Sunday, July 21, 2013


Mr Fredrick Babila received a phone call from his friend, Joseph Apanwun saying that he had a pain on his leg. When Babila went to see his friend, he discovered that what was worrying him was far more than a mere bout of pain.
He received treatment which had bad side effects and he started bleeding internally severely. Doctors confirmed that the laboratory analysis was misleading and was responsible for the wrong prescription.JOSEPH
He bled through his mouth and from his anus and developed various blood clots in different parts of his body. His blood level dropped drastically. He was so weak that he was not able to walk, stand or do anything by himself. He was bound to a wheelchair in the hospital for several days.
It was obvious that he would not survive from the ceaseless discharge of concentrated blood. He received many pints of blood transfusion which drained off as they were being given.
He was finally evacuated to a reference hospital on a six hour journey even though they feared he would not survive the journey. They had to use a military escort and ambulance to overcome difficulties they anticipated could frustrate the journey and endanger his life the more. The referral hospital examined him thoroughly and thought it was useless administering any medication as the case had reached its critical stage.
Mr Babila managed to obtain the Anointing Water and ministered it on his friend in faith. After the Anointing Water was ministered, to the shock of the hospital staff and all around, Joseph was able to sit up and began to walk. He got stronger by the day and later a test was conducted confirming that all traces of blood clots had utterly disappeared.
They showed medical reports stating clearly that before he had thrombosis but after the Anointing Water miracle, the test result was completely normal.

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