Sunday, October 20, 2013

Parabel: Victorious living

Written by Reinhard Bonnke   
Today I would like to tell you a parable.
Let’s call him John. John had a two-storey house, with five rooms on the ground floor and five upstairs.
One day he heard someone knocking gently on the front door. When John opened it, it was the Lord Jesus. “Please come in,” John said, thrilled at the unexpected visit. “I’ll give you the best room in the house – it’s upstairs.” Well, Jesus is a gentleman, said “thank you” and gladly accepted the invitation.
The next morning someone hammered hard on the front door. When John opened it, who was there? The devil. “No!” shouted John, “I don’t want you here.” But the devil grinned, “I’m already in” – and pushed John aside. A huge fight started. Satan poured filthy temptations on John, negative, sinful thoughts; it was horrible. By the evening had John somehow gained the upper hand; he threw the devil out and closed the door. Still trying to catch his breath, he said to himself, “Just a minute. I gave Jesus the best room in the house. Why didn’t he come and help me?”
John took his question to Jesus, who said, “Look, you gave me just one of your ten rooms.” John saw the problem, fell to his knees and said, “Lord Jesus, I can see my mistake. Please forgive me. Let’s make it 50/50.” Jesus politely accepted his offer.
The next day was a repeat of the day before. Somehow the devil got in and the fight was on again. By the evening John was totally exhausted and again wondered, “Why didn’t Jesus come and help me today? I’ll have to go and ask him.”
The Lord said, “My child, why don’t you give me your whole house and then, instead of me staying with you as your guest, why don’t you stay with me?” John broke down. He pulled the key of the front door from his pocket and handed it to Jesus. Please be Lord over my entire life,” he said. Now he had given Jesus everything.
The next morning, while it was still dark, someone knocked at the front door so hard that the whole building shook. John jumped out of bed shaking with fright. “Oh no, it’s the devil again”, he whimpered. Then suddenly he heard footsteps in the house. It was Jesus, striding in majesty and power towards the front door. He was holding the key. Now it was his duty to answer the door to callers. John wondered what would happen and ran to the door. He was standing right behind Jesus when the Lord opened the door wide. Who was it? The devil, of course. Yet when the devil saw Jesus standing at the door, he bowed low, very low indeed, and said, “Sorry, Sir. I must have knocked on the wrong door!” And ran off as fast as he could.
Have you made Jesus Lord over every part of your life?
Or is he only Lord over some of the rooms in your house? Some people have given Jesus nine rooms in the houses of their life but there is a sign on the door to room number 10 which says “Private – No entry”. That room contains hidden sins, lies, deception, unclean things that they know Jesus does not like. In that room, they live a double life. Those are the very things that give the devil the right to keep knocking at our front door and forcing his way in.
Jesus cannot be deceived. He knows everything about us. He knows what is happening in every room in our life – even in those places that we studiously try keep from him.
Give him the entire house of your life. Everything. Every part of it. He wants to remove all the dirt, clean it up, make it tidy, put it to rights and, in a way, open all the windows to let light and fresh air in.
He wants every part of your life to be somewhere where he can stay and feel at ease.
Invite him wholeheartedly to be Lord over every single part of your life. In your own words, say something like this:
“Dear Lord Jesus Christ,
I give you every room, every nook and cranny in the house of my life.
I willingly give you, as my Lord and Saviour, EVERTHING!
You know all about my sins,
my situation and my addictions.
I place my trust fully in you, the Son of the living God.
Cleanse me and make my life a place
where you feel at ease and which honours you.
I open myself up to your Holy Spirit
and want to follow you
all the days of my life.
I trust you and your good guidance.
Please be Lord over my life!”

That is what I recommend if you want to live a life of victory!

But thanks be to God!
He gives us the victory through our Lord
Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57

Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow-citizens
with God’s people and members of God’s household.
Ephesians 2:19

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