Thursday, February 27, 2014


Pastor and Mrs Joseph Abumere had the problem of barrenness for six years. Doctors cited pelvic inflammatory disease as the cause. Every time she conceived, the pregnancy would go. Not having children brought shame to the family. Her husband, being a pastor, had dedicated many children to God and yet, they could not have their own. For six years, they faced a lot of name-calling and rejection. Every time she saw her menstruation, she would be crying, asking God why she could not conceive. They prayed and fasted but still, nothing. They started watching Emmanuel TV and saw how the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, was being used by God to break yokes. PASTOR & MRS JOSEPH ABUMERE [BARRENNESS TO FRUITFULNESS(AW).]They agreed to come to The SCOAN, where they received the Anointing Water and prayed that God would do it for them. After ministering it, in Jesus’ name, they met as husband and wife and to the glory of God, the yoke was broken. She went back to the hospital for another medical test. Its result confirmed that she no longer suffered from pelvic inflammatory disease. In no time, she conceived and now they have a bouncing baby girl.  God Almighty wiped away Mrs Abumere’s tears of barrenness through the medium of the Anointing Water and brought honour to the pastor’s home!

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