Thursday, February 27, 2014


When Jesus sets you free, you are set free indeed and Mr Chris Paul Abure, a professional model from Nigeria living in Ghana, is evidence of this. Standing before the congregation on Sunday, he explained how he was thrown into the devil’s dungeon, living a life of sin – until he came to The SCOAN where Jesus Christ broke the chains and set him free. Narrating his episode of demonic horror, Mr Abure traced his tragedy to 16 years ago when his father cursed him for not following his lifestyle. His father belonged to this secret society which, he said, all the children in the family detested. The father told him he would not prosper in life. As he grew up, he could feel that things were not working for him. He found himself smoking weed, drinking alcohol and sleeping with every woman who crossed his path.
“Every bad thing, you name them, I have done,” he said.
MR CHRIS PAUL ABURE [PROFESSIONAL MODEL DELIVERED]One day, as Mr Abure was smoking at the beach, a strange thing happened. A beautiful lady appeared from nowhere, tapped him by the shoulder and said: “Handsome guy, how are you?” As soon as he replied, they started kissing although the lady was a total stranger to him. She then asked him to walk with her along the beach which was a distance away. He declined preferring to remain sitting where he was. Suddenly, he just discovered that the beach had come to him, touching his feet. The girl told him this was where he belonged, in the water and that one day she would take him there. He was horrified and told her to leave him. This encounter inflamed his lust for women and drugs as the same strange female-being appeared to him again in Ghana. In each instance, she would give him a telephone number and a physical address close to where he stayed. The number would be unreachable and no one would remember ever seeing such a girl if he went to look for her at the address.
He slept with many women – sometimes three women in a day. In due course, he had contracted sexually transmitted infections. He said he had been to all West African countries where he engaged in every abominable thing conceivable. That was not all. He had fought many people including police for no reason and earned himself incarceration behind bars six times in foreign prisons, particularly in Mali and Guinea. He was losing many friends for his unpredictable violent behaviour. He said the evil spirit tormented him so much in his modeling career that it started to crumble before his own eyes and there was nothing he could do about it. After failing to get solution from witch-doctors and various churches, he decided to come to The SCOAN.  First, his brother brought him the Anointing Water. Although he was not a strong believer, he decided to minister it. Soon afterwards, he noted a change in his life. He no longer felt like smoking and his lust for women eased.
One night, he saw Prophet T.B. Joshua in a dream, delivering him. He decided to come to The SCOAN in Lagos, where the power of the Holy Spirit located him as Wise Man Daniel ministered prayer and deliverance, in Jesus’ name. The evil spirit was confronted by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit and was instantly arrested but not before it confessed its atrocities such as causing him to lust after women, smoke and fight. The demon was cast out, in the name of Jesus Christ. And since that deliverance, Paul said he had become a changed person.
“I used to think evil – bad things. I thought I was having fun. That is not the way anymore. Anger is gone, even if you slap me now, I will just laugh and say thank you,” he said as he gave thanks to God for his freedom.

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