Thursday, February 27, 2014


Charity Musukwa
Charity Musukwa, a Gospel musician from Zambia, would have been confined to a wheel chair right now if it was not for the healing power of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ, who restored her broken bones when doctors had declared her case impossible to reverse. Ms Musukwa was on one fateful day, coming from a Gospel music event when the saloon car she was travelling in, crashed. The car spun and rolled over six times to become an instant write-off. As a result of the accident, her rib was broken from the back-bone, throwing her into a state where she could not walk. The damage was too severe to repair medically and doctors told her she would never walk again. She was given a body brace and later condemned to a wheelchair. She was always in pain and felt traumatised. The thought of never walking again was too much to comprehend. It would mean an end to her musical career and a life of total dependence. Her mother had to do everything for her, including taking her to the bathroom. She could not imagine how she would live like that for the rest of her life.
A friend brought the Anointing Water and ministered it on her, in Jesus’ name. Immediately, she felt something lifting out of her and the courage entered her to take a step. She took that first step of faith and that was the beginning. She started walking from that day. She can now walk and sing for God.
In her advice to the viewers she said, “Have faith in God. He can use any medium to express Himself in your life.”

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