Thursday, February 27, 2014


Pastor Matthew & Family
 When Pastor Matthew got married he looked forward to a blissful family life but to his utter dismay, what he experienced was diametrically opposite. “I have seen hell on earth” he declared, vividly remembering the furious friction that had dominated their family life in the past.  A spirit of anger and confusion possessing his wife had done all it could to wreck a God-ordained marriage. Mrs Varughese would angrily smash things, break them and continually fight with her husband. When the spirit came upon her, she felt as though she had the combined power of 100 men in her. Later, she would realise what she did and bitterly regret it.
There was no peace or happiness in the home. Although they lived together, they were not eating, sleeping or talking together. They were like two strangers in the house. What was uncanny about it was that in the house, it was if hell was let loose but outside, she would be a humble, kind and gentle person. Nobody would believe what was going on behind closed doors.
Her husband carried her to many pastors in India for deliverance. She would be asked to fast and pray but the problem still continued. Truly tired of the state they were in, she began earnestly searching for deliverance and one day on YouTube, she encountered T.B. Joshua and the ministry of The SCOAN.
They determined to come to The SCOAN believing that Jesus Christ was able to put an end to the havoc. In 2011 on 27th February, they were sitting at the front at The SCOAN. The evil spirit within her was whispering to her to leave the front row and move to the back but her husband calmed her and told her to wait. A few moments later, during the time of prayer, Prophet T.B. Joshua came towards her and she saw a very bright light coming from him. The dark spirit within her could not stand the light and it was exposed. She was delivered and declared free.
Since the deliverance, the heaviness within her has left. She now sleeps soundly. The hatred, anger and bitterness have all vanished and have been replaced with love. “It is as if we are just married”, the couple declared joyfully, both struggling to hold their tears.  The man of God had also told her that she was going to help her husband in the ministry. Since then, she has been studying the Bible and started sharing the Word with people. There are now miracles taking place in the hospital where she works as a nurse as she takes the Anointing Water with her every day.
 Her advice to the world is: “It is not that demons cannot possess you if you are a believer. We all need deliverance.”
Pastor Matthew received a prophecy that he would serve the Lord fully. He testified that since the deliverance of his family, his ministry has grown and his marriage has been restored. He and his wife now discuss together and pray together. His advice was to stay in faith and never quit. “Call upon God and He will deliver you in His own time.”
Their daughter always felt alone as the only child; seeing the conflict between her parents, she had distanced herself from them. After the deliverance, there is now a better understanding in the family and their relationship with their daughter has been rekindled. Their daughter said that in 2012 she came to The SCOAN and that she received a prophecy that the same spirit that had haunted her mother was haunting her. She confirmed that she was always angry and stressed. But after the prophecy and her deliverance, there is peace and tranquility in the house. Her advice was for children. “Hold onto Jesus. When there is trouble and fighting in the house, pray and He will surely answer your prayers.”

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