well known in heaven and who achieve a lot.

Intercession – because there are no nobodies for God

Every single human being has an incomparably high value. The intensity of our prayers should match the desperate state of forlornness from which people need to be freed. The more they are caught up in the web of evil, the more intense our intercession needs to be. No one should be allowed to go through life without someone praying for him or her.
When we read 1 Timothy 2:1-4, we realise that the ultimate and supreme goal of intercession is evangelism. God wants all (!) people to be saved. Let’s storm the heavenly throne and pray for many people to be saved and redeemed.
Intercession is not pious babbling or empty words but a heart-felt cry for help. Intercession is not “over and done with” by praying “Lord, bless me and everyone else. Amen!” Our Lord prayed fervently for us until He sweated blood. He even prayed for the soldiers who drove the nails into his trembling flesh. Intercession is something that requires commitment, earnestness and faithfulness.
Pray for all people – because life without Christ is a terrible thing. There is only one Saviour, and if people turn Him down, there is nowhere else they can go for help. What can they do then? There is no way out. That is why intercession is so urgently needed. Intercession leads to divine intervention.

Intercession leads to divine intervention

“More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” (Alfred Lord Tennyson) That sounds good but is only half the truth. The other half would have to be: “More things have failed to happen because people did not pray than this world dreams of.”
Many supposedly “unanswered” prayers are probably prayers that were never really prayed. However, if we pray for the salvation of a nation, we can be sure to have God’s immediate attention because those prayers go straight to the heart of what concerns our Lord.
The Lord’s Prayer begins with the words “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.” That is how every true intercessory prayer begins because what we want is for His kingdom to come. And all true intercession ends with the words “Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen.”
Brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured. (2 Thessalonians 3:1)
Reinhard Bonnke