Wednesday, May 15, 2013


MR AWALLU GABOH -DELIVERED OF BEDWETTINGMr Awallu Gaboh, a muslim had the problem of bedwetting and frequent urination for twenty years. It all started when a spirit being possessed him, which came and made love to him. The problem had made it impossible for him to get married or visit friends. His relations and friends could not understand why he would not marry. He visited several herbalists in search of solution but to no avail. Then, a friend of his gave him the Anointing Water which he ministered on his male organ and all over his body. When the spiritual wife attempted to force herself on him, he noticed that a very powerful ray of light was covering him and preventing the lady from coming close to him. After many attempts, she gave up and left. Since then, he has been free from the chronic case of bedwetting of over 20 years. Being a muslim, he said it was the first time he had entered a church (The SCOAN) but as he saw the way Prophet T.B. Joshua had treated people from all religions, he felt welcomed. He said that Prophet T.B. Joshua was sent to everyone regardless of their religion. He also changed his mind concerning getting married, stating that it was now possible.
Mr Abu Abdulazeez from Benue State had been childless for many years after marriage. The medical report stated their diagnosis of bacterial infection but his wife often told him that a certain spiritual man used to sleep with her and make love to her in the dream. Mr. Abdulazeez who is a military personnel, had the problem of addiction to alcohol for thirty-one years and could drink more than three cartons of beer in a single day and toMR ABU ABDULAZEEZ & WIFE -BARRENNESS & ALCHOLISM STOPPED worsen his situation, he always spent time in the company of his colleagues who were also habitual drinkers. After each drinking spree, he would usually lose his cell phone and end up being helped home in a state of stupor. He had attempted to quit the habit on his own but could not. He was always late to work on account of the drunkenness. On one occasion, he sleep-walked into an unfamiliar bush due to the effect of alcohol until he was saved by a man who told him that he had travelled close to Kogi State very far away from Abuja, his planned destination. He was also in the habit of returning home late at nights. He had lost three of his cars due to accidents resulting from drunkenness. One fateful day, he visited a friend and joined them in watching Emmanuel TV. He was astonished to see cases of drunkenness being delivered through the prayer of the man of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua. He joined in the prayer by placing his hand on the screen of the television. He invited his wife to place her hand on the television and she did. As soon as she placed her hand, she fell down and started manifesting. Soon after, his wife conceived. For himself, he tried to visit his former beer parlour where he ordered for a bottle of beer but it tasted of bitters and he had to spit it out. Since then, his addiction of 31 years stopped. Today, the wife is pregnant. Mr Abdulazeez does not visit beer parlours anymore and they now enjoy a very peaceful home.

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