Benny Hinn in London, October 9-10, 2014

Ft. Worth, Texas: Miracle Healing Services

Pastor Bob Nichols and his wife, Joy, founded Fort Worth’s Calvary Cathedral International in 1964. Pastor Benny Hinn is excited to join in the church’s 50th year celebration with Miracle Healing Services on Thursday, October 9, and Friday, October 10, at 7 PM each evening. Also scheduled is a special Teaching and Anointing Impartation Service on Friday, October 10, at 10 AM.
Ft. Worth, Texas


May God give you strength during this time. We will continue to be with you in prayer.

Isaiah 43:2
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.

John 15:18-21
“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you... If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you... because they do not know Him who sent Me."
John 16:1-4
These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. They will put you out of the synagogues [today it might be from churches]; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me. But these things I have told you, that when the time comes, you may remember that I told you of them."
John 17:14-18
"I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one."
Galatians 5:11
"And I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution? Then the offense of the cross has ceased." 

Romans 8:16-18
"The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
by Ev. Innocent Morris from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


September 24, 2014
Source by thetbjoshuafanclub
Prophet T.B. Joshua Last Sunday’s service came and passed but the declaration by the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, to take the Gospel to South Africa’s doorstep will remain engraved in the minds of many people and remembered as the day when God let the gates of His anointing freely flow to the ‘unreachable places’ of Southern Africa. Addressing the congregation, slightly over a week after the September 12 incident, the man of God announced the need to commemorate the ‘martyrs of faith’ who passed on as a result of the incident.  Making the announcement to the thousands that gathered at The SCOAN and viewers worldwide, he said: “Those who are affected in one way or another and those who passed on to glory, their greatest desire is to see that the work of salvation they died and suffered for continues and for it to reach unreachable places. For that, what they are coming here for should be taken to meet them in their country. Once in a month, I will be travelling to South Africa to meet people from South Africa and other nations who find South Africa easier to visit, in memory of the martyrs of faith.”  The announcement was greeted with a din of applause from the 20,000 plus worshippers who gathered in the church auditorium and spilled to the canopies. Explaining the new development, the man of God said: “I cannot afford to offend the saints if I want to be a saint. I cannot afford to offend the martyrs if I want to be one. This kind of faith expressed by South Africans deserves this kind of blessing from God. It is a price I must pay. Satan is a liar.”  Prophet T.B. Joshua, however, said his ministration in South Africa would not be on Sundays so that people would have the opportunity to attend their respective churches.  He added: “The martyrs of faith had their various churches which they attended but came here for healing, deliverance and to increase their faith.”
A video was then shown of the first South African to visit The SCOAN. In the video, recorded in 1999 when the man – a pastor, set foot at The SCOAN, he said the Lord spoke to him to go around the world and look for an anointed man of God and receive from him. He went everywhere around the world and did not see a place where God was moving like The SCOAN. He prophetically emphasised that the grace God had given to the ministry should be allowed to go all around the world or great persecution would come that would force the ministry to go out into the world.
Commenting on the video and recent developments, Prophet T.B. Joshua said: “We have a role to play to protect the work of God; to protect God’s manifestation. It is like the church building here, God will not come and clean the church and the chairs. This is our role. We built this church. At this hour, you will know that what is happening here is from God. When the finger of God is passing through the shadow of death, you will know it is the finger of God. The manifestation of God is becoming too big and it needs to be cared for.”The man of God then proceeded to the prayer line where God manifested His power through healings and deliverances performed in the name of Jesus Christ.
Wise Man Racine Earlier, Wise Man Racine delivered to the congregation a faith-building and encouraging message titled: ‘Heavenward with Christ Jesus’ – a call for Christians to value salvation over other things. Quoting various scriptures, he said problems would always come but this should not divert people’s focus and belief in Christ Jesus, Who is the Way.  He said, “To get to Heaven, you must follow the way of the Cross. Jesus said that in this world we shall face problems but we should not be troubled because He has overcome. He promised to strengthen our spirit with His Spirit. To a true believer, death is his release from the imprisonment of this world and his departure to the enjoyment of another world. If you put your faith in Christ Jesus, death is not a period, it is only a comma. You need not fear where you are going when you know Jesus is going with you.”
The service closed with the ministration of The New Anointing Water and many more souls were set free from bondage of
disease, sickness and various afflictions.


