Thursday, February 27, 2014


Mr & Mrs Coetzee
“If it was not for this ministry and this deliverance, we would not be here today to say, Jesus is Lord” said Carolien Coetzee from South Africa, a lady who knows all too well the torment of demonic possession. She had been rejected and abused as a child and as a result always felt unwanted and depressed. Believing she was never good enough, she hated herself with a passion. This state of discontent led to anxiety, tension and pressure which infiltrated into her marital home. “The atmosphere in the house was always sensitive and tense” said her husband as he recalled the hours of fighting and constant friction. God had blessed the couple with a beautiful daughter but Carolien’s agitation extended to her child. She would find herself screaming at her at the slightest sign of disobedience. The evil spirit’s aim was to cause a rift in the family but the plans of satan were put to shame by the light and fire of God.
Carolien and her little daughter came to the Candlelight Service in 2012 and Wise Man Daniel prayed for her. The spirit of lust, anger and rejection within her manifested, confessing that it was from the ocean. The evil spirit confessed that its plan was to destroy the relationship between her and her daughter.
After her deliverance, she has a good relationship with her daughter and her husband. No longer tormented by self-hate, she believes and confesses that she is a child of God, loved and accepted by Him. The spirit of lust is no longer disturbing her and she now has real affection for her husband. Prior to her deliverance, she would always look for an excuse not to meet with her husband. The tension and pressure in the house has been replaced with a holy relaxation. Glory be to God! Jesus Christ is the Repairer and Restorer of broken relationships.

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