Thursday, February 27, 2014


Viewers of Emmanuel TV and worshippers at The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria should be familiar with the controversial issue of the witch doctor who was prophesied to early last month concerning a deadly evil covenant with his wife young enough to be his daughter if not granddaughter.
Chief and Mrs Adeola Adeyemo indeed came to The SCOAN early last month. While seated, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, approached the 80 year-old man and told him, “You are a witch doctor”. Although he tried to refuse, he eventually confessed and it turned out that he was a ‘General’ of his trade in his own right.  It turned out that his marriage with his 35 year-old wife was full of controversy.
Not only that, it turned out that the former witch doctor had used his powers to evoke a covenant that would keep the two together in life and death; that after one had died, the other would follow immediately. The mindboggling confession shocked the congregation and viewers.
The man of God prophesied that the woman had three cowries inside her, which were part of the covenant and that the aged witch doctor had his own inside his body too which were invoked inside them through charms and not by physically swallowing them.
 Mr & Mrs Adeyemo

Mr & Mrs Adeyemo
Three weeks ago, during mass prayer ministered by Prophet T.B. Joshua, it all unfolded before the viewers’ own eyes as the woman vomited two cowries in a pool of blood. These, the man of God said, were the foretold charms Mr Adeyemo had evoked into his wife to chain her to him. He said the remaining one would still come out. Indeed, it did during the subsequent mass prayers to the astonishment of the viewers!
Last Sunday, the young woman came in alongside her aged husband to show the three cowries she had vomited and how light and happy she had been since then. She said the night following her deliverance, she had a dream of masquerades which, previously before her deliverance, had always tormented her in nightmares by making her sing and dance with them. But this time around, when she was about to start singing for and dancing with them, she saw herself shouting ‘Emmanuel!’ Immediately, a bright fire came and lifted her up out of the midst of the masquerades. The masquerades died there and then. Since then, she said that she no longer has those nightmares and has been sleeping soundly.
Mr Adeola Adeyemo told the congregation he was happy for his wife and prayed that the grace that had visited his wife would also visit him so that he could vomit out his own evil cowries. He did not have to wait long. No sooner than the man of God ministered mass prayer, the former witch doctor bent into two and vomited his three cowries. The couple is now delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus has set them free. When God sets one free, he is free indeed!

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