Friday, September 26, 2014


The overcoming presence of God’s glory and the power of the Holy Ghost were unmistakably prevalent on Sunday as, in His infinite mercy, He filled The SCOAN with the anointing that brought healing and deliverance to the sick and afflicted, shattering chains and setting the captives free. The instant the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, spoke the word of authority and commanded satan’s grip to loose, Heavens’ response was spontaneous as people caught the fire, fell under the anointing and vomited poisonous substances to signify the expulsion of darkness for light. Those who worshipped through Emmanuel TV and other various mediums, were as equally convicted by the living and piercing Word of God as those that were physically present at the Arena of Liberty as satan lost his hold on their lives and bowed out.

Mounting the pulpit, the man of God meticulously dwelled on the important issue of faith, outlining deep things that are a hindrance to prayer. Flipping to the book of Hebrews 4:3, he pinpointed freedom of the spirit as one such barrier, noting that when one’s spirit is free it becomes sensitive to the Spirit of God unlike when it is in a state of dullness, worry and anxiety.

He explained, “Even when you are in the presence of God, you are worried. It is due to the activity of the devil’s nature. Keep your heart from cares, worry, anxiety or concern because Christianity lies in the heart. When you pray over some matter and yet afterwards, you find yourself still worrying over it, still full of anxious concern, just as if you have never prayed at all, it is because your spirit is not free. When your spirit is not free, it can never be sensitive to the Spirit of God. It can never feel the Spirit of God. It can never be attracted to the Spirit of God.”

Delivering an insight to powerful and effective prayer, Prophet T.B. Joshua said prayer for any matter should be followed by an attitude of absolute trust in God that He is now working out the answer.

“You believe God will do it for you and He has been doing it for you. Why are you troubled, anxious and worried, then? Is it because you are afraid that He will not do it well? Christian faith demands that we truly rest in which the heart is free from worry, anxiety, depression, pressure and burdens, free from labour – that is Christian faith. For your heart to be free from worry, for your body to be free from labour, you must have faith in the finished work of our Lord, Jesus Christ, not faith in yourself. Faith is a gift from God”, he said before proceeding to minister prophecy to individuals and the world.

Earlier, Wise Man Christopher dispatched an encouraging message titled: No Competition In Destiny, saying, “The beauty in creation is that human beings long for eternity, yet they cannot understand what God has done from the beginning to the end. God allows everything to take place at their appointed time and season. We may not understand it, but it is this that constitutes the beauty in creation.”

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