Friday, July 26, 2013


June 18 2013, will remain a day of terror for Mr Adjemena MacJaja, a fisherman from Rivers, Nigeria. What started like a normal day with routine checks on his boat and fishing gear, turned out to be a total nightmare and deadliest venture Adjemena will not forget in a hurry. On the fateful day, Mr Adjemena set sail on the Atlantic Ocean with two of his companions looking for fish.SEA Adjemena and his friends are no strangers to the ocean, as fishing is one major occupation the people of Rivers State would take to even at childhood. As was always the case, their search took them deep into the vast ocean.

Before mid-day, the trio had caught some sizeable fish and were already contemplating calling it a day when evil came knocking on their door. An unusual terrific storm hit their boat, rocking it and eventually breaking it into fragments. He and his companions were scared stiff. They had never experienced anything like that, not in his more than 35 years of acquaintance with the ocean as a fisherman.

The impact of the wave drove them deeper into frightening heights as they clung tenaciously to the broken pieces of what used to be their boat. It was while he was drifting deeper into the unfriendly waters, that he remembered he had a bottle of the Anointing Water and Anointing Sticker in the bag he had since formed a habit of carrying to everywhere he went.  He struggled to swim back to the belly of the boat where he effortlessly found his bag containing the Anointing Water and the Sticker.

Acting on the words of his mentor, Prophet T.B. Joshua, that, when you run out of rope, it is time to grab onto faith, he clung to the contents of his bag, believing that nothing ungodly could ever happen to him, no matter what. He then managed to fish out the Anointing Sticker and asked his companions to join hands in a spirit of camaraderie to pray for God’s intervention in their moment of despair. Surprisingly, one of them arrogantly refused to pray.

They started to condemn the devil, calling him a liar and kept shouting ‘Emmanuel!’ The wave did not cease but continued to push them further into unfamiliar terrain. There was no one to rescue them. They could not spot any other fishermen within the radius their already weakened eyes could see. Immediately after they had poured out those fervent and emotion-laden words of supplication to the Almighty Father, another violent wave rocked their only hope out of grip – sending the three of them at different directions.
That incident shattered their spirit of togetherness and dampened their hope of survival because they just realized that they needed one another for encouragement and consolation.  Soon, they would drift further apart and could not see each other anymore. Unfortunately, the young man who had refused to pray along with his companions was never to return. He died of exhaustion and frostbite.

Two days had passed before Mr Adjemena heard a voice telling him to let go of his bag. Knowing that it was the bag in which he had stored away The Anointing Water and Sticker, he was quick to recognize that voice as not of God. He rebuked it and rather managed to tighten the slings round his neck and his shoulder.

By the third day, alone in the ocean and without much strength left in him, he heard a voice say: “You shall not die”. Then all of a sudden, he spotted a trawler in the distance. He swam towards it with as much energy as he possibly could gather; knowing that it was an opportunity he could not afford to miss.

All of a sudden the ocean wave, combining with the wave generated from the gliding ship, tossed him several nautical miles helplessly out of sight in a matter of seconds. He thought to himself that the end had come. All he could imagine was the loving family and friends he had left behind. With his limbs completely stiffened by the coldness of the water and his entire body white as snow, he shut his eyes and prayed to God for mercy. He reached for The Anointing Sticker and clutched it fondly as if he was holding the hand of God. As he looked up, he noticed another ship in the distance which did not matter to him because that one was anchored. He knew that by and large, he would be able to swim to it.

Suddenly he felt something push him for about 15 minutes, drawing him closer to the ship. Before long, the men on the ship had spotted him and were encouraging him to forge ahead until they could safely throw an anchor to fish him out of water. When he reached a comfortable distance, an anchor was lowered for him to grab at but he missed it. A lifebuoy was thrown at him and before he knew it, he was rescued onto the ship.

“They bathed me with very hot water, yet it felt as cold. I was all white from the cold salted ocean water. Believe me, this is not Nollywood acting. It was real and true. This Anointing water is real. It saved me from death,” concluded Mr Adjemena.
Pastor Bobby of Living Faith Ministries aka Winners Chapel, friend  to Adjemena added to the testimony: “What happened to Mr Adjemena is not ordinary. I had always advised him to carry the Anointing Water and Sticker with him. I knew he would not die. When I visited him to ask what had saved him, he pointed at the Anointing Sticker and the Anointing Water.”

Pastor Bobby himself was also healed of kidney stones, spinal cord problem and a weak erection thanks to the Anointing water he had obtained from The SCOAN.

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