Sunday, October 27, 2013


HON. ELIZABETH AMOAH-TETTEHThe healing last week of Hon Elizabeth Amoah-Tetteh, the former Deputy Minister of Education in Ghana, was another glorious manifestation of Jesus Christ as the Healer and how He is the same today as He was yesterday!
Mrs Amoah-Tetteh came to The SCOAN last Thursday in a deplorable state. Her hearing had deteriorated for the past three years to the point where she couldn’t hear anything at all without wearing medically provided hearing aids. Additionally, she experienced terrible insomnia, unable to sleep at night, leaving hear appearance rugged and unbecoming of her ministerial status. It was in this condition that she was brought to The SCOAN and placed at the Prayer Line. She sat transfixed in her chair vividly relying more on her eyes than ears. She was privileged to receive prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua in Jesus’ name and she instantly got her hearing back.
“When Prophet T.B. Joshua touched me, I was still wearing the hearing aids because I knew I couldn’t hear him speak if I didn’t have them in,” Amoah-Tetteh explained, adding “When he prayed for me, he asked me to remove them. Immediately I removed them, I found that I could hear! I was able to hear noise and people around me talking!”
Taking her position in front of cameras and before the congregants, immaculately dressed and beaming with confidence, she said for the first time she slept like a rock, rejoicing in her new found hearing and freedom. In a mere space of three days, the transformation in Hon. Elizabeth’s life was evident for everyone to see! Advising viewers worldwide, she added, “Don’t take this place as a joke. The Lord is here and He is working.”

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