Last Sunday service nothing could obstruct God’s anointing that filled The SCOAN and brought healing and deliverance to the sick and the afflicted. From the soulful songs of worship to the day’s message of hope, God’s outpouring of grace was prevalent for all who put a demand on the anointing.
DADDY1 The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, addressed the congregation on emerging issues before he moved on to the prayer line where he ministered to visitors who had come from all over the world in search of a touch from Jesus Christ through the man of God. Scores of people received deliverance and healing and were declared free, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Earlier, Wise Man Daniel preached a powerful message titled, ‘Do Not Mind The Devil’, saying, “As a child of God, whatever your situation is, there is a hidden agenda, plan, entity or principality satan is using to undo you or harm you. Fight the devil ‘til the last minute. Don’t give up! Take the strength you need from Christ Jesus. There is not enough physical strength to defeat satan. There is not enough mental strength to defeat satan; satan can only be defeated in the spirit by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ. Never doubt God’s desire or ability to help you. Be patient! Let God answer your question on His schedule, not yours. God’s time is the best. At God’s time everything is beautiful.”
He urged Christians not to be troubled by satan or frustrated by his tactics. Instead, he said, it was their duty and right to challenge him boldly in Jesus’ name because they have the power of the name Jesus Christ at their command.
Selecting his proof text from Ephesians 6:11-13, he said Christians must walk in the spirit in Christ Jesus always, if they are to claim victory over the devil.
“Remember, the right to pray and receive an answer is given to every believer. Therefore, a real Christian is someone who possesses what it takes to overcome and cast out satan – not only out of his own life but also out of the lives of others,” he said, adding, “It is clear that we are not combating flesh and blood but the principalities and powers of darkness in the Heavenly places. That is, we are fighting against demons of all ranks, of all kinds and of all authorities. Remember, satan is our common enemy; He is the one attacking mankind everywhere. To combat satan and emerge victorious is not a matter of combining your own strength with that of Jesus Christ. Rather, it is a matter of total and complete removal of your own strength in order to put on the strength of Christ Jesus.”
Shedding more light on the characteristics required to emerge victorious over satan, he said Christians must begin to believe in God, stand upon His Word and build themselves up spiritually “because our enemy is a person but a person without body.”
He explained: “You cannot build one up spiritually on philosophies or on theories about the Word, or on the history about the Word. We are made spiritual by living in the Word and the Word living in us. This means that, it is not only committing the Word to memory which is valuable, but also letting the Word become an integral part of our being by meditation. Remember, meditation in God’s Word is a visit with Him.”
“Satan knows that he cannot stop those who have spiritual insight into Christ’s life. God gives everyone plenty evidence to believe in Him. There is nothing more ridiculous than to allow your present situation to cause you to doubt the fulfilment of God’s Word or promises for your life.”
The service closed with the ministration of the New Anointing Water by evangelists and many more souls were liberated to freedom from sickness and affliction, in Jesus’ name!


