Sunday, July 21, 2013


Evangelist Mrs Glory Peter, Akwa-Ibom, Nigeria came from a background where a spiritual serpent was worshipped by the community.
Her grandfather was the chief priest and her father was his secretary. All women from that area faced disappointment in marriage.
She had a broken marriage and could not cope with the prospect of living as a divorcee. She had been diagnosed with blocked fallopian tubes, bleeding and periods of ceased menstruation which made her to not conceive.GLORY
Her purpose of visiting The SCOAN was to break that cycle of bondage.  She came with the belief that when she arrived at The SCOAN God would visit her and set her free. Indeed, God used Wise Man John Chi to deliver her.
Soon after that, back home, God gave her a wonderful life partner. A few months later, she began feeling unwell and heeded her husband’s advice to go for a medical checkup and she was found to be pregnant. Now, she had her baby whom she named, ‘Goodnews’. She can carry out her evangelistic work freely and without shame or reproach.

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