Thursday, February 27, 2014


Dr Ozoh, a microbiologist residing in South Africa, came to testify how God rescued his home from armed robbery. In August last year, while at home, his son was strangely having difficulties sleeping. For some inexplicable reason, he just could not sleep. This continued till late in the night. Dr Ozoh decided to minister the Anointing Water on him and the house to cast out any demons and spirits of darkness that could have been lurking around. It wasn’t until 2am that they could sleep.DR. OZOH SAVED FROM ROBBERS THROUGH (AW)] In the morning, his wife was the first to wake only to discover to her utter shock that their kitchen had been broken into. Some items were missing. When she woke the whole house, they discovered that the missing items were dumped within the premises. What disappeared from one room was found in another. When police came, they could not believe what had happened; that robbers could labour to break into a highly secured home and yet steal nothing from it, not even a needle! All expensive electrical and hi-fi equipment was intact. Dr Ozoh thanked God for His faithfulness and advised viewers to live each day as if it was their last.

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