Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Different nations across the world joined worshippers last Sunday to worship God and glorify His Holy name as they dadtuned in to Emmanuel TV.
Bubbling with enthusiasm, the children of God sang melodious songs of praises and worship as they joined the Emmanuel Singers in a divinely charged atmosphere.
The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua gave a thought-provoking message that put believers on their spiritual toes.crowd
“If you pray and you never hear from God, it does not mean that God is powerless – it means your relationship with God fails to prove that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. If you pray to God and don’t hear His voice saying, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, it does not mean God is not alive. He is alive but your relationship with Him fails to prove that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the same God who rescued Daniel, Meshack, Shahealing4drack and Abed-Nego’. Once again he challenged us to reflect inward on our relationship with God.
Later, the man of God mhealing3oved among the worshippers who were eager to hear from God and touched many lives through prophecies. The congregants witnessed a lot of revelations from which many bondages were broken and evil yokes were lifted from shoulders.
The day’s prayer line session which followed was also memorable to the glory of God as the man of God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, saw to the deliverance and healing of those afflicted, including those who threw away their crutches and walked out of their wheel chairs.
Speaking on the topic: JESUS CHRIST KNOWS YOUR SITUATION, Wise Man Daniel uplifted the faith of the wm danielsurging worshippers through a down-to-earth message of God’s unflinching love and care for His people whom He would never fail to uphold by His Word. The Wise Man enjoined the worshippers not be controlled by their situation and always see the saving grace of God’s presence. His words:
“What is your situation? As a Christian, don’t grumble, murmur or rebel because God is aware. What you are complaining about may be to preserve you for the purpose which God created you for. Remember, seeing what God says will produce and increase your faith. And when it is time for God’s purpose to be fulfilled in your life, there will be a driving force that will change your action and location. Don’t forget that many toil very hard and pray fervently, but the duty of God is to determine the time and season of harvest. Therefore, leave your situation for God because He knows. And because He knows, He will never leave you without solution. As Christians, as long as the world is in place in our lives, Christ will be displaced. As long as self-confidence is in place in our hearts, the confidence born of God will be displaced. Jesus Christ is a democrat- He does not impose His Will on anyone. He allows us to exhaust whatever worldly advantages we feel we have so that, when we have learnt lessons, we would value Him.”
healing1The day also witnessed prayer for the nations, reaching out to a troubled world conducted by Prophet T.B. Joshua, who afterwards encouraged the congregation that due to the distractions in this world, the only way to maintain breakthrough is by meditation.  “I mediate on the Word day and night. Whatever I do prospers.”
healing2Not to leave any room for satan to manipulate, the new Anointing Water was also administered on all present to ensure that no one escaped the anointing of God.
It was a glorious day, the name of the Lord was magnified, Praise the Lord.

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