Friday, July 26, 2013


PROPHET T B JGod’s ability to meet the needs of His people is everlasting just as He is. He continues to work in people’s lives through wonders and miracles. By God’s grace, The SCOAN remains an epicenter of God’s action in changing lives, changing nations and changing the world, through preaching, deliverance, healing and prophecy, among others. Last Sunday witnessed another bumper harvest of God’s blessings as was expressed in the mood of the congregation that fellowshipped at The SCOAN, arriving from various parts of the world.

Addressing the congregation, the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua reiterated the need for leaders to put the interest of their nations above self-interest. The message, which was prophetic in nature, urged African leaders to come together and rescue troubled nations.

He spoke once again on the theme of unity, stressing that irrespective of the different spiritual gifts God has endowed His people with, they are to work together as a team. “Whether you plant or water, we are a team. Each will be rewarded for what he or she does because we are all Christ’s co-workers.”

He emphasized that the foundation upon which all Christians are to build on is Jesus Christ. “No one can lay a foundation – because the foundation has already been laid. The foundation is Jesus Christ. So, I must be careful how I work because the foundation has already been laid. The foundation is Jesus and I will build on the foundation of Jesus Christ.”

We are glad to share with you a few of the testimonies that glorify the Lord’s name:


June 18 2013, will remain a day of terror for Mr Adjemena MacJaja, a fisherman from Rivers, Nigeria. What started like a normal day with routine checks on his boat and fishing gear, turned out to be a total nightmare and deadliest venture Adjemena will not forget in a hurry. On the fateful day, Mr Adjemena set sail on the Atlantic Ocean with two of his companions looking for fish.SEA Adjemena and his friends are no strangers to the ocean, as fishing is one major occupation the people of Rivers State would take to even at childhood. As was always the case, their search took them deep into the vast ocean.

Before mid-day, the trio had caught some sizeable fish and were already contemplating calling it a day when evil came knocking on their door. An unusual terrific storm hit their boat, rocking it and eventually breaking it into fragments. He and his companions were scared stiff. They had never experienced anything like that, not in his more than 35 years of acquaintance with the ocean as a fisherman.

The impact of the wave drove them deeper into frightening heights as they clung tenaciously to the broken pieces of what used to be their boat. It was while he was drifting deeper into the unfriendly waters, that he remembered he had a bottle of the Anointing Water and Anointing Sticker in the bag he had since formed a habit of carrying to everywhere he went.  He struggled to swim back to the belly of the boat where he effortlessly found his bag containing the Anointing Water and the Sticker.

Acting on the words of his mentor, Prophet T.B. Joshua, that, when you run out of rope, it is time to grab onto faith, he clung to the contents of his bag, believing that nothing ungodly could ever happen to him, no matter what. He then managed to fish out the Anointing Sticker and asked his companions to join hands in a spirit of camaraderie to pray for God’s intervention in their moment of despair. Surprisingly, one of them arrogantly refused to pray.

They started to condemn the devil, calling him a liar and kept shouting ‘Emmanuel!’ The wave did not cease but continued to push them further into unfamiliar terrain. There was no one to rescue them. They could not spot any other fishermen within the radius their already weakened eyes could see. Immediately after they had poured out those fervent and emotion-laden words of supplication to the Almighty Father, another violent wave rocked their only hope out of grip – sending the three of them at different directions.
That incident shattered their spirit of togetherness and dampened their hope of survival because they just realized that they needed one another for encouragement and consolation.  Soon, they would drift further apart and could not see each other anymore. Unfortunately, the young man who had refused to pray along with his companions was never to return. He died of exhaustion and frostbite.

Two days had passed before Mr Adjemena heard a voice telling him to let go of his bag. Knowing that it was the bag in which he had stored away The Anointing Water and Sticker, he was quick to recognize that voice as not of God. He rebuked it and rather managed to tighten the slings round his neck and his shoulder.

By the third day, alone in the ocean and without much strength left in him, he heard a voice say: “You shall not die”. Then all of a sudden, he spotted a trawler in the distance. He swam towards it with as much energy as he possibly could gather; knowing that it was an opportunity he could not afford to miss.

All of a sudden the ocean wave, combining with the wave generated from the gliding ship, tossed him several nautical miles helplessly out of sight in a matter of seconds. He thought to himself that the end had come. All he could imagine was the loving family and friends he had left behind. With his limbs completely stiffened by the coldness of the water and his entire body white as snow, he shut his eyes and prayed to God for mercy. He reached for The Anointing Sticker and clutched it fondly as if he was holding the hand of God. As he looked up, he noticed another ship in the distance which did not matter to him because that one was anchored. He knew that by and large, he would be able to swim to it.

Suddenly he felt something push him for about 15 minutes, drawing him closer to the ship. Before long, the men on the ship had spotted him and were encouraging him to forge ahead until they could safely throw an anchor to fish him out of water. When he reached a comfortable distance, an anchor was lowered for him to grab at but he missed it. A lifebuoy was thrown at him and before he knew it, he was rescued onto the ship.

