Thursday, February 27, 2014


Ask Theresa Ely and Anvor Ely and they will tell you the bitter heartache stemmed from many years of barrenness. They had reached their forties and hope for having a baby grew slimmer by the day. Theresa had been diagnosed with endometriosis while Anvor had a ridiculously low sperm count. The medical profession had done all they could to assist but there was no change. They were in need of a miracle; they needed the Creator of Heaven and earth to visit them by His grace and grant their heart’s desire.
Mr & Mrs Ely
 On visiting The SCOAN, Theresa was surprised to be one among few to receive a divine revelation from God over their case. Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied to her that she had been operated on but the purpose of the operation was not achieved.
He had also said that her menstrual cycle was not regular. After the prophecy, later in the service, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua ministered Anointing Water on her. She began to vomit immediately. All her sicknesses were flushed out by the power of the Holy Spirit, opening the door for God to act. Equally, the couple had the grace to attend the fruit of the womb meeting with Prophet T.B. Joshua and they were able to partake in touching the blessed mantle which was passed around to all congregants. That mantle proved to be the point of contact that Jesus Christ used to intervene in their case.
 They began to believe and trust in God, waiting on him alone. “I started clapping before the miracle happened”, she said. She knew that the word of the man of God was not his own but the very words of God. As if that was not enough, they saw the man of God in his office where he prayed for them and blessed them with Anointing Water. Full of faith, they prayed and ministered the Anointing Water. They met as husband and wife and she became pregnant. The pregnancy period was smooth with no complication. The proud parents held up their beautiful baby girl, named Sarah promising to train her in the way of the Lord.
Anvor likened their case to the leper who came back to give thanks even after ten of them had been cured. He rejoiced at the goodness of God in their lives. Their advice: “There is hope. Jesus is the hope. Jesus Christ is the answer to all fundamental issues of life. Trust in God and not man.”

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