Tuesday, December 16, 2014


DADDYThe sermon of the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua at the Sunday Service on October 19, 2014 centered on this very symbolic subject. Having variously affirmed his adoration for the Biblical concept of truth, the man of God laid emphasis on this central Christian principle. Addressing the usually receptive and inspired congregation, the man of God stated that: “It is only truth that can see us through. Even our Lord, Jesus Christ cannot do anything against the truth because He, Himself is truth. He is the Creator of Heaven and earth. He has no beginning; He has no end. You have a beginning and you have an end. Stop fighting the truth because truth does not lose the battle; God does not lose battles”.
Speaking further, the man of God said that the Word of God is the only acceptable standard for understanding the truth. CROWD]While admonishing the congregation to strive to make the Word of God a part of their lives, he also posited that it is only by so doing that they can be set free: “Knowing facts about Jesus cannot change your relationship with Him. If you want to know the truth, go to your Bible. Make the Bible your standard because only that can set you free. Take time to splash around in the Word, to absorb it, to imbibe it and to gather it in. It must be an integral part of your being”.
Amplifying further the invaluable power in the Word of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua highlighted the far-reaching impact it can make on the lives of Christians who make it an integral part of their lives: “His Word has healing power, converting power and a purifying power. The Word can keep one from error and sin. If you say your heart is troubled, His Word rejoices the heart; it gladdens the heart. His Word is so profitable. His Word is so enduring”. In his famous style of backing up his sermons with Biblical Scriptures for the sake of expressing their practicality and applicability in today’s Christian living, the man of God drew the attention of the now engrossed congregation to the words of Jesus Christ Himself concerning the healing power of the Word in John 15:3 – “You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you”.
WM RACINEEarlier on that Sunday, Wise Man Racine enlightened the congregation with a spiritually uplifting message titled, HOLD ON TO GOD. The Wise Man’s message made an immediate spiritual impact as it related the prevailing universal crises to the doors of everyone’s particular experience. According to him, “Life is a battlefield and there are many battles to be won”. He also stressed that Christians must not forget to testify to God’s goodness, kindness and mercy each time He gives us victory in any battle.
He went further to exhort the congregation to always see God as their greatest source by giving all glory unto Him, observing that man is incapable of achieving anything without God on his side: “The best man in the world holds his integrity no longer than God upholds him in it. The best man in the world can only maintain his position and honour as long as God keeps him in it.”
He emphasized that we should always hold on to God, knowing that “beyond earthly sorrow is the joy of Heaven”. Adding that we should live in the fear of the Lord more than the fear of man, he concluded that this precept “should be the guiding principle behind every Christian’s faith”.
healing1After praying for the sick and afflicted at The SCOAN Prayer Line, the man of God led the congregation and viewers around the world in a powerful time of mass prayer. Everything that was commanded on earth was commanded in Heaven as prison doors were opened and chains were loosed. Every religious spirit, spirit of doubt, unbelief, error and heresy was commanded out, in the name of Jesus Christ. healing2
As they prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua, the congregation released themselves from every ancestral spirit and spirit of their forefathers that had tormented them. They confessed freedom and victory in Christ Jesus, knowing that the truth had won the battle.
Next, the Anointing Water was ministered on all present, being used as a medium to sanctify and purify their spirits, souls and bodies for the service of the Lord.

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