Tuesday, February 4, 2014


A businessman dealing in motor car spare parts, Mr Tedus was a happy entrepreneur and in a relationship with a young woman he was ready to marry. He was also an interpreter at his church. But life for the 26 year-old turned into a total nightmare three years ago when he travelled on a business trip to Dubai. In transit on his way back, he stopped over in East Africa. While he was at a hotel where the airline accommodated him along with others on the delayed flight, he and some other men went to swim in the hotel’s pool. In a dream that night, he saw himself back in the same pool, swimming with other men only that this time, everyone was naked.
Mr Tedus sharing his testimony
Mr Tedus sharing his testimony
He woke up to see himself sweating profusely from the dream with a strong sensation that something strange had entered into his spirit! Before long, he discovered that he no longer had any passion for women but began to develop feelings for men like him. Immediately he returned home, he broke up his relationship with his fiancée who was shocked and could not understand a thing. Something pushed him to research on the internet about relationships with men and there, his interest grew.
One day, his pastor surprised him when he asked him to go to The SCOAN for deliverance without specifying why. The day of salvation for him came when he entered The SCOAN. He explained how as he was seated in the overflow section outside the church, an elderly woman in the overflow canopy gave him her entrance ticket to the church. Inside, when the wise men were praying, he began to feel like running away. As one of the wise men approached and touched him, an evil voice within him spoke out and revealed how it had been responsible for making him love men instead of women.
Now, after his deliverance, he testified that his desires had changed and he no longer has passion for men but rather for women. He can now pray and read his Bible without distraction and diversion.
“Now I am delivered, I no longer have affection for men but for ladies. If you come across someone with the same problem I had, you should not condemn him. The only answer is deliverance,” he said.
Let us remember the words of Prophet T.B. Joshua. Anytime we strive against people, we fight the wrong battle. God loves sinners but hates sin. We should hate the act but not the people. If we fail to see that there are powers that cause people to be bowed down in bondage, we are fighting the wrong battle.

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