Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Mr Samuel Freedom is the son of Camilla, a renowned Nollywood actress. He said he came to The SCOAN after his mother had been delivered of evil attacks and connection to the marine kingdom. He says that in a prophecy given to her by Prophet T.B. Joshua, his mother was asked where her son was. She responded that he was in Enugu and the man of God said he should be brought to The SCOAN. Previously, he had been practicing house to houseMR SAMUEL FREEDOM -SON OF NOLLYWOOD ACTRESS evangelism and praying for the sick with signs following, though he had never been delivered himself. He confessed that during that period, he had an affair with a lady from the same church where he worshipped. Thereafter, his spiritual life took a downward turn. He experienced some career failure and stagnation. Nothing was working for him; he became depressed and often heard a voice telling him to commit suicide. He began looking for alternatives; he started listening to worldly music and doing street dance. He formed a dance group and they wanted to create new moves. They researched online and found different demonic signs which they formulated into dance moves. He would have dreams where demons would teach him dance steps. He would then in turn teach others how to dance in that way. He wanted to get money; so, he searched on the internet and found the Illuminati website; he read everything on the website and saw the face of the master of the Illuminati. His first experience was an encounter with the master in a dream. The master appeared in the form of a serpent and then later transformed into a human being, giving him instructions. Thereafter, he started using some of those signs that represented Illuminati in dance steps on stage, but participants never got to know that those dance steps were glorifying demons and initiating them into the kingdom of darkness. The more the people adopted the dance steps, the more they were tormented by demons. He had a shirt with the Illuminati insignia, which he usually wore especially on stage. He had a computer game known as Prince of Persia which he always played during the day. At night, he would see himself as the character from the video game, the Prince of Persia, flying, fighting and doing everything the character in the game was doing. He was in the habit of masturbating even though he detested the act and would regret it later.
He eventually came to The SCOAN and was delivered after prayer from Wise Man Christopher. He no longer has the urge to masturbate, smoke or drink. He advised parents to keep objects of bad moral influence away from their children. He advised youth not to download worldly music on their phones. His advice to pastors was to run to God for mercy for He is a merciful God.

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