Friday, February 22, 2013

An Amazing Revival Sweeps over Brazil

Benny Hinn
Brazil is witnessing God’s anointing and power!
Reports are spreading about the anointing fire as an amazing revival sweeps over Brazil!
Beginning with packed-to-overflowing crowds in Brasilia’s Ministério da Fé (February 11), the intensity continued to grow for the first of two scheduled services in Sao Paulo’s Estádio da Portuguesa on February 12–13, 2013.
Expectations were already running high by midmorning Tuesday as people began gathering at the Sao Paulo arena for the 7 p.m. service. By noon, the 14,000-seat facility was filled with hundreds standing in the back and against the wall, praying for God’s power to anoint the coming service. By 4:15 p.m., over 2,000 people were lined up outside the arena and the atmosphere was charged. By service time, over 5,000 had gathered outside to listen via speakers.
Worship and Miracles
As soon as Pastor Benny stepped forward to begin worshipping, the power of God fell and spread like wildfire. Pastor waved his hand and thousands were slain in the Spirit. Miracles began happening all over the church property as he shared God’s Word.
Testimonies included a woman who had suffered for years from a neck injury caused by an automobile accident. She had reached the point that she could no longer move her head. She had constant migraines and jaw pain that affected her whole face. During the service, she suddenly felt the power of God touch her with heat pouring over her face, neck, and jaw. The pain left, and she was totally healed!
So many mighty miracles happened that it was impossible for all to share testimonies on the platform.
Services continue tonight (February 13) at Sao Paulo’s Estádio da Portuguesa. Then on February 14, services will move to Sao Paulo’s Igreja Apostolica Plenitude Do Trono De Deus, then on to Bola da Suframa in Manaus (February 16) and Ministério Internacional da Restauração in Manaus (February 17).
Promise to Return
 “I believe what we are seeing is a foretaste of what is going to happen in the coming days,” Pastor Benny Hinn reports from Brazil. “It’s so wonderful to be here with the lovely people of Brazil. An amazing revival is sweeping over this nation. We are witnessing God’s power in an amazing, historic way that I haven’t seen in years! And I plan to come back here as soon as possible. Our Lord Jesus said, ‘This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come’ (Matthew 24:14). This is literally happening in front of our eyes. And as we continue services here in Sao Paulo and Manaus, I ask partners all over the globe to intercede that God will continue to move mightily in Brazil and spread throughout South America. I ask for your prayers and your much-needed support.”
Be a Vital Part of Our Historic Events!
God is doing a mighty work through each Miracle Healing Service! As with the powerful services in Brazil, upcoming international crusades are increasingly expensive because of extensive travel and setup costs, yet the results continue to be both thrilling and eternal as souls receive Jesus Christ as Savior and people are miraculously healed. Pastor Benny will be journeying soon to South Africa for Miracle Healing Services in Johannesburg (March 12–13), Cape Town (March 14–15), Durban (March 16-17), Phoenix (March 19), Durban (March 20), and East London (March 21). Please believe with Pastor Benny Hinn for a supernatural harvest of souls in each of these places, and be part of these historic crusades through a sacrificial gift today!

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