Monday, June 30, 2014


NAOMI UMEALA & FAMILYShe was lying on her deathbed, inches away from her grave. Neither dialysis, chemotherapy nor daily injections could guarantee her another day of life. Miss Naomi Umeala, from South Africa, was staring death in the face and when she called her mother to her bedside and handed over her life policy documents that dreadful day, it was evident she was giving up. The doctors had already told her the first time they got to know of the term lupus in 2010 that the disease had no cure. Before then, she had been going through life as a young lady full of energy and hopes for the future; it was on the day of her diagnosis that a bleak and grey picture loomed before her.
Lupus is a disease that slowly eats away at the internal organs. Instead of the antibodies to fight the infections, the body begins to fight and destroy itself. In the case of Naomi, the lupus was developing fast. She began bleeding internally and her kidneys reached the point of failure. She was dependent on medication, having to take 29 tablets a day and two injections, costing her parents a huge amount per month. If for any reason, her parents were unable to afford it, she would be admitted to the hospital forthwith as an emergency case. Her mother was advised to gather her life policy documents and prepare for her funeral. She submitted her documents to her mum, tearfully advising her on who to invite to her funeral.
Her condition reached a climax when she was in hospital while her family was in Nigeria. In the night, she had a panic attack and found herself unable to breathe. She was rushed to another hospital and placed in the ICU. She was then placed on life support and was using a catheter. Her stomach became so swollen due to the kidney failure that she looked as if she was eight months pregnant. She was placed on chemotherapy.
A good Samaritan brought the family an Anointing Sticker and introduced them to Emmanuel TV. When Naomi watched and saw others in worse condition than her being healed on Emmanuel TV, her faith was rekindled. She determined to come to The SCOAN to receive her healing, in Jesus’ name. November 3rd 2013 was the day to be marked down in history for Naomi. She was placed on the prayer line and the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, prayed for her, in Jesus’ name by simply standing at a distance and stretching his hand in prayer. She fell to the ground under the powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit. With her, fell the deadly sickness, never to rise again.
Testifying in church, she declared to all that she was now free from lupus. Her mother said after her healing at The SCOAN, she went to hospital where doctors were shocked to discover that the killer disease had indeed disappeared. Miss Umeala, who was accompanied by her family, thanked God for her miraculous healing and advised people to always hold onto God. Since the day she received prayer, she has not been taking any tablet or injection.

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