Friday, September 26, 2014


Strange addictions and experiences tormented the life of Kenyan national, Joseph Muthee Mukindia. All seemed well and sweet before marriage but after the ceremony, each time he looked at his wife, he was disgusted. He no longer saw her as beautiful and gave every excuse in the world not to meet with her. He heard a voice telling him to remove his wedding ring and as soon as he did, this signaled the death of all affection between them.

Soon, they were sleeping in separate rooms and Mr Mukindia kept praying that one day his wife would be tired and leave the matrimonial home. Whenever friends or colleagues asked if he was married, he would be angry. In social gatherings, he would move with single people. Something within him felt that it was right for him to be a single man. All the while, his wife was silently praying and fasting, believing that their situation could turn around. In six years of marriage, they had not met as husband and wife. Nobody knew this. Those who knew them were just asking where the fruit of the marriage was.

While discussing the issue, he prompted his wife that it would be better for both if she would just leave. But she insisted, saying that even if he could not perform, that should not be a reason for her to abandon him. He became frustrated with her stubbornness to stay! While all this was going on, the same evil spirit that wanted separation was evoking a strange addiction within Mr Mukindia. He developed a craving to eat his fingers. After eating his dirty nails, he would proceed to sink his teeth into each of his fingers, one by one. Once he had brought blood from a finger and felt satisfied by the taste, he would move to the next finger and bring out blood from it. This became a daily habit. As if that was not enough, he kept on getting sick with various bacterial stomach infections plaguing him every moment. He became lean and weak.

Apart from that, his wife had become tired. She sent him a text, telling him that she had prayed and fasted but was now ready to give up, declaring her intention to leave the marriage. A friend then encouraged him to watch Emmanuel TV and helped him install it in his home. As he began to watch, the heaviness within him was lifted and his hope became alive. He prayed with the man of God while touching the screen and that horrible addiction was gone in a moment. Incredibly grateful to God, he decided to visit The SCOAN in December 2013, believing for further deliverance and breakthrough. Just as he had believed, while at The SCOAN, he received what he had prayed for. Prophet T.B. Joshua while at the Prayer Line gave him a word of prophecy, telling him that there was crisis in his home and that his wife had threatened to leave him. He confirmed the prophecy and received his deliverance instantly. As he returned home, he called his wife who excitedly responded that she had watched the prophecy, over 5000km away in Kenya. The love returned between them and the affection was completely restored. The voice of confusion was gone and in its place a voice of peace came and told him to look for his wedding ring and put it back on. He did this and within a very short time, his wife informed him that she was pregnant. Not only that, he started having awesome breakthrough in his business after the prophecy and deliverance.

His advice was to all married couples: “You are because I am and I am because you are. Where you are weak, I am strong and where I am weak, you are strong. Divorce is not the solution. Deliverance is the answer!”

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