Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Source by thetbjoshuafanclub

The biblical truth that God inhabits His people and would never forsake His own was clearly evident and exemplified in the last Sunday service at The SCOAN. Heaven literally came down and the glory of God filled the souls of worshipers as they worshipped Him in the beauty of His holiness.
The entire worshippers were spiritually electrified with the splendour of God’s power and faithfulness. His enduring mercy, goodness and grace ran through the whole day’s colourful service.
An array of soul searching, spiritually uplifting songs of praise and worship by Emmanuel singers which touched the hearts of the entire congregation set the tune for the rest of the day’s service.
The mPROPHET T.B. JOSHUAan of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua inspired the souls of the congregants with his incisive and powerful message titled, ‘You Have To Experience God’. The message, which opened the spiritual eyes and hearts of worshippers, became a platform for critical self evaluation of individual’s Christian life with sober reflection as could be seen in the profound calmness that encapsulated the worshippers. The man of God, without mincing words, emphatically stated that until one experiences God, there can be no satisfaction in one’s life. He said that satisfaction in life was not about money or other worldly possessions but about truly experiencing God.
‘’Until you experience God, there will be dissatisfaction in your life – a sense of hunger to know what life is all about, a desire to know what happens after life is over,’’ he said, adding that these are the thoughts that continue to disturb unbelievers.
According to the man of God, age has nothing to do with death as one could be called at a young, middle or old age. However, this remains a big puzzle to those who have not experienced God by their wondering of when, how and what type of death would meet them. He clarified that when one truly experienced God, one would have answers to these questions. ‘’Those who are born of God: believers, born again, born from above long to be there. This is how you know you are born again,’’ he stated.
Figuratively describing this earth as a market, Prophet T.B. Joshua said, “No matter how long you spend in the market, no matter the profits you gain, you cannot sleep there – you have to come back home. It is not a comfortable place to sleep, no matter how beautiful, profitable or good that market is, you must come home; the market is no man’s land.’’
Shedding more spiritual illumination to the worshippers, he continued, “We know where we belong, where faith will be turned to sight. We say we walk by faith but there, faith will be turned to sight. Faith is expecting Jesus to do what He promised. Here, we close our eyes; over there, we open them in the world of glory.’’
Like a bombshell to the congregation whom he had previously enjoined to truly worship God in Spirit, Prophet T.B. Joshua again posited: “When you are worried over when, how and what will happen after this life is over, know that your relationship with God is questionable. Those who have a good relationship with God long to be there just as those who maintain their relationship with God also long to be with Him. Many of them always ask, “When am I going there? When will that be?” But for others, this is a place they don’t want to leave because they don’t know what will happen next. The desire to know what happens after this life is over – that is the thought in the hearts of those who have nowhere to go.’’
On the necessity of adversities in human life, the Prophet raised the worshippers’ understanding to know that “tests and trials are meant for our belief”, noting that “when an issue remains unchangeable, there is nothing we can do.” However, God will not do anything without first revealing it to His servants, he clarified. “The evidence of God in the life of a prophet, a minister of God, is acting with Him, knowing God’s opinion about himself and others. When you act with God, you will know God’s opinion about yourself and others,” he explained.
To further educate people, Prophet T.B. Joshua explained that anybody could gather a crowd, have branches or the largest church all over the world but not anyone could stand a trial without the help of God. He continued, “What the crowd is mostly looking for is outward gifts but to keep this crowd in terms of tribulation, trials and tests, it takes God.” He concluded, “You do not need God to bring a crowd together but to keep them when trials come, God must be involved.’’
After finishing his message, the man of God moved around and prophesied to the lives of many people in which the fundamental problems affecting them were revealed with such identified yokes broken by the power of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus Christ.
The man of God also attended to hundreds of afflicted on the Prayer Line. It was a powerful time of healing and deliverance from diverse afflictions in the lives of those that received prayer. They were all set free from their satanic bondages.
WISEMAN CHRISTOPHEREarlier, Wise Man Christopher had aroused the spiritual appetites of the congregants with his short but deeply spiritually provocative message, titled, ‘The Way To The Kingdom Of God.’  Speaking from John 14:6 as his proof text, Wise Man Christopher quoted the Lord’s Words: ‘’I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”.
“Here, Jesus Christ tells us that He is the Beginning, Middle and End. To get to the Kingdom of God, we must follow the way of the Cross. The way of the Cross is the way to the Kingdom of God,” he began.
He said the way to the Kingdom of God is not without its challenges. According to him, it is full of hatred, thorns, snakes, scorpions, persecution, intimidation, blackmail, slanderous remarks, campaigns of calumny, name-calling, among many other unpleasant experiences. He further stated that “the highway to the Kingdom of God starts on this side of death and the entrance is very easy to find. It is right in front of you, in the Word of God.”
He said the good news is that Jesus died for our sin and broke the power of death by His resurrection, adding that whoever calls on the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, with faith in God’s Word, shall be saved.
“So, keep the Word of God in your mouth, meditate on it day and night and do what the Word says, for this is not only the process of believing but also the way to the Kingdom of God. God is building Himself and His Kingdom into us, making Himself and His Kingdom a part of us as His Word dominates, rules and sanctifies our spirit natures. This shows that God and His Kingdom are within us in the Living Word,” he enjoined the worshippers.
The service came to an end with the mass prayer conducted by the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. It was another moment of commotion in the kingdom of darkness as all hidden demonic problems were also x-rayed and flushed out as they manifested.
CROWDAll the congregants also received the touch of the Anointing Water in order to ensure that no one went back with his or her problem. It was a marvellous day as the name of the Lord was glorified.

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