Thursday, February 27, 2014


Nine miscarriages in six years! That was the traumatizing situation Mr Kingsley Clinton and his wife, Faith, faced that they could not believe they would ever have children to call their own. The doctors they visited could not say what was responsible for the problem. After exhausting all their finances looking for an answer and almost losing all hope, they decided to come to The SCOAN for prayers where they were blessed with the Anointing Water. They had always listened to testimonies of people who had once been in their situation.
Mr & Mrs Kingsley Clinton
Mr & Mrs Kingsley Clinton
Now with the Anointing Water in their hands, they prayed with it and ministered it on their bodies, asking Jesus to remove their shame from them. One month later, Mrs Clinton conceived. The purpose for their coming on Sunday was to testify that the mother-to-be is now eight months pregnant, a feat they had never experienced in their life before the use of the Anointing Water. They thanked God for the miracle He had performed in their lives.

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