Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Prophet T.B. Joshua ministering to the congregation.
Prophet T.B. Joshua ministering to the congregation.
Last Sunday was another awe-inspiring service hallmarked by a powerful and inspiring message from the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. Packed to capacity and with all overflow canopies spilling over, The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria was gripped with the moving power of the Holy Spirit.   From the din of the choristers that bellowed to the heights of the Heavens, to amazing testimonies and the message of the day, the air was one of glorification and submission to the One who made Heaven and earth – the Almighty God!
Evangelist Chris encouraged viewers worldwide and the congregants in the church with the message titled: ‘Don’t Measure Your Christian Life  By Your Situation’.
Evang. Chris at The SCOAN.
Evang. Chris encouraging the congregants at The SCOAN.
“Remember, the main aim of satan in tempting people of God is to overthrow their relationship to God as Father. He wants to cause you to doubt your faith and question the truth of God’s Word. Each time you want to focus on your future in Christ, satan will remind you of unanswered prayers in the past in order to provoke your guilt and doubt and tarnish your future thereby. Outward afflictions, wants and burdens are the great arguments satan uses to make the people of God question their son ship,” he said.
“It is time you let satan know your stand – whether trouble or not, I will stay true to Jesus. If nothing in this world can separate you from the love of God and nothing in this world can shake your faith in God, then nothing in this world can stop you from crossing the bridge into your Divine destiny!”
Prophet T.B. Joshua, using proof texts from Romans 13:1 and Romans 5:8 taught about spiritual law.
He stressed that God’s hates sin but loves the sinner because sinners can be delivered. If an opportunity is given to a sinner, he can be reformed and change. He explained: “Since our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the spirit beings that cause these acts.”
Also referring to Ephesians 6:12, the man of God warned the church against wrestling against flesh and blood or striving against people, because doing so would be fighting the wrong battle.
“If we fail to see that there are powers that cause people to be bowed down in bondage, we are fighting the wrong battle. There are powers that cause you to be in poverty. When you are armed for battle, you will not fight the wrong battle; you will listen to the inner voice of the Holy Spirit.”

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