“They bathed me with very hot water, yet it felt as cold. I was all white from the cold salted ocean water. Believe me, this is not Nollywood acting. It was real and true. This Anointing water is real. It saved me from death,” concluded Mr Adjemena.
Pastor Bobby of Living Faith Ministries aka Winners Chapel, friend  to Adjemena added to the testimony: “What happened to Mr Adjemena is not ordinary. I had always advised him to carry the Anointing Water and Sticker with him. I knew he would not die. When I visited him to ask what had saved him, he pointed at the Anointing Sticker and the Anointing Water.”

Pastor Bobby himself was also healed of kidney stones, spinal cord problem and a weak erection thanks to the Anointing water he had obtained from The SCOAN.


Books have ever proved to be one source of valuable information. Unfortunately, not everything one reads has to be taken for gospel truth. At least, that is what one, Mr. Baalah Mbebu, from Ghana is ready to prove. He told the congregation and world viewers of Emmanuel TV how a book he had read in school, hooked him to a habit that was to haunt him for the rest of his life at least until he was delivered at The SCOAN.

Mr Mbebu said he read in one book that it was better to masturbate than fornicate. He explained that he believed the information and decided to satisfy his sexual urges through masturbation. He said that for 19 years, he was a slave to the habit and could not find a way out. He said the habit severely affected him in his studies because he could not concentrate and made him to be short tempered. This, he said, resulted in the loss of his self-esteem and he would easily get annoyed and irritated.MASTERBATION

“Every time I masturbated, I felt angry. I would not concentrate in class. When I got married, I thought it would be over but it persisted,” he said. He said, consequently, he had no affection for his wife but knew this was not right. It was until he came to The SCOAN in 2011 and obtained the Anointing Water that hope was restored for him. Back in Ghana, he ministered the Anointing water and, three weeks later, the urge was gone.

“I no longer feel like doing it again. My self-esteem is restored. I can engage in debate and discussions. My advice is that parents should be discussing with their children about adulthood. All the answers they need are in the scriptures,” he said.



“My name is Enow Simon Tambi-Arrey. I come from Cameroon. The problem that brought me to the Synagogue, Church of All Nations, was ‘evil trees’ in the compound where I live. Whenever we were in the house particularly at night, we would not be able to sleep. Birds from everywhere would make eerie noises. Bats would fly in from all over and perch on the trees and make all kinds of weird noises. We could not live in peace. My children were also having problems in their education as a result of the spiritual attacks. But I had always seen on Emmanuel TV how people were being delivered from such peculiar happenings. I decided to come to The SCOAN so that the God of Prophet T.B. Joshua would similarly do it for me.

On 18th July, I came and was arranged on the prayer line where I received a bottle of the Anointing Water. A voice said to me: ‘Please take this Anointing Water and drink it all.’ I shared it with my daughter, anointed ourselves and went to our separate rooms at the lodge we were staying.
For the first time in many years, I had a wonderful sleep. In the morning, my daughter told me of a strange dream she had had – a dream about people in a cage and how they chased her away calling her a traitor.  Coincidentally, the same night, I had a dream in which I saw a woman and child escape from a room we were staying.
And, behold, by 2.30 pm that Friday while in my hotel room, I got a call from home [Cameroon] that a terrible storm had hit our area and that the evil trees had been uprooted in what I believe was the Hand of God. Strangely, of the nine people in the house, none was hurt. All the vehicles parked by the trees never got damaged from the impact. I know the God I serve is a great God. People of God, my past is over and the Anointing Water was the medium that I used.”


This is an official statement from Prophet T.B. Joshua. My attention has been drawn to an online article headlined ‘Pastor T.B. Joshua Revealed As Man Behind Al-Mustapha’s Release’ written by Sahara Reporters.
This article is from the enemy. They should not drag me into the issue of politics. If I was ever to go to Aso Rock, I would go publicly. I have tb-joshuaalready told you how I met Al-Mustapha. Don’t put words in my mouth. I explained that I got to know him many years ago when a petition was addressed to General Bamaiyi who was the then Chairman of the NDLEA. I spent nine days with them for investigation and they found the whole thing to be a fabrication.
From there, I was taken to see the president where I met Mustapha. I was able to reveal to them who I am by telling them what was to come as a prophet. I told him that he would spend several years in prison and would be finally released which no one else had ever told him. That is why you saw him coming here as his first port of call. Where there is no vision, people perish.
It is therefore very malicious for Sahara Reporters to attach any political meanings to Al-Mustapha’s visit. At no time did I tell President Jonathan that his political fortune rested with setting Al-Mustapha free, neither did I ever suggest that Chief James Ibori, former Delta State Governor be brought back to Nigeria to assist the president in the 2015 presidential election.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


