Wednesday, October 30, 2013



Those that last saw Mr Paul Egu of Bayelsa State, Nigeria seven years ago, will surely have to pinch themselves if they met him today. The former motor-cycle rider popularly called ‘okada’ in Nigeria who could hardly change his clothes nor afford three meals a day, now wears an expensive suit that glitters, equally expensive leather shoes and walks with his head held high. This 34-year-old man is now a proud owner of a very flourishing sea transport and oil/gas business in his home state, courtesy of God’s favour through the use of the Anointing Water from The SCOAN which he got through a friend!
Mr Egu comes from a poor family that could not even support his education to the extent that he had to quit his Business Administration studies to do menial work to help his family. For 15 years, he lived in abject poverty, living in a one-bedroom hut whose 300 naira monthly house rent he could not honour due to his extreme poverty conditions. Not only that, he was also unable to feed his family.
“It is the kind of life you do not want to remember,” Mr Egu, now a multi-millionaire, said as he took a retrospective view of his agonising past.
Despite all his efforts as an ‘okada’ commercial rider, Mr Egu could not break the yoke of poverty that enslaved his family for years until one day, five years ago; a friend introduced him to Emmanuel TV. He watched people testify how they were delivered from the claws of poverty through the use of the Anointing Water and Anointing Stickers. The testimonies were so overwhelming that the urge to come to The SCOAN was so huge but one he could not achieve because of his poor financial situation until the grace of God landed on his path. A friend who had been to The SCOAN in Lagos gave him the Anointing Water. He ministered it on himself, in Jesus’ name and prayed for a turnaround in his suffocating life. Shortly after, he received a call from a friend asking if he could supply building materials in a multimillion naira contract which he quickly grabbed.
He was able to supply the materials and was paid in cash. He started receiving a steady income and later, entered into a marine business. Today, he is the owner of three engine boats which are used for transportation. He also owns two marine petrol stations and, from a one-bedroom flat, he now lives in a beautiful house of his own and has another one for his extended family. In fact, he has three houses and engages in massive charity for the needy. One who could not complete his education due to poverty; he now pays scholarships to many people in his community. His company employs 24 workers on a monthly bill of over 1.5 million naira apart from millions of naira which he spent regularly on casual workers.
“I have learned this [works of charity] from the Prophet. God has blessed me so much and this is the best way I can say thank You, Lord. I was Mr Nobody before but now I am Mr Somebody,” said Mr Egu who, among his people is now fondly referred to as ‘Director’ in his community.

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