Thursday, February 27, 2014


When Mr Isdore Hetekere from Malawi suffered general body pains last year, he rushed to the hospital where doctors told him: “You are lucky to be alive!” A test by the doctors revealed that he had excess uric acid – a staggering 10.7 reading. According to the doctors, the normal range for uric acid is between 3.4 and 7. He was immediately prescribed to be taking three different types of medications daily. He considered such an arrangement unreliable and enslaving. He decided to seek higher power from the Healer, Jesus Christ. He came to The SCOAN where he received the Anointing Water. MR ISDORE HETEKERE[HEALED OF EXCESS URIC ACID(AW)]On his return home, he started ministering it in Jesus’ name and his energy started coming back, leading to a gradual healing. Over days, the pain disappeared and after a few months, he was very strong and fit. He went back to the hospital for another test. His uric acid level had dropped to 6.1, which is within the normal range. Now healed, healthy and strong, he sleeps well and no longer experiences pain.
That is not all. He and his wife had been looking for the fruit of the womb. After their first daughter, they had not had another child for nine years and had become desperate. His wife was suffering from irregular menstruation. They had gone to various hospitals for medical solutions but nothing seemed to be working. They ministered the Anointing Water and met as husband and wife. Behold, his wife conceived and they are now proud parents of a beautiful baby girl named, Divine.
He advised, “Sometimes, the healing is instant and sometimes gradual. We should be patient and wait upon the Lord.”

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