The Scriptures say that people that were once in darkness, the Light has dawned on them. That axiom is particularly applicable to those who are privileged to have come under the canopy of T.B. Joshua’s Ministry that is laden with healing, deliverance and prophetic blessings.PROPHET T.B JOSHUA
This week’s Sunday service witnessed another ground-breaking prophecy which, according to the prophet, was so urgent that he could not but immediately make it public.
According to T.B. Joshua, widespread mass protests are looming in the atmosphere that except concrete measures are taken to prevent, will spiral into revolution with catastrophic consequence.
In his words, “I am seeing a revolution. I am seeing people take to the street. At the beginning of that protest, it might be stopped. Eventually, it will become so big that it cannot be stopped.”
As disturbing as this may sound, the prophecy did not leave us without a ray of hope. As the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua often says, “Whenever God gives a prophecy; He provides a way out.” Hence, on this occasion, he has also counseled that the way out of the impending doom is to include the youth in decision-making in every sector of the economy.
According to him, “The way out is job creation for the youth and the creation of a new social value system. This is because 90 percent of youth believe that it is by becoming political thugs that they could be successful, especially because those in the political offices do not want to retire in politics and become statesmen. The youth, no matter the education they have, feel they have no place in politics and there is no job to keep them busy. There must be new orientation.”
The prophecy went ahead to prescribe workable example of how political leaders and employers of labour should approach the issue. It says, “In all appointments in the departments of politics or administration, youth should be considered as second in command. By doing this, we are training them to take over tomorrow. This is because they are leaders of tomorrow. If this is done, you will still see signs, you will still see protests but those protests will not turn into a revolution. Our youth are more educated than our elders because they are exposed to modern day technology. The coming ominous signs are disastrous. I am talking to the whole world. This is the vision I saw. Revolution is coming when people will take to the street because life has no value anymore to the people out there. Any nation that will start it now, will avert the coming revolution. Carry your youth along in your politics and administration especially in ruling your country. I have said it; none of these will go without being fulfilled”, he concluded.
The congregation also listened to testimonies of breakthrough, healing and deliverance, which served as reminder that there is hope for believers in the face of every situation that appears hopeless and helpless.
It is our earnest desire that, you too, will be richly blessed by the following testimonies:


Mr Karl Götze from South Africa went horse-riding with his son as part of the latter’s birthday treat. Horse-riding had been Mr Götze’s pastime since his school days.
They did a number of runs round the farm land and later decided to run home in a no-winner-no-loser race. It started very well with the young man galloping comfortably ahead of his father. As Mr Götze attempted to speed up his 13-span-beast to prove his superiority in the art, his horse became jittery.  It appeared to be frightened and distracted by something human eyes could not see. He managed to keep her on course but before doing a few notches, it swerved off track and Götze lost balance.
He tumbled headlong from that height and landed on his neck, injuring his elbow, ankle, neck and breaking some ribs.
When his son noticed that dad was no longer within sight, he made a detour and came to where Mr Götze lay in excruciating pain and totally immobilized. His condition was such that it was impossible to raise him up from any angle. The young man had to call for help. Soon, the family car was brought and the seemingly lifeless man was evacuated to a hospital where he was thoroughly examined and given first aid.KARL
In the opinion of the doctors and from the x-ray evidence, Mr Götze was told that it would take a long time for his injuries to heal, considering his age. They emphatically said it would normally take between eight to nine weeks for such injuries to heal in a person not older than 20 years of age; and Götze was three times that age.
Being an ardent believer in the power of God working through the medium of the Anointing Water and having received several miraculous healings and breakthroughs via the Anointing Water, he recalled that before setting off for that fateful horse-ride, by some instinct, he had purposefully ministered the Anointing Water to himself and prayed for God’s protection.
When the doctors came up with their discouraging prognosis, he decided to take refuge once again in the Anointing Water knowing that God will confound skeptics in his present situation.
Less than two weeks after ministering the Anointing Water to his injured parts, he returned to the hospital for a checkup. Some x-rays were taken which showed that the cracked rib bones and disjointed shoulder bones had all healed and set back into place. The astonished medics ordered for more x-rays to be taken from different angles and the results were the same – no more injuries!
He is now able to return to horse-riding, lift heavy objects and exercise his body freely, to the glory of God.
Mr Karl Götze from South Africa went horse-riding with his son as part of the latter’s birthday treat. Horse-riding had been Mr Götze’s pastime since his school days.
They did a number of runs round the farm land and later decided to run home in a no-winner-no-loser race. It started very well with the young man galloping comfortably ahead of his father. As Mr Götze attempted to speed up his 13-span-beast to prove his superiority in the art, his horse became jittery.  It appeared to be frightened and distracted by something human eyes could not see. He managed to keep her on course but before doing a few notches, it swerved off track and Götze lost balance.
He tumbled headlong from that height and landed on his neck, injuring his elbow, ankle, neck and breaking some ribs.
When his son noticed that dad was no longer within sight, he made a detour and came to where Mr Götze lay in excruciating pain and totally immobilized. His condition was such that it was impossible to raise him up from any angle. The young man had to call for help. Soon, the family car was brought and the seemingly lifeless man was evacuated to a hospital where he was thoroughly examined and given first aid.KARL
In the opinion of the doctors and from the x-ray evidence, Mr Götze was told that it would take a long time for his injuries to heal, considering his age. They emphatically said it would normally take between eight to nine weeks for such injuries to heal in a person not older than 20 years of age; and Götze was three times that age.
Being an ardent believer in the power of God working through the medium of the Anointing Water and having received several miraculous healings and breakthroughs via the Anointing Water, he recalled that before setting off for that fateful horse-ride, by some instinct, he had purposefully ministered the Anointing Water to himself and prayed for God’s protection.
When the doctors came up with their discouraging prognosis, he decided to take refuge once again in the Anointing Water knowing that God will confound skeptics in his present situation.
Less than two weeks after ministering the Anointing Water to his injured parts, he returned to the hospital for a checkup. Some x-rays were taken which showed that the cracked rib bones and disjointed shoulder bones had all healed and set back into place. The astonished medics ordered for more x-rays to be taken from different angles and the results were the same – no more injuries!
He is now able to return to horse-riding, lift heavy objects and exercise his body freely, to the glory of God.


