Monday, June 30, 2014


Born in an idol worshipping family, Ms Esther Otumunye from Lagos, Nigeria, lived and slept in the same room with a very evil family idol. It never occurred to her that the iron object her father called god, would one day be the architect of shame, hatred and failure in her life.    ESTHER OTUMUNYEThe father, an army officer, brought the idol from the village after he had been struck with madness. The idea was that the idol would bring healing and protect the whole house although it immediately turned the father into a drunkard and an embarrassment to the community in the barracks where he was staying. They called it Idigun, the god of iron. The father, an army officer, built a small shrine for the idol in her room by her bedside being his first daughter whom he loved. Whenever he wanted to make incantations, he would ask her and her siblings to leave. He would then close the door and call out her name, telling the idol to take care of her. He would kill a fowl and use its blood as sacrifice. Away in the dining room, the children would hear different voices yet it was only the father who was in the room, pictures would be falling from the wall and curtains blowing in the air.  Afterwards they would be told to prepare the fowl and eat it.
“My father would call out my name that I should be the one to eat the head of the fowl,” she said.
The effects of the idol became apparent while she was writing her examinations. He father took a pen from the shrine and gave it to her to use during the exam. She failed all the papers, a thing that surprised even her teacher because she had been a brilliant student. It was while in the university that the demon started to manifest physically. She would hear footsteps when she walked on the road. She would also hear a voice calling her name. When in her room, she would feel someone touch her. In her dreams, she would see herself in water in the marine kingdom where, one time they organized a feast for her.  The idol cost her many friends who accused her of being the cause of their misfortunes. They said she had bad luck. It also destroyed her career. Seven years after graduating, she had no job. On those very rare occasions where she would get a job, it would not last six months. She also used to have serious migraines. A voice would tell her to remove her clothes and walk out. Every two months she would be admitted for typhoid.
She decided to come to The SCOAN and on that spectacular day of her remarkable deliverance, as one of the wise men approached her, she panicked. The evil spirit inside of her started to grumble angrily and ordered her to bolt when the wise man stretched his hand over her. The demon was arrested. Later, she fell to the ground during which she saw two men – a giant draped in black who was very aggressive and a calm man who glittered and was shining. She could not see his face as it was too bright to behold. A conversation was going on between the two. The giant man angrily taunted, “You can’t take her from me! She is mine!” The man in white responded calmly, “She is the reason why I died on the cross.” At the end, the giant man vanished and the glittering man picked her up. Then she saw herself at The SCOAN with the wise man standing in front of her, announcing to her that Jesus had set her free.
She testified that, after her deliverance, she has peace which she never experienced. She does not experience the nightmares any more. She is healthy in her body and her mind. When she looks at herself in the mirror, she sees a big change. Before, she would sometimes see the face of an old woman when she looked at herself. She sleeps well and wakes up with a song of praise on her lips. Glory be to God!

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