Friday, February 22, 2013


2Miss Alice Kwaje Williams came all the way from South Sudan to The SCOAN with a life-threatening situation. She was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a very active form of bone cancer that led her to be confined to a wheelchair. Medically speaking, the only option given was for them to amputate her leg. Once a bright university student in Uganda, she was facing the prospects of life without one of her legs. The situation was so critical that she could not put any weight whatsoever on her leg or move it an inch. After being booked for an amputation, Alice and her mum returned to South Sudan to meet with her family. The family, having watched Emmanuel TV, resolved that the only solution was to bring her to The SCOAN in Nigeria. Coming from a very poor home, they were financially crippled due to the amount of money her father had already spent on her hospital treatments. More than 100 people came together to contribute enough money for her and her parents to travel to The SCOAN in Lagos, Nigeria. Even the way she got her visa to Nigeria was miraculous. Her parents were told that it was impossible for a visa to be granted for a temporary passport. However, when they saw Alice’s condition and learned that she was coming to The SCOAN, they decided to issue her the visa immediately.
Even before her journey to The SCOAN, Mrs Williams had a dream where Prophet T.B. Joshua approached her and said, ‘Mama, don’t worry, your daughter is already healed.’ That strengthened their faith all the more. Upon arriving in The SCOAN, Alice was arranged at the prayer line. As Wise Man Daniel prayed for her, Mrs Williams said that she saw a bright white light envelop her daughter and she knew that the moment of healing had come. Immediately after the prayer, Alice began to walk for the first time in six months! She has since stayed two weeks in The SCOAN, spending time in God’s presence and recovering her strength. After hearing of the amount of people who came together to contribute towards her journey to The SCOAN, Prophet T.B. Joshua compassionately gave the family $3,000, to their greatest shock and surprise. The testimony ended with the family joyously dancing together.  There are no natural words to describe it except to say, ‘Thank You, Jesus.’

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