Mr Mboweni Cyril was having the problem of severe evil attacks that affected his academic career. This became worse while he was studying for a master degree in Public Administration.  He would hear evil discouraging voices during exams telling him to leave the exam hall.CYRIL
He would helplessly obey the voice and as a result, he could not pass or come out with results.  When it occurred to him that his case was not natural, he tried to seek help ‘til he was privileged to receive the Anointing Water from The SCOAN.
He prayed and ministered the Anointing Water in Jesus’ name. His mind became clear and his focus was renewed. He stopped hearing those voices and was able to finish his master degree program; he came out with flying colours.


Mr and Mrs Emmanuel Okoye suffered mental and psychological agony for eight years with the problem of barrenness. Mr Emmanuel was diagnosed with low sperm count and his wife had blocked fallopian tubes.
The couple spent much money in search of solution to their problem. They ran into someone who after listening to their pathetic story directed them to The SCOAN.  They visited The SCOAN and were privileged to receive the Anointing Water which they ministered to themselves and met as husband and wife.OKOYE
A month later, Mrs Okoye fell sick and went for a checkup where the doctor told her she was pregnant. Her husband could not believe it until he saw changes in her body confirming the pregnancy after eight years of barrenness. She delivered her baby without any complications. The baby was named ‘Rejoice’, which is a reflection of what the Lord has done for them.


Mrs Tiofla Mtsweni came with her husband to testify to the power of God through the medium of Anointing water. She was diagnosed with multiple gall stones.
She was relaxing over a cup of cold drink with her husband in their living room one evening when all of a sudden she felt a sting in her lower abdomen.TIOFLA
The pain was so severe, more than the pain of childbirth. It caused her to sweat profusely until she slumped and began rolling on the floor in agony.
The confused husband managed to ask one of their neighbours to look after their children whom they had previously put to sleep. He then drove her to the hospital where she would spend weeks under observation. She was unable to take care of her newborn baby and her mother would occasionally bring it to the hospital for breast feeding.
The doctors recommended an operation but could not determine where the stones were lodged in her system despite several scans they had conducted. One of their neighbours who had received miraculous healings through the Anointing Water she received from The SCOAN, agreed with the couple and the Anointing Water was ministered to Tiofla.
The pain stopped immediately but the doctors were adamant on operating her concerning the gall stones and they required her to run a number of tests which, to their amazement, her stomach was free from any gall stones.
The overjoyed husband referring to The Anointing Water as an ‘atomic bomb’ advised all to carry it wherever they went.


Nooreen Mazalla from Tanzania was depressed because she had a relationship that rendered her lonesome most of the time. Her fiancée was treating her with contempt. She thought it had been a mistake to had gone into that relationship and all she could think of was to take her own life. She took medication prescribed by her doctor to ease her depression but only got worse.
When she eventually had her baby, she would often hear voices suggesting injecting poisonous substance to terminate her baby’s life and to kill herself as well. She would starve her baby for days without feeding it.
To compound her condition, a Non-governmental Organization she had established was not receiving patronage from all the people she had sent proposals to. The objective of the NGO is to empower youth to acquire skills that would enable them get some work and to stay off the streets. In spite of those lofty ideals, people showed no interest whatsoever.
When it appeared all hope was lost, she was led to watch Emmanuel TV and could see that her situation could be helped. She came to The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water.
When she returned to Tanzania she ministered the Anointing Water on herself and everything around her. Soon after, she experienced a turn-around. The suicidal thoughts left her and she was able to focus properly.
She began to receive contracts from places where she had been previously refused. Her advice is that if God could do this for her He can do the same for anyone!


Evangelist Mrs Glory Peter, Akwa-Ibom, Nigeria came from a background where a spiritual serpent was worshipped by the community.
Her grandfather was the chief priest and her father was his secretary. All women from that area faced disappointment in marriage.
She had a broken marriage and could not cope with the prospect of living as a divorcee. She had been diagnosed with blocked fallopian tubes, bleeding and periods of ceased menstruation which made her to not conceive.GLORY
Her purpose of visiting The SCOAN was to break that cycle of bondage.  She came with the belief that when she arrived at The SCOAN God would visit her and set her free. Indeed, God used Wise Man John Chi to deliver her.
Soon after that, back home, God gave her a wonderful life partner. A few months later, she began feeling unwell and heeded her husband’s advice to go for a medical checkup and she was found to be pregnant. Now, she had her baby whom she named, ‘Goodnews’. She can carry out her evangelistic work freely and without shame or reproach.


