Friday, September 26, 2014


Last week, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied that there was someone in the congregation whom a friend had deceived to do a money ritual. A young man, John Otoera confirmed the prophecy. He confessed that a friend had told him that he knew someone very powerful who could help them to get rich. Intrigued, he decided to follow his friend to meet the powerful man. When they got there, the man asked him if ‘he was ready’ to which John replied, “Yes”, not knowing what this really meant. He was told he needed to pay something. They returned later to the place and the man became more specific, telling him that he needed to give his mum. He had prepared a cloth which John was supposed to place on his mum’s bed and call her name three times after she had slept on the bed and that would be the end of her. John left without the cloth, his conscience disturbing him as he could not imagine sacrificing his dear mother.

Life after that became a living nightmare. He started having horrible dreams of threats and attacks. His friend kept calling him asking what was wrong with him and he could not concentrate on anything. After the Spirit of God located him at The SCOAN and he confessed, John felt peace and calmness. Now, he can sleep peacefully and his friend no longer calls him. He thanked God for His mercy and favour upon his life. Prince Daniel Aiewekhoe, John’s employer was equally in the church when the prophecy was given. He joined John to thank God, testifying that John is evidently a changed man since the prophecy and deliverance.

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