Sunday, October 27, 2013


ROSEMARY IMMAShe sat in a chair at the Thursday Prayer Line with her head tilted backwards in a futile attempt to slow the blood that gushed from both her nose and mouth. The blood, in clots and rivulets, drained into a plastic vessel on her lap – a chilling and sickening spectre for one to watch. Mrs Rosemary Imma was rushed to The SCOAN close to death’s door and the only hope she reserved was in God.
The constant flow of blood was a result of a ruptured nasal artery. The bleeding had persisted for eight terrible days – eight days of constant pain, not a moment of sleep and unable to eat any solid food; eight days of horror. Hospitals had applied various scientific treatments in an attempt to plug the steady flow bit the bleeding seemed only to worsen.
“I began crying but I knew that would not solve my problem. The doctors had already told us to leave. I told my husband that he must rush me to The SCOAN,” she recounted her ordeal. Apparently, the doctors had given up hope of her survival and did not want her to die in their hands.
The couple arrived at The SCOAN late in the night, eventually coming to The SCOAN Thursday Prayer Line bathed in her own blood. Thank God, the same Jesus who healed the woman with the issue of blood is the same and works through His ministers. Prophet T.B. Joshua stretched his hand towards Mrs Imma and declared her healed. Her mouth and noses clotted with blood, she muffled a hearty ‘Amen’ and the bleeding stopped!
“My throat became dry as the bleeding had instantaneously ceased!” she said. Mrs Imma returned home and slept soundly for the first time in eight days. She awoke to re-affirm the permanence of her healing – no more bleeding through her nose or mouth! During this eight-day period, she had lost hope of the baby in her womb surviving as it was no more responding or kicking as blood was seeping out of her system. After the prayer on Thursday, she said, she felt the clear signs of life in her womb. What an awesome testimony!

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