Monday, June 30, 2014


RUFUS ABIOLAWhat could make a young man stay indoors 24 hours? Definitely ill-health. Mr. Rufus Abiola found himself victim of a dilapidating sickness that was slowly walking him to his death. One may not appreciate the value of a kidney until it fails. Chronic renal failure left him not able to urinate, eat or do anything without pain. His whole body became swollen and tender. The only time he would leave his room was when he was taken to hospitals or herbal homes in desperate search for a remedy. The doctors told him that there was no cure for his condition. He became devastated, his hopes of survival ebbing away by the day. It was in this helpless state that he was carried to The SCOAN where he received prayer from one of the wise men. Describing the sensation after prayer, Rufus said, “I immediately felt light and cool”.
The next day, he started urinating normally and his appetite returned. Becoming stronger by the day, he decided to go back to the hospital for another test. To his joy, his urea level which had been dangerously high had returned to normal. He is now free to pursue his career and enjoy his existence, without pain or hindrance. His advice was to hold on tight to Jesus Christ, the only One that can heal.

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