Vidah Linyama from Malawi is a maize farmer but for the last 13 years they had been experiencing poor harvests and trouble from thieves. She visited The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water. Upon returning to Malawi, she emptied the Anointing Water into a bucket of water and soaked her maize seedlings into it with prayer for improved yield. She also placed the Anointing Sticker on the four cardinal points leading to her farmland.
When the harvest started, their farm recorded unusual size of maize cubs they had never seen before. The harvest turned out to be the greatest she had had in all her farming life.  The few pumpkins she sparingly planted yielded more than a 3-ton harvest which was not expected.VIDAH
The healthiness of the yield attracted the thieves the more but when they came and had cut the maize, they gathered them into heaps but could not lift their loot out of the farm.
She advised viewers to give God a trial because all things are possible with Him.


Miss Theresa Agbo, Benue, Nigeria had abnormal swollen belly which gave her out as pregnant. The doctors said it was a case of multiple fibroid and she also had a massive collection of fluid in her peritoneal cavity.
Initially, she refused to go in for the operation because of the financial constraints and the fear that she might not be able to conceive after the operation.THERESA
She resorted to taking herbal remedies but her condition only got worse. When she could no longer bear the excruciating pain, she accepted to go for the operation.
While she was in hospital, a cousin of hers visited and suggested to minister to her the Anointing Water he had received from The SCOAN.  They prayed together and the Anointing Water was ministered to her.
The next day, a rupture appeared on the tip of her navel from where some bloody fluid gushed out continuously for 14 hours until it drained close to 10 litres.
Today, she is completely healed. Her stomach is back to its natural condition – flat and working normally. There is nothing God cannot do.


Mr Fredrick Babila received a phone call from his friend, Joseph Apanwun saying that he had a pain on his leg. When Babila went to see his friend, he discovered that what was worrying him was far more than a mere bout of pain.
He received treatment which had bad side effects and he started bleeding internally severely. Doctors confirmed that the laboratory analysis was misleading and was responsible for the wrong prescription.JOSEPH
He bled through his mouth and from his anus and developed various blood clots in different parts of his body. His blood level dropped drastically. He was so weak that he was not able to walk, stand or do anything by himself. He was bound to a wheelchair in the hospital for several days.
It was obvious that he would not survive from the ceaseless discharge of concentrated blood. He received many pints of blood transfusion which drained off as they were being given.
He was finally evacuated to a reference hospital on a six hour journey even though they feared he would not survive the journey. They had to use a military escort and ambulance to overcome difficulties they anticipated could frustrate the journey and endanger his life the more. The referral hospital examined him thoroughly and thought it was useless administering any medication as the case had reached its critical stage.
Mr Babila managed to obtain the Anointing Water and ministered it on his friend in faith. After the Anointing Water was ministered, to the shock of the hospital staff and all around, Joseph was able to sit up and began to walk. He got stronger by the day and later a test was conducted confirming that all traces of blood clots had utterly disappeared.
They showed medical reports stating clearly that before he had thrombosis but after the Anointing Water miracle, the test result was completely normal.


Lawrence from Limpopo Province in South Africa grew up in the occult. All he knew was what he was taught through the occult. He was initiated by one of the elders in the family at the age of 11. His initiation consisted of being sodomized on the ground of a sacred mountain and this process was repeated several times he was meant to graduate from one level of initiation to another.
He was introduced to the practice of spilling his own blood or that of others which was an essential element they considered would bestow greater on him.LAWRENCE
This lifestyle forced him to grow into an adult overnight and dramatically altered his perception of human life as a thing of no value. Consequently, violence, stealing and unstable relationships characterized his life.
As he advanced deeper into the kingdom of darkness, he began doing virtually the work of satan on earth. Demons educated him on how to kill, steal and destroy to acquire more power. He and his cohorts were also out to deceive Christians and tempt ministers of God with money and material acquirements. They would train young boys and girls and plant them as serious workers in Christian churches with a view to bringing them to ruin.
Part of his grand commission was to try and bring down the ministry of T.B. Joshua and The SCOAN by spreading lies and rumours about the man of God. In the satanic kingdom, they sent demons to The SCOAN but were frustrated as the demons never went back.
His mission in coming to The SCOAN was to destroy the Man of God and during the period of mass prayer, he came out to challenge T.B. Joshua and demonstrated occultic signs, declaring that they would be no breakthrough.
Those attempts did not work because the darkness in him could not stand the light and fire of God. He later received his deliverance through prayer from Wise Man Daniel. He testified that he has renounced his former master, satan and is now a servant of Jesus Christ, a child of God.


