Thursday, February 27, 2014


A day of wondrous worship and spiritual transformation!  For those that worshipped at The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria and viewers of Emmanuel TV all over the world, no words probably could describe last Sunday service better. The service left the congregants with spiritual fulfilment and rebirth that will reshape their belief irrespective of their situations. The man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, walked into the auditorium with one edifying message: “In the past, you walked in darkness but now, you have the light of God.” The words re-echoed with more transformative power, a message delivered earlier by Evangelist Yinka who called on people not to be short-sighted by their situations, but look beyond.
Prophet T.B. Joshua said: “When one is adopted by the Holy Ghost, he has access to Jesus Christ of Nazareth and as such, should not listen to one’s situation to act out of character.” God’s Word, he said, “is the final authority.”  He enthused: “No matter the situation you are facing, God’s Word settles all questions. God’s Word is the final authority settling all matters confronting us. Don’t listen to your situation or challenges, to act out of character. Let the weak say I am strong. ‘All ye that labour, I will give you rest’, that is God’s Word.”
Prophet T. B. Joshua
Prophet T. B. Joshua
He further stated: “If you truly serve God in truth and faith, whatever situation you are facing is to prepare you. That you are serving God in truth and faith, however, does not mean you will not face challenges. It was in the midst of challenges that Jesus found me, took me and is using me today. Let your heart be fixed and established on the living Word of God. The matter is settled. When Jesus Christ was raised up from the dead, He went on the Cross for you and died for you so that you could live for Him.”
The man of God then prophesied to nations hinting on impending socio-and economic crises on the African continent. He also prophesied to the congregation, exposing hidden truths that chained people’s lives to satan so he can manipulate them and destroy their destinies. The sick were prayed for and declared healed in Jesus’ name while the afflicted were also released from their diverse bondages.
Earlier on, Evangelist Yinka delivered a strong and edifying message titled: See Beyond Your Situation. She opened the eyes of the congregants to the truth of the transformative power of Jesus Christ and told them not to be blinded by tribulations but to realize that in every situation, God is saying something.  Her proof text was from James 1:2-4; 12.
“When God is executing His plans in our lives, He also designs and arranges events which will continue to unfold until His purpose is revealed in our lives. Those events could be trial, persecution, sickness or humiliation. Remember, God oftentimes visits His people in hard times so that they may learn His way,” she said adding, “In Genesis 39, when Joseph found himself in prison, the Bible says, he did not allow the prison condition to overwhelm him. He knew that for him to be the source of freedom to his people, he had to taste imprisonment.” Evangelist Yinka
She said those who see beyond their immediate situation do not despair in the face of seeming disappointment. Also referring to the book of Daniel 6, she said God arranged the events of Daniel in exile when he was faced with the reality of life.
“A captive, a slave who was supposed to be seen and not to be heard, Daniel was condemned to die in a den of hungry lions, but he looked at his situation by faith and he saw redemption, he saw freedom and God shut the mouth of the lions. When you see beyond your pain, God will manifest to you the benefit of His great salvation. No matter the situation, always remember that when we accept adversity, enduring every pain, then we would learn what we should know; our grief will turn to gain,” she said.

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