Friday, February 22, 2013


The man of God spoke concerning the accurate football prophecies he had given in the past and more recent times. He said when God speaks, the wise listen. The man of God replayed video footage of a football prophecy he gave concerning Nigeria and Guinea in 2011 and the fulfilment of that prophecy. As a communicator between the visible and invisible, Prophet T.B. Joshua watched the game of the Africa Cup of Nations between Nigeria and Guinea in a vision before the match was actually played. He said in 2011, that the game would not be favourable for Nigeria and that whoever scored first would win the game. It happened just as he had seen it in the vision God gave him; Nigeria did not qualify for the Africa Cup Of Nations in 2011.
Prophet T.B. Joshua asked God what he could do and God instructed him to pray and fast for three days, which he did and God showed him the way. After he had fasted and prayed, God told him that Nigeria would smile again. A week before the Africa Cup of Nations final match between Nigeria and Burkina Faso, 2013, Prophet T.B. Joshua singularly prophesied that Nigeria would win and this prophecy was published in a popular Nigerian newspaper, PM News, a week before the match took place! Indeed, Nigeria smiled as they took the Africa Cup of Nations in South Africa this year, 2013!

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