For four years, Augustine Chikere suffered from osteoarthritis and congestion of the heart which rendered him completely unable to walk.CHIKERE
The sickness afflicted him for four years. He was desperately weak and was restricted to using a wheelchair. He would cry as he so much desired to do things on his own and did not want to constitute a burden to his son who had to wheel him everywhere.
His family took him to several different doctors where he was given tablets that could only ease the pain. He was told that he would need to be taking those drugs for the entirety of his life.
Believing this was not his portion, he told his family to take him to The SCOAN. He was tired and frustrated with his pitiable condition. They brought him to The SCOAN and were privileged to receive the Anointing Water.
His son ministered it on him and prayed. That same night, he felt a surge of vitality in him and started walking on his own. He went outside the room and came into the street to the amazement of the hotel workers and all those around.
Many of the hotel workers had witnessed how he had been carried on a wheelchair when he entered the hotel. Now, strong and healthy, he described himself as the happiest man alive. His son, Arinze Kingsley excitedly described the Anointing Water as a “weapon of mass destruction”, able to obliterate any sickness or disease, in the name of Jesus.
George and Monica from Ghana who stayed in the same hotel as the Chikere family had witnessed how Augustine was bound to a wheelchair. On Friday evening, they heard people shouting and singing. Curious to know what the commotion was all about, they came out of their room and went to the hotel entrance. To their surprise, they saw Augustine standing and walking. There were shouts of joy all around. They immediately congratulated him and rejoiced at the awesome goodness of God displayed before their very eyes.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Image Prophet T.B. Joshua often says that a prophet shall prophesy that which he will live to see accomplished. That popular saying of the man of God was once again proven by the testimony of a young couple into whose lives he had prophesied concerning the sex of their baby while it was yet an embryo in the lady’s womb.  That singular evidence, which is not an isolated case of Prophet T.B. Joshua’s prophesies as being a communicator between the visible and invisible worlds, only demonstrates the unquestionable evidence that he sees, says, hears and acts as God instructs.
When Prophet T.B. Joshua also warned against an impending global economic catastrophe and advised going back to the drawing board, he was voicing out what he had seen and heard from God. To lend credence to his concerns, he launched the now world-acclaimed SCOAN Job Creation Initiative for young graduates and youth which aims at bridging the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor, as well as to reduce the escalating crime rate due to joblessness on our streets.
In his message during the Sunday service, Prophet T.B. Joshua said that the so-called legacy of education we give to our children will be meaningless because the prevalent unemployment in the world economy has made education useless and therefore, the young ones fail to see any value in education.
The twenty-two graduates, who had earlier benefited from The SCOAN Job Creation Initiative for young graduates and youth, were present at the service to present their letters of appointment and to thank the man of God for his benevolence.
Responding to Prophet T.B. Joshua’s clarion call Mrs Sina Chuma-Mkandawire, Director/Representative of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), United Nations and Laison Office for ECOWAS came to The SCOAN. Applauding the initiative, she also announced their readiness to partner with Prophet T.B. Joshua and Emmanuel TV to carry the employment campaign to greater heights.

ASK GOD, NOT MAN – Wise Man Daniel

Image In Wise Man Daniel’s message titled ‘Ask God, Not Man’, he reminded us of what Psalm 12:2 says that everyone lies to his neighbor. If everyone lies to his neighbour, who then can we believe? We can believe God as the only reliable source of all we need to live for Him here and now. If you can believe, worry and anxiety will varnish. Some human plans or your mind may come between you and God’s Word but rest upon what God says, “If you believe, all things are possible!”
In the process of finding out the truth, we need to get familiar with God through His Word and by His Spirit because we can count on God’s Word being good and it cannot fail without God failing.
From the hundreds of people who were eager to share their testimonies of healing, deliverance and breakthrough, we were able to accommodate just a few in view of the many activities lined up for the Sunday Service.


Image Mrs Jovita and her husband came to The SCOAN with their baby girl to give testimony to the fulfillment of the prophecy earlier given to them by Prophet T.B. Joshua. They came to The SCOAN in 2012 when Mrs Jovita was pregnant and the man of God had prophesied that he saw a baby girl. The lady says she was excited at the prospect of having a baby because they had been childless for some years. She later went to the hospital to do a pregnancy scan and it was confirmed that she was pregnant with a baby girl. When she was due, she gave birth to a bouncing baby girl without complications. Indeed, the Word of God uttered through his prophet will not return void ‘til it has accomplished what was said. Mrs Jovita’s advice was that there is nothing impossible for God; your case is possible.


Image Patricia Mokane from Botswana tested in 2008 and was confirmed positive to HIV/AIDS 1. She experienced back pain, severe headaches, general body weakness and dizziness during the years following.
When she watched Emmanuel TV and witnessed the many testimonies of healing, she was persuaded to ask one of her friends who had visited The SCOAN, to give her the Anointing Water she had received during her visit.
She ministered the Anointing Water, praying, “Jesus Christ, Son of David, have mercy on me. You helped Hagar in the desert. As You helped Hagar and You healed Naaman through a pool of water, don’t let me die. Please God, heal me today”.
When The SCOAN evangelists visited Botswana to register people who wished to visit The SCOAN. She told The SCOAN evangelist that she needed prayer for the problem of HIV/AIDS but The SCOAN evangelist advised her to go for another blood test to confirm her current HIV status because the medical report she had brought to the screening center was outdated. She complied and returned to the hospital to do another test and to her greatest shock and amazement, she tested negative to HIV/AIDS. Not really believing what had transpired, she went again and again to five different hospitals including the same government hospital that confirmed her to be positive to HIV/AIDS 1 and the various reports corroborated her HIV/AIDS negative status.
She showed her BEFORE and AFTER medical reports from a government hospital in Botswana, proving that she was once confirmed HIV/AIDS Positive 1 but is now negative to HIV/AIDS


