Thursday, February 27, 2014


It was all but a battle of futility for the demon that had tormented Pastor and Mrs Roland Tabe from Cameroon for over a decade. It had no chance against the power of the Holy Spirit. The couple, both ministers of God, came to The SCOAN with the problem of setback and depression in their family and ministry. Pastor Roalnd Tabe had the spirit of anger that often sent him into tantrums. As a result, there was no love in the family. This also affected his ministry which stopped growing and faced collapse. He had been a pastor for more than ten years and he would hear a voice tell him to give up and quit being pastor. His church would have programs and gain in membership, but the people would suddenly leave. He would pray for people and they would be healed but they would go and give testimony elsewhere. Members were leaving the church in large numbers.
One night, in her dream, the wife saw the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua, ministering in their church and delivering people. She considered this a revelation and decided with her husband to come to The SCOAN. It was while praying in the Arena of Liberty, that the evil spirit spoke out and confessed being responsible for the agony the two had been going through. APOSTLE & PROPHETESS ROLAND TABE FROM CAMEROON DELIVERED.
While they were seated among the congregation at The SCOAN, one of the wise men came and prayed for him, in the name of Jesus Christ.  He felt a hot sensation run through his body. The evil spirit confessed that it had killed many members of his family and destroyed their ministries. Testifying in the church, he said that while he was young, he once stayed with his aunt who was a prostitute. During that time, she took him to a shrine where they performed a ritual on him by making incisions in his body and that his blood was taken and used for the ritual in the shrine.
“I am now a new person. The urge to leave my ministry is gone. I also have affection for my wife,” he said. He then advised other ministers of God that pride goes before a fall and that they should all be humble and ready to receive their deliverance.

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