“Emmanuel – God is with us.
“The pain of one is the pain of all. It is indeed a sad and painful moment for the families and friends who have lost loved ones. It is equally so for us in The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (The SCOAN), under the leadership of Prophet T.B. Joshua.
On Friday, September 12, 2014, at about 12:44pm, one of the buildings on The SCOAN property unexpectedly collapsed, tragically resulting in death and injury. Nigerians, South Africans and citizens of other nations were affected. This incident was preceded by the appearance of a strange aircraft which flew very low over the building four times and then disappeared.
“Since the day of this incident, The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, its members and partners, have worked in collaboration with the Nigerian, South African and other nations’ authorities to ensure that survivors are rescued, attended to with the best medical treatment, cared for in the most humane and hospitable manner and reunited with their families, while those who passed on – martyrs of the Kingdom of God – are retrieved, identified and treated respectfully.
Amongst those we are working hand-in-hand with, are: The Federal Government of Nigeria, the Government of the Republic of South Africa, Lagos State Government, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA), the Lagos State Ministry of Health – doctors and nurses, the Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON), the Red Cross, the Nigeria Police Force and various Non-governmental and humanitarian organisations and construction and engineering corporations.
“It is very sad that inaccurate reports are coming from some quarters that we are not cooperating with the rescue teams and other agencies in collating information and providing assistance on the incident. Contrary to this, we want to categorically state that the church has provided assistance when and where required and continues to do so – good Christians are good citizens.
“We emphasise our commitment to cooperate with all relevant authorities in establishing the cause of the collapse of the building.
The church views this tragedy as part of an attack on The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations and in particular, Prophet T.B. Joshua. In due course, God will reveal the perpetrators of this unfortunate tragedy.
“We wish to express our gratitude to all who continue to work tirelessly, show their solidarity and share their condolences in this grievous time, particularly all Government and non-Governmental bodies mentioned above, Diplomatic Missions, National and International media houses, society groups, traditional rulers, all concerned citizens and the residents of our local community, Ikotun-Egbe. We equally appreciate all members and partners of The SCOAN and Emmanuel TV, along with Christians and clergy worldwide for their prayers and support.
“To all those who lost family members and loved ones, please accept our heart-felt commiserations. No one knows by the present sign or situation what the future holds. We must therefore live each day as if it were our last and leave tomorrow’s trouble for the One who bore our troubles on the cross. We thank God for the martyrs and we pray for the family members and loved ones left behind.”
For further information, please contact the Crisis Control Centre:


The overcoming presence of God’s glory and the power of the Holy Ghost were unmistakably prevalent on Sunday as, in His infinite mercy, He filled The SCOAN with the anointing that brought healing and deliverance to the sick and afflicted, shattering chains and setting the captives free. The instant the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, spoke the word of authority and commanded satan’s grip to loose, Heavens’ response was spontaneous as people caught the fire, fell under the anointing and vomited poisonous substances to signify the expulsion of darkness for light. Those who worshipped through Emmanuel TV and other various mediums, were as equally convicted by the living and piercing Word of God as those that were physically present at the Arena of Liberty as satan lost his hold on their lives and bowed out.

Mounting the pulpit, the man of God meticulously dwelled on the important issue of faith, outlining deep things that are a hindrance to prayer. Flipping to the book of Hebrews 4:3, he pinpointed freedom of the spirit as one such barrier, noting that when one’s spirit is free it becomes sensitive to the Spirit of God unlike when it is in a state of dullness, worry and anxiety.

He explained, “Even when you are in the presence of God, you are worried. It is due to the activity of the devil’s nature. Keep your heart from cares, worry, anxiety or concern because Christianity lies in the heart. When you pray over some matter and yet afterwards, you find yourself still worrying over it, still full of anxious concern, just as if you have never prayed at all, it is because your spirit is not free. When your spirit is not free, it can never be sensitive to the Spirit of God. It can never feel the Spirit of God. It can never be attracted to the Spirit of God.”

Delivering an insight to powerful and effective prayer, Prophet T.B. Joshua said prayer for any matter should be followed by an attitude of absolute trust in God that He is now working out the answer.

“You believe God will do it for you and He has been doing it for you. Why are you troubled, anxious and worried, then? Is it because you are afraid that He will not do it well? Christian faith demands that we truly rest in which the heart is free from worry, anxiety, depression, pressure and burdens, free from labour – that is Christian faith. For your heart to be free from worry, for your body to be free from labour, you must have faith in the finished work of our Lord, Jesus Christ, not faith in yourself. Faith is a gift from God”, he said before proceeding to minister prophecy to individuals and the world.

