Thursday, February 27, 2014


Last Sunday service at The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria was another manifestation of God’s holiness and supremacy – a mighty and glorious presence that subdues evil and brings serenity and peace. The day was replete with miracles and wonders as the power of the Holy Spirit moved among the people with force, and gracefully setting the enslaved free from all kinds of affliction. DADDYThe man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, walked among the people with Heavenly authority, preaching and teaching the Word with power. And in accordance with the measure of his faith – the Heavenly currency for healing, blessing and deliverance, he prayed for people and set them free in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. He taught about love, emphasizing its relevance to a Christian life. ‘Love’, said the man of God, ‘looks around to see those who are sick and in need’. His proof text was from Galatians 5:6.
In his words: “If one does not love, one’s faith will not work because faith works by love”, adding that “it means love is more important because it is the force that sets faith working. It is the greatest in the sense that it is only through love we can respond to God. Without love, I cannot hear from God; I will be without direction – without a father. Through love you can respond to others, ‘Be healed!’ and they are healed. Some of us have suppressed our faith by failing to walk in love. You have faith, no doubt about that, but you lack love,” he noted.
Shedding more light on neighborliness he said, “Your neighbor can be your enemy; those who do not share the same faith with you – love them all. We are known by our love. Jesus knows you not by your name, but your love.” The man of God then prophesied to the congregation before ministering prayer and deliverance at the Prayer Line.
EVANG. RIKHARDEarlier on, Evangelist Rikhard engaged the congregation and viewers with a message titled: A Christian Life. The message, whose proof text was from the book of Joshua 1:8 hinged on the need for a spiritual reconstruction of a Christian life to reflect God’s will. He explained that God has given everybody a plan for success but what matters, is following such a roadmap as given by God. He also emphasized the need for Christians to keep the Word of God in their mouth, meditate on it and do what the Word says.
“What you say can justify or condemn you; your words can free you or put you in trouble. Most of our troubles are tongue troubles. Jesus Christ warned against speaking idle words – words that do not edify or build others up, because for every idle word a man speaks, he shall be accountable,” he said.

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