Image Godwin Codjo is a professional boxer from Ghana. He experienced dizziness and general body weakness which he thought were part of the hazards associated with his boxing career. When he went to the hospital to seek medical advice, he was diagnosed with Hepatitis B. This illness affected his career as a professional boxer because he was unable to train for three years.
All the medication he took could not relieve him of the excruciating pain and other symptoms he was feeling. Desiring to get quickly out of that situation that had rendered him financially and physically handicapped, he decided to seek for a solution to his problem and came to The SCOAN. He received The Anointing Water and ministered it in Jesus’ name. When he returned to Ghana, he had dreams of the wise men delivering him. After that dream, he began to experience the absence of those painful feelings. He later went back to the hospital and tested negative to Hepatitis B to the amazement of the doctors.
Godwin showed his medical reports proving that he once had Hepatitis B but is now completely healed through the Anointing Water. He advised everyone to believe and trust in God because He can do all things.


Image Emmanuel Nwosu, who was once a successful transporter and owner of a number of duplexes, was suddenly plunged into a state of abject poverty after his fortune mysteriously collapsed.
He recalls that after the death of his father who was a formidable witch doctor, there were some idols that were left in their family home. He was uncomfortable with having to share the family house with fetish objects of that nature. Relying on his own strength, Mr. Nwosu called some prayers warriors and together they burnt those idols.
After the burning of the idols, his trucks started having ghastly accidents which resulted in their being written off as damaged beyond repair. As he spent money in trying to repair them, they would have accidents again ‘til he ended up selling his buildings and other valuable property to raise the much-needed funds. After all his buildings had been sold off, he ended up as a tenant in another man’s house.
Desperately in search of a solution to his problem, he watched Emmanuel TV and came to the SCOAN where he received the Anointing Water. Praying and ministering it in Jesus’ name, Mr Nwosu’s business started booming within a short time. Today, he has built another double storey house and bought new trucks for his business. He gladly displayed photographs of his newly-acquired wealth to the congregation to the glory of God.


Image Rose Okwuta, a Togolaise living in the USA, was suffering from ceased menstruation for a long time. She had used all forms of medication to no avail. One day, she came across Emmanuel TV and prayed along with Prophet T.B. Joshua when he was praying for the viewers. At the same time, by faith, she placed the Anointing Water booklet on her stomach and continued to pray along with Prophet T.B Joshua. After the prayer, she felt a strange sensation and ran to the toilet. To her greatest surprise, she discovered that her menstruation had started to flow, to the glory of God. She advised people to have faith in God and that with God all things are possible.


Image Mr Samuel Diah, a Tanzanian, came to The SCOAN with the problem of stagnation and business failure. He had occupied important positions at his work place and served in strategic capacities but he had nothing in terms of material wealth to show for his years of dedicated service. He had almost written himself off as a total failure. However, with the last ray of hope left in him, he decided to give God a chance to demonstrate His power over his life. He visited The SCOAN and received the Anointing Water and ministered it daily in Jesus’ name.
A month later, he received a call from the Ministry of National Tourism and Natural Resources notifying him that he had been elected as a director of the Tanzanian Tourist Board. He also gave another testimony of how God had saved him and his son from a ghastly road accident. That fateful day, before leaving his house, he ministered the Anointing Water as usual and drove his son to school. Along the way, the car swerved and somersaulted. People ran to see if there were any survivors in the car and miraculously, nothing happened to them. To God be the glory. He showed his appointment letters and photographs of the scene of the accident.

Monday, July 8, 2013

New Anointing Water in London


Emmanuel! God is with us (Matthew 1:23). Jesus never stops giving us reasons to praise Him! T.B. Joshua has sent the Anointing Water to the UK and it will be ministered by God’s grace at the next Prayer Line service at SCOAN UK. It is not the water that heals, blesses or delivers but God Himself, since the anointing is done in Jesus’ name. Get ready for your testimony to be restored,!

Hot Cake TB Joshua Anointing Water For Sale

by TB Joshua Fans UK Blog
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There are numerous Face Book users claiming to be or to represent Prophet T.B. Joshua, the Wise Men, or anything connected to the ministry of The SCOAN and Emmanuel TV. There are thousands of impostors contacting people through Facebook or fake e-mail addresses, asking for donations and offerings in order to send spiritual items. They are also asking for donations for various fake charitable projects. They are Fraudsters and have nothing to do with The SCOAN, Emmanuel TV, or Prophet T.B. Joshua!
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We do not communicate through Facebook! We do not offer spiritual items , book visits to The SCOAN, or provide any other service through Facebook. If anyone contacts you on Facebook claiming to be associated with Prophet T.B. Joshua, The SCOAN, or Emmanuel TV know that you are dealing with a fraudster.