Earlier, Wise Man Christopher dispatched an encouraging message titled: No Competition In Destiny, saying, “The beauty in creation is that human beings long for eternity, yet they cannot understand what God has done from the beginning to the end. God allows everything to take place at their appointed time and season. We may not understand it, but it is this that constitutes the beauty in creation.”


Anthony Ochieng from Kenya and his mother, Mary Ochieng, came to share an astounding testimony of deliverance from bedwetting since birth.

The mother narrated the horrible situation the family had found themselves in as a result of her son’s affliction. They thought that it would be a temporary problem that would fade with age but instead of the bedwetting to reduce, it became worse. “He gave up on life at an early age”, she explained, adding that he would wet himself anywhere he was, including at school or in the car. He would force himself to stay awake at night and wait in an attempt to avoid waking up soaked but each night ended in disappointment.

Because of the bullying he was receiving at school, his parents moved him to another school with fewer students but that didn’t help either. The teasing continued and, as a result, Anthony became bitter, violent and rude, fighting every day. Mrs Ochieng would always be called to come and get her son as the teachers could not handle him. He was sent out from school and Mary found another one for him. In the third school, he got so bad that he started fighting the teachers. It was a sad day indeed when the headteacher called her to the office declaring that she should withdraw Anthony from the school and that they didn’t want her money. They also refused to issue a letter to enable them to apply for another school for Anthony.

One day, Anthony called his brother and told him that if his bedwetting did not stop, he was going to jump off the roof and end his life. His father and mother decided to give themselves to prayer. A short time later, a friend called her from the USA and asked if she knew T.B. Joshua. She had not but began to search on the internet and watch videos of the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua. She later installed Emmanuel TV in the house. One day, she was watching and a lady was giving testimony concerning deliverance from bedwetting. She instantly called Anthony to come and watch and told him by faith, “Ours must be over today!” Anthony on his own responded by getting a pen and paper and writing a letter: “Dear Jesus, God of T.B. Joshua, please help me to stop bedwetting and be a good boy”. He then placed the letter on the screen of Emmanuel TV and held it there until the man of God had finished praying. A few minutes later, he felt tired and went to bed. The next morning, to his mother’s shock and surprise, he came out and told her that the bed was not wet.

A curse of 15 years had been broken in a moment. Within a few months, Anthony returned to school and is now doing well. The affliction of bedwetting is only a memory and the rage and bitterness have completely disappeared.

Immaculately dressed, Anthony advised all viewers that they can receive their freedom just by watching Emmanuel TV and having faith in the name of Jesus.


Successfully running a thriving spare parts business in Cameroon, Chief Kenneth Chukwuma was an undisputable guru in his trade for over 26 years when one day the devil hit.  A raging fire burnt down the shop and consumed everything he had laboured for, reducing to ashes property worth a whopping 350million naira. Shocked and himself equally gutted, he toyed with the idea of committing suicide as life no longer mattered to him.
On advice from his friend, he came to The SCOAN to seek the face of God. It was to mark the rebirth of his fortunes. The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, blessed him with the Anointing Water and advised him to minister it, in Jesus’ name, in the same shop that was now in rubbles. He prayed and asked God to restore him. Not long after, people who owed him money, started to pay back and he soon relaunched his business. To God be the glory, he now boasts of more than what the fire had destroyed. He also managed to build a magnificent residence in Cameroon where he has also now been appointed President of Nigerians living in Northern Cameroon. He can once again call himself a successful man.

He advised: “Trust God because he is the ultimate.”


