Wednesday, May 15, 2013


MR INNOCENT OLUCHI OCHIA -DELIVERED FROM SECRET CULTSMr Innocent Oluchi Chidozie Ochia – Imo State, Nigeria was an active member of some number of secret cults for many years. He is a graduate of Federal Polytechnic, Nekede in Imo State. He was an ardent church goer and a choir boy until one of his relations introduced him to various brands of drugs. They were into the music industry and those drugs were supposed to make him feel good and bold while on stage. Ironically, the influence of those drugs erased every passion for the things of God and he developed apathy to Christian music. He could consume large doses of those drugs every day and had to spend much of his pocket money in acquiring them. On one occasion, he had concealed himself behind the counter of a bar, smoking his weed and playing music very loud. Three beings appeared to him right there and one of them said that it could pick up his thoughts. He did not believe the being, and spoke in silence to test him. The beings responded correspondingly to prove that they could actually read his mind. They told him that they could discern that he wanted to be famous and that they could help him get to the top of his career. He asked to be helped. One of the beings stripped off and to his surprise, he saw that it was tattooed from the neck to the groin region. They started an initiation process and were making noises as if in a sex orgy. He could not stand the sight any longer and decided to walk away. He was threatened with premature death in four days if he walked out on them. He, however, tried to submit to the initiation. Back at the Polytechnic, his life took a different form. He could hear voices and interpret lyrics that he never was part of their making. He became fearless. He had no money but could get just whatever he wanted so long as he was dressed in a peculiar spiritual fashion that those beings had recommended. When he sang on stage and off-stage, he could hold people in trance and those who were unable to stand the situation had to run away. The drug addiction got so bad that he had to be sent to rehab. His academic career started diminishing. He never prayed and refused to pay his tithes any longer. He preferred to do his chores on the Sabbath day instead. He hated the things of God. Incidentally, he was invited to The SCOAN to witness the testimony of one of his aunts who had been delivered from demonic influence. He felt very uncomfortable in the church and would rather have some cigarettes and alcohol. During prayer by Wise man Daniel, he was arrested and felt the separation from the spiritual beings that had tormented him. The pain he felt on his leg also disappeared after he was touched and prayed for by the wise man. He advises the youths in particular that if they would make Heaven, they should avoid worldly affections such as smoking, doing drugs, drinking and lustfulness – telling them that Jesus Christ was not a womanizer or a drug addict.
He now enjoys reading the Bible and is eager to receive the Word of God that will inspire him.

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