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Coroner: Plane crash victim may have been run over (Asiana Airline crash at San Francisco I.Airport)

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A county coroner said Sunday that his office is conducting an autopsy to determine whether one of the teenage victims of the Asiana Airlines crash at San Francisco International Airport was run over and killed by an emergency vehicle.
San Mateo County Coroner Robert Foucrault said senior San Francisco Fire Department officials notified him and his staff at the crash site Saturday that one of the two Chinese girls who died from the crash may have been struck on the runaway.
"We were made aware of the possibility at the scene that day," Foucrault said, adding that he did not get a thorough look at the victims on Saturday to know if they had external injuries.
One of the bodies was found on the runway near where the plane's tail broke off upon impact, he said. The other was found on the left side of the aircraft about 30 feet away from where the Boeing 777 came to rest after it skidded down the tarmac and not far from an emergency slide.
San Francisco Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White did not return telephone calls from The Associated Press. Earlier Sunday, Hayes-White had said she did not know if the two dead girls were alive when her crews arrived on scene.
But she told the San Francisco Chronicle on Sunday that the girl found on the side of the airplane had injuries consistent with having been run over.
"As it possibly could have happened, based on the injuries sustained, it could have been one of our vehicles that added to the injuries, or another vehicle," she told The Chronicle. "That could have been something that happened in the chaos. It will be part of our investigation."
Foucrault said the autopsy, which he expects to be completed by Monday, will involve determining whether the girl's death was caused by injuries from the crash or "a secondary incident."
The teenagers' families are expected to arrive in San Francisco on Monday, and they will receive the autopsy results before they are made public, he said.
The coroner said both girls were pronounced dead at the airport.
Chinese state media and Asiana Airlines have identified the girls as Ye Mengyuan and Wang Linjia, students at Jiangshan Middle School in Zhejiang, an affluent coastal province in eastern China. They were part of a group of 29 students and five teachers from the school who were heading to summer camps in California, according to education authorities in China.
The group had been scheduled to arrive at the West Valley Christian Church's school in LA's San Fernando Valley on Monday after spending the weekend touring the Bay Area, school administrator Derek Swales said.
The high school and middle school students would have been taught English and American culture in the mornings and would have toured local universities and gone sight-seeing in the afternoons. Organizers of the camp had lined up host homes for the Chinese teens, Swales said.
Swales said a charter bus was heading north to pick up the teens when the crash landing occurred. He said the camp was postponed and the students will go back to their families.
Some church members have begun donating money, and church leaders were trying to figure out how to contribute to the families devastated by the crash.
"We want people to know that we care even though we have not met them," Pastor Glenn Kirby said.
While speaking to reporters at San Francisco General Hospital on Sunday, San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee called the questions being raised about a rescue vehicle possibly striking one of the victims "unsubstantiated."
"It was very, very hectic when they arrived minutes after the plane came to rest and there was smoke coming out, and people were trying to get out as quickly as they could," Lee said.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

‘Scholarship Scheme’ TB JOSHUA

Church offers succour to inventor, first class graduate
AN inventor, Mr. Kehinde Durojaye and a University of Lagos (UNILAG) Electrical/ Electronic Engineering First Class graduate, Miss Olayinka Oduwole, have been offered lifelines by Pastor Temitope Balogun Joshua of The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN). They got the succour during a service at the Ikotun-Egbe, Lagos headquarters of the church.
Speaking on the occasion, Oduwole, a youth supervisor at the church, who started attending SCOAN when she was five years old, remarked: “I finished secondary school at the age 15 and immediately gained admission into the university. I still recollect how the Prophet would come into our midst, counsel us, tell us about his life history, the challenges he faced and encourage us to be the best we can be. This has really motivated and inspired me.
Prophet TB Joshua
TB Joshua - Your rewards in life are determined by the problems you solve for someone else
“During my final year, the man of God called me and specifically told me that he wanted me to finish with a first class result. I was surprised and told him I was struggling between first class and second class upper. Prophet Joshua gave me anointed water and I read as if everything depended on it. When the grades came out, even in courses where others were failing, I had an ‘A’ and when my results were compiled, I finished with a first class result.”
At that point, the clergyman declared that the ministry would sponsor her to the best university in the world for her Masters Degree.
On his part, Durojaye said he was named a professor in 1991 shortly after the visit of the then military President, General Ibrahim Gbadamosi Babangida, came to an exhibition where his projects were displayed. Kehinde is at present a researcher and lecturer at UNILAG.
Speaking on one of his inventions, a land-and-sea vehicle, also referred to as an amphibian vehicle, he stated that he was able to put some materials together to present a faint glimpse of the idea of what he had in him. He added: “This is a new initiative that I invented. I only designed this one to move on land and sea. I started the building of this project right from my childhood. You can call it amphibian jet or a land-and-sea vehicle. I picked some of the materials I used from the refuse bin. I am loaded but because of poverty, I cannot help myself. If I should sit down, I will grow old and will not be able to do all these things. So it is better for me to just go out to struggle.
“I got to The Synagogue Church of All Nations through what I heard the man of God has been doing around the world. I was told he has been assisting people with talent and I believe God is going to use him to help me. I know he is going to help me to shoot this project and reveal it to the world. I am a beneficiary of what the prophet has done for my community in Bolorunpelu, Lagos, where he provided two transformers for the community.”
By Tope Templar Olaiya