Mr Innocent who lives and studied in Ukraine, came to share what God has done in his life. He came to The SCOAN in 2002 due to the career setback he had been facing. He had previously won an award for his educational ability but despite this, he could not move forward in his education. He went to three different educational institutions but did not gain admission to the courses he chose. He became confused and didn’t know what to do. After his visit to The SCOAN, he had a dream in which he saw Prophet T.B. Joshua talking to him and discussing many things. When he woke up, he remembered ‘Engineering’. So he started to look for a course in Engineering. He found a course in Ukraine and applied for the national university.  He was accepted and God made a way for him to travel and start the course in Ukraine. As he started, his grades would range from a couple of A’s and B’s then all else would be C’s; for him to pass that would not do. He started watching Emmanuel TV through the internet and praying along with Prophet T.B. Joshua. His grades began to improve and throughout his third year he got straight A’s. He was awarded with a certificate for best student of the year and got a GPA of 5 out of 5. Needless to say, he achieved a first class certificate in telecommunications engineering. An educational turnaround indeed!


Miss Kehinde Afolabi traced her pitiable life story to when she was only two years old. She had been sexually abused and unbeknown to her, an evil spirit of lust that would torment her for many years, had entered her. At age 15, she discovered she had a chronic lust for men and every man she wanted, she got. In a day, she would sleep with up to seven men purely for satisfaction. She had no control over herself, sleeping in guest houses with all sorts of men older than her. Later, she decided to travel to South Africa, hoping to eke out a new life. It only got worse. Sad to say, every man she slept with would eventually abuse and kick her out of his house. Inevitably she was introduced to prostitution which entailed the same lifestyle she had been living but included cash this time. The word love never existed in her life and she went to do abortions a number of times.

Last month, she encountered a man on the internet whom she befriended and agreed to marry. Lured to the idea of finally settling down, she returned to Nigeria where a nightmare was sadly waiting for her. The man was not who he said he was but a fraudster who simply abused her, snatched all the money she had raised while prostituting in South Africa and kicked her out. Stranded, she went back to prostitution.

Last week, she resolved to go back to her old life in South Africa when at the airport, she met a multitude of people from South Africa coming to The SCOAN. She was astounded because she had always regarded the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, in negative light. As God would have it, the moment she landed in South Africa, she was deported. Her next destination, as it were, was to be the same place she had stayed away from due to false rumours. In search of divine help and left with no options, she swallowed her pride and came to The SCOAN. During the ministration of the New Anointing Water, the evil spirit inside of her was exposed and forced to confess all the atrocities it had caused her. Delivered and declared free in the name of Jesus Christ, she came to express how her life had finally changed and how she no longer lusts for men. All she wanted now, she said, was to take care of her six year-old twins she, by the grace of God, had not been able to abort. She advised parents to properly take care of their children and make sure they are indeed in school. “Many children are prostituting and not in school as they make you believe,” she warned.


Strange addictions and experiences tormented the life of Kenyan national, Joseph Muthee Mukindia. All seemed well and sweet before marriage but after the ceremony, each time he looked at his wife, he was disgusted. He no longer saw her as beautiful and gave every excuse in the world not to meet with her. He heard a voice telling him to remove his wedding ring and as soon as he did, this signaled the death of all affection between them.

Soon, they were sleeping in separate rooms and Mr Mukindia kept praying that one day his wife would be tired and leave the matrimonial home. Whenever friends or colleagues asked if he was married, he would be angry. In social gatherings, he would move with single people. Something within him felt that it was right for him to be a single man. All the while, his wife was silently praying and fasting, believing that their situation could turn around. In six years of marriage, they had not met as husband and wife. Nobody knew this. Those who knew them were just asking where the fruit of the marriage was.

While discussing the issue, he prompted his wife that it would be better for both if she would just leave. But she insisted, saying that even if he could not perform, that should not be a reason for her to abandon him. He became frustrated with her stubbornness to stay! While all this was going on, the same evil spirit that wanted separation was evoking a strange addiction within Mr Mukindia. He developed a craving to eat his fingers. After eating his dirty nails, he would proceed to sink his teeth into each of his fingers, one by one. Once he had brought blood from a finger and felt satisfied by the taste, he would move to the next finger and bring out blood from it. This became a daily habit. As if that was not enough, he kept on getting sick with various bacterial stomach infections plaguing him every moment. He became lean and weak.

Apart from that, his wife had become tired. She sent him a text, telling him that she had prayed and fasted but was now ready to give up, declaring her intention to leave the marriage. A friend then encouraged him to watch Emmanuel TV and helped him install it in his home. As he began to watch, the heaviness within him was lifted and his hope became alive. He prayed with the man of God while touching the screen and that horrible addiction was gone in a moment. Incredibly grateful to God, he decided to visit The SCOAN in December 2013, believing for further deliverance and breakthrough. Just as he had believed, while at The SCOAN, he received what he had prayed for. Prophet T.B. Joshua while at the Prayer Line gave him a word of prophecy, telling him that there was crisis in his home and that his wife had threatened to leave him. He confirmed the prophecy and received his deliverance instantly. As he returned home, he called his wife who excitedly responded that she had watched the prophecy, over 5000km away in Kenya. The love returned between them and the affection was completely restored. The voice of confusion was gone and in its place a voice of peace came and told him to look for his wedding ring and put it back on. He did this and within a very short time, his wife informed him that she was pregnant. Not only that, he started having awesome breakthrough in his business after the prophecy and deliverance.

His advice was to all married couples: “You are because I am and I am because you are. Where you are weak, I am strong and where I am weak, you are strong. Divorce is not the solution. Deliverance is the answer!”


Last week, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied that there was someone in the congregation whom a friend had deceived to do a money ritual. A young man, John Otoera confirmed the prophecy. He confessed that a friend had told him that he knew someone very powerful who could help them to get rich. Intrigued, he decided to follow his friend to meet the powerful man. When they got there, the man asked him if ‘he was ready’ to which John replied, “Yes”, not knowing what this really meant. He was told he needed to pay something. They returned later to the place and the man became more specific, telling him that he needed to give his mum. He had prepared a cloth which John was supposed to place on his mum’s bed and call her name three times after she had slept on the bed and that would be the end of her. John left without the cloth, his conscience disturbing him as he could not imagine sacrificing his dear mother.

Life after that became a living nightmare. He started having horrible dreams of threats and attacks. His friend kept calling him asking what was wrong with him and he could not concentrate on anything. After the Spirit of God located him at The SCOAN and he confessed, John felt peace and calmness. Now, he can sleep peacefully and his friend no longer calls him. He thanked God for His mercy and favour upon his life. Prince Daniel Aiewekhoe, John’s employer was equally in the church when the prophecy was given. He joined John to thank God, testifying that John is evidently a changed man since the prophecy and deliverance.


Bestiality can be as pervasive as it is beastly and Mr Bitrus learned it the hard way. It all started way back when he was a very young boy. When everyone in his household had gone to the market on a market day, he would be the one to stay and take care of the home. One such day, home alone, he saw a duck fowl and an evil thought crossed his mind to make love with it. Since that time, nothing attracted him more than animals. The urge was so severe that it ruined his life; it gave him the spirit of lust and was jumping from one woman to another. So chronic was the urge that a point came when he considered marriage as a solution. It was never to be and he ended up leaving one marriage after another until he married his current third wife. After some time, he told her to leave and proposed to marry a fourth wife.

He eventually decided to come to the Arena of Liberty. By God’s infinite mercy, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied about a man in the congregation who satisfied himself by sleeping with animals. Shocked that his long-kept secret had been exposed, he walked to the altar to confirm the prophecy. The man of God further prophesied that Mr Bitrus also had a son suffering from the same affliction. The prophecy was welcomed by cries of desperation from his wife who confirmed everything the man of God had said to be true. Both he and his wife received their deliverance. His son was also called from the village where he had been living and received his freedom from the appalling evil spirit.

The service closed with the ministration of the New Anointing Water for all who were present both inside the church and outside in the overflow canopies